When I try to run it on another server, I get errors like:
ld.so.1: httpd: fatal: libpcre.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory
which I'm guessing is because I moved the binaries to a different server.
From: frank69m@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 07:28:06 -0700
Subject: Need tips on compiling Apache
So, I'm new to compiling. I'm trying to compile both on a linux red hat server and a Solaris 10 server
So lets start off with Solaris, I want to do the typical
./configure --prefix=/my/home/directory --with-pcre=/installs/pcre
which seems to work and compile, but I noticed there are many references to external libraries and when moving to another server, it won't work
For 64-bit, I'm assuming you need to setup the
Do I also need to setup the LDFLAGS and LD_LIBRARY_PATH?