I'm glad to join this help channel.
I'm running on my server for my website and my rutorrent client.
For those who don't know what is rutorrent it's a torrent client managed by http.
When you install rutorrent it also sets up the htpasswd so each user has its own rutorrent page.
Before I installed the rutorrent I put my website files in the /var/www folder, after the rutorrent was installed the apache server loads the content in the /var/rutorrent folder.
So now if I list the content of the /var/rutorrent folder I have both the rutorrent and the website files separated by folders.
And the main index.html file which looks like this:
<a href="">rutorrent</a>
<a href="">site</a>
Right now if I browse my page I'm being asked for an htpasswd (the ones I configured when installing the rutorrent).
I would to be able to browse my site dir which is my website without being asked for htpasswd unless I go to the rutorrent page.
How do I do that ?
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