Apache Users
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- Re: Do I need to reinstall if the manufacturer ships in /var/www and I need /usr/local/apache/htdocs/www?, (continued)
- php libraries,
Norman Fournier
- Apache web server v2.2.23 newbie questions., Ant
- Need help with multiple SSL certs + multiple domains,
Martin Drescher
- ProxyPass and authentication,
Radosław Smogura
- disable htaccess files,
Marc Fromm
- Apache not honoring SUID/GUID or FACL,
- htaccess file trouble,
Marc Fromm
- 500 status code responses, but the full/correct file contents are still sent to the user-agent,
Ben Johnson
- .htaccess in subdir affects, MIZiper
- [no subject],
- Authenticated read-only and write access for svn site, Derrick Lin
- Executing external command on specific log pattern,
Youssef Eldakar
- Authentication / Login with CAPTCHA, FINESEC
- VirtualHosts on mysql, now I need to support a certain directive, Moreno Gentili
- Redirect subdirectory to another virtualhost on Apache??,
Derrick Lin
- "The connection was reset" frequently when browsing httpd.apache.org, Ben Johnson
- Rewritecond to check if a Cookie Exists,
Nguyen, Bao L
- How to debug SetEnvIfNoCase command?,
Bhattacharya, Sudip
- Set multiple DocumentRoot,
- public_html folder in chroot environment,
val john
- MIME types not delivering,
J.Lance Wilkinson
- Newbie question about redirecting, james
- mod_proxy_ajp to jboss 7,
Joseph Wright
- OpenSSL vs. Mozilla's NSS,
Tom Browder
- External Rewriting Program on the iSeries, Hone Aziz (3Linc)
- mod_rewrite racing condition problem ?,
Søren Schrøder
- forward proxy + client certs, Jeszenszky Zoltán
- Enable mod_deflate on Incoming Request + mod_prox = Proxy Failure, Calvert, Zach (Zach)** CTR **
- New PHP user requests your assistance.,
Wes Smith
- mod_deflate - INFLATE filter problem,
Calvert, Zach (Zach)** CTR **
- Apache openssl upgrade, Michael Sobczak
- Locking Down httpd w/virtualhosts,
Nick Edwards
- Apache Reverse Proxy for Keberos-Enabled Website,
Nguyen, Bao L
- apache 2.4.3 and Require instead of Allow from,
Alain Roger
- Intermittent 500 responses in access.log without corresponding entries in error.log,
Ben Johnson
- Unable to launch the application, Prabhjot Kaur -X (prakaur - Aricent Technologies at Cisco)
- Mixed VirtualDocumentRoot and VirtualHost directives,
Terry Carmen
- Undefined reference to ap_subreq_core_filter_handle on Windows, Addison Elliott
- How to conditionally enable mod_deflate?,
Bhattacharya, Sudip
- Mod_wsgi,
Welsh, Neil
- Problem in killing long running CGI script,
hz hanks
- Rewrite Rule Question / Issue, Jared Griffith
- apache access permission,
- Adding a query with rewrite,
- Rewrite or Proxy?,
Chris Arnold
- mod_remoteip Client IP spoofing, Yoshinori Ehara
- Forcing to give username,
Gautier DI FOLCO
Chroot + ITK,
James Devine
RewriteCond - Multiple matches,
apache won't start,
Apache Query- RewriteRule,
vivek aggarwal
Mac OS X and SSL Client Certitficates,
Tom Browder
RedirectMatch using current server name,
WebSockets and Asynchronous IO,
Jess Holle
Help required with httpd-2.4.2,
Jitesh Verma
Apache Reverse Proxy to Backend Server Requiring PHP Auth., Brett Kimball
Enabling htpasswd only for specific part of site,
Take aWay
INFO: Marking servlet jsp as unavailable,
How to Enable/Disable mod_deflate compression basis custom request headers,
Bhattacharya, Sudip
Problem compiling Apache httpd-2.2.17 for 64 bit on RHEL version 6.2, declan harrison
undefined symbol: ap_args_to_table, Prabhjot Kaur -X (prakaur - Aricent Technologies at Cisco)
Client certificate authentication issues,
Difference of file in installation directory and /etc directory, Prabhjot Kaur -X (prakaur - Aricent Technologies at Cisco)
Apache + SUEXEC + PHP as CGI give Premature end of script headers, Alexandre Guillaume
Cipher suite negotiation details: available to CGI etc. scripts?,
Hugo Maxwell Connery
Setting headers with mod_proxy on Apache 2.2.23 works for http but not for https, Garbage
Apache 2.0 network alias not working,
Jose Mey
Citrix behind Apache HTTP reverse proxy sever problem,
Yuriy Medvedev
Windows error:OS 10055 in apache error logs.,
Abhishek Gupta
Monitoring Apache worker threads, Peter Phaal
Linux ACL not working, Jonis Maurin Ceará
Performance Hit with URL Rewriting and Proxying, Rommel Sharma
How to proxy based on user agent?,
Abhishek Gupta
R: Mod_rewrite and DirectoryIndex Issue, Christian Cioni
Mod_rewrite and DirectoryIndex Issue,
Christian Cioni
How to strip out the query parameter for specific URLs using mod_rewrite?,
Bhattacharya, Sudip
Apache 2.4 for windows????,
Cannot compile 2.2.x with mod_rewrite under CentOS 6.2, It's Me!
Apache + Tomcat + mod_jk ; Wrong content type. Why?, Joe Hansen
how to redirect a site via r301,
Bulent Malik
Configuration of virtual hosts,
Petr Hracek
SSLSessionCache - DSO Load Failed, Adam Jaber
server full name,
Cheerful Gao
Moving Apache from Solaris to Linux,
Graham Butler
Unable to connect to webdav folder from Win7, Robert S
SSL Client Certificates and CGI,
Tom Browder
availability of httpd 2.0.65,
Regev Ayelet
The timeout specified has expired: ajp_ilink_receive() can't receive header, Joe Hansen
Apache 2.4.3 - make error: recording name conflict (possible multiple inclusion of the same file), leo
Apache on Windows NFS Mount,
Brad Baker
mod_include: Options +Includes (or IncludesNoExec) wasn't set, INCLUDES filter removed,
Roel Wagenaar
apache getting stuck after reaching max number of max clients,
val john
mod_cache: (103)Software caused connection abort, Igor Galić
Forcing SSL while redirecting with query string intact, preventing "double-login problem" and preventing plaintext authentication,
Ben Johnson
Why does a DELETE transaction check for locks on Parent Collection,
Bennett, Tony
Apache Web Server Rewrite rule, Sudeep Pandey
Apache Web Server compatibility with Windows Server 2012, Felmi Irwan
wrong IP address in apache logs,
Rajeev Prasad
Multible SSL sites for a single httpd/IP,
congo thomas
Another stickysession question, sol myr
Win32 Binary without crypto (no mod_ssl) (MSI Installer): httpd-2.2.23-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi,
Rick Havern
Uploading files to Apache Server,
Bhattacharya, Sudip
How does mod_proxy_balancer know a session is still alive ?,
Apache2 - Logging,
Martin Lemanski
output compression when host has disabled mod_deflate, mod_gzip and php_value auto_prepend_file,
edward eric pedersson
Apache httpd + Tomcat - session affinity,
Jaroslav Fikker
Input filters that alter content-length, Ivan Prostran
OpenSSL version in Apache 2.2.23,
Görkem Durğüt
Change https to port 8000 instead of 443,
hive hbase integration,
rotatelogs: does it create directories?,
Esmond Pitt
mod_auth_form questions, Benson Margulies
Rewrites not working in 'server config',
David Hubbard
Possible bug with "If"-predicated MOVE, Timothy Wood
can't display or download images on new Apache install,
Rick Lopez
lazy threads, Mike Pechkin
Apache Proxy configuration question,
Jeremy T
mod_logio with mod_proxy_connect, Ewalt, Lucas
mod_proxy, ProxyPreserveHost, multiple host headers, mod_rewrite, Helmut Schneider
Apache 2.2 proxy worker not being created from within virtual host, Dan Nemec
creating a new module, lkoeste
httpd 2.2 ReverseProxy not working on 302 redirect location header,
Bhattacharya, Sudip
httpd 2.2.23 win32 src zip?, Andy Wang
a complex .htaccess redirect question,
Configure Apache as Reverse Proxy,
Nguyen, Bao L
building 2.4.3 --with-included-apr, Jeff Janes
Subversion Edge Apache Server Won't Start, Wang, Mary Y
Weird locking issue with mod_dav,
Werner Schalk
Apache and BEAST and CRIME attacks, Christoph Anton Mitterer
DirectoryIndex fails to serve file to proxy (php-fpm, proxy_fcgi_module),
httpd 2.2.23 win32 binaries, Лысенко Андрей
Download breaks in the middle,
val john
mod_proxy_balancer, balancer_manager questions,
Colin Murtaugh
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache HTTP Server 2.2.23 Released, Jim Jagielski
Linux -Apache 2 - mod_fcgid -Perl - premature end of script error, Ganthimathi Periasamy
gzipping via mod_deflate, the DeflateBufferSize, the Content-Length header, and download progress in Web browsers,
Ben Johnson
error 404 from a page that does not exist,
Marc Fromm
Need tips on compiling Apache,
Frank Mancini
Customized Stickiness,
sol myr
Apache 3.4.3 or 3.3.1 Pre-Compiled Versions,
Frank Mancini
Questions on Apache Caching,
Bhattacharya, Sudip
Map a subfolder in a virtualhost (with remote proxy) to a local folder,
Bhattacharya, Sudip
How to strip existing expires/max-age headers and add new,
Bhattacharya, Sudip
Re: Virtual Hosts and SSL Config: Hoist Common Directives Above Server Blocks? [SOLVED], Tom Browder
Transferring xhr messages between Apache and a Persistent Program,
Bob Furber
Order of requests,
Abhishek Chanda
httpd 2.2.22, mod_jk, open_ssl, does not appear to be running secure,
Law, Bob
Satya Prakash Prasad
Virtual Hosts and SSL Config: Hoist Common Directives Above Server Blocks?,
Tom Browder
Thread safety for modules,
Alex Bligh
Several OpenERP instances, Guillaume JULLIEN
Segfault in ap_core_output_filter - how to debug?, Alex Bligh
can't get apache 2.2.22 and mod_ldap to work, John Adamski
Cannot compile Apache with APR-util support, Laura Martín
FYI on mod_whatkilledus/mod_backtrace updates,
Jeff Trawick
Building mod_session_crypto, can't seem to get enough crypto, Benson Margulies
HTTPD 2.2.17 removes/filters http header 'Warning' from response,
Anoop L
Problems with enabling LDAP support in version 2.4.3,
Muzinich, Mike
URL Requests being use to probe my server,
Jason T. Slack-Moehrle
What verification does Apache do as part of SSLVerifyClient?,
Problem in configuring "WebDAV" on Debian Squeeze,
Ajay Garg
Fwd: scorebord permissions, Nick Edwards
httpd on Debian,
Ajay Garg
Is it possible to start httpd, with reading the certificates of non-root user?,
Ajay Garg
You must select one and only one option from the INET single,
Jos Chrispijn
httpd-2.2.22 compatibility with openssl 1.0.1c, vineet vinod
mod_rewrite rules give 500 error,
Jack Knowlton
Apache + 2 tomcat appserver failover configuration,
Ed Young
Why are my posts to the httpd.apache.org list bouncing?,
Ed Young
issue with mod_cache and mod_proxy in 2.4.x, Johnny . BARRAY
Roy Dellray
Pass Phrase encrypted private key and certificate and FIPS enabled mod_ssl, Ruiyuan Jiang
balancer configuration URL exception,
Ed Young
Make Error Apache 2.4.3 (UNCLASSIFIED),
httpd 2.2.22 load mod_deflate failed.,
feng jing
Installing JIR 5.1x on Tomcat-7 Linux,
Ahmed Elbaggari
.php or .html, Jos Chrispijn
Apache 2.4.2 Error Log Oddness,
Kevin A. McGrail
using mod_status with multiple Virtual Hosts,
Smith, Mitchell
replace an ip @ by a "normal" URL,
Re: get message "File does not exist" randomly, Meike Stone
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable,
Aures Hospitality
Apache httpd 2.4.3 windows installer (.msi) with OpenSSL,
Thakur, Praveen Kumar
ModPHP performance is good, FastCGI is not: Resource limit? Lock? Race condition?, Ben Johnson
mem_disk_cache not activated, Carl-Erik Kopseng
HTTP Server 2.4.2 : No cache when in Forward Proxy, Johnny . BARRAY
mod_extract_forwarded or mod_rpaf for Apache 2.2/2.4?,
Marten Lehmann
Issue with HTTP methods (DELETE,PUT) not being accepted (returning 405 Method not allowed),
Scott Bigelow
Large static files - no mod_xsendfile available,
Apache 2.4.2/PHP-FPM via ProxyPass/htaccess-Problem,
Konrad Neuwirth
FIPS disabled by httpd 2.4.3,
Ruiyuan Jiang
Handle Multi-Domain Traffic,
unjc email
[no subject], Meike Stone
Apache fails to start, without explanation, when certain SSL-related directives are misconfigured,
Ben Johnson
Two OS's, two HTTPDs, two different handlings of Mime Type?,
J.Lance Wilkinson
Content-Length is always 0,
Asaf Dalet
An interesting observation,
Ajay Garg
problems installing mod_ldap when compliing httpd 2.2.22,
John Adamski
Does mod_authnz_external deprecate both pam and sys_group, kharper2
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache HTTP Server 2.4.3 Released, Jim Jagielski
scoreboard is full, not at MaxRequestWorkers,
problem with virtual host to access from another computer, Alain Roger
mod_rewrite And Browser Caching,
Drew Tomlinson
Unbelievable : one single apache process uses more than whole server memory (5 gigabytes) !,
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