Linux Speakup
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- Goodies Files,
Radical NetSurfer
- speakup CVS & Ubuntu Edgy,
Lorenzo Taylor
- DoubleTalk Programming,
Radical NetSurfer
- Speech Dispatcher with Emacspeak Server,
Sean Murphy
- command in debian to find out if any packages are on hold,
Nick Gawronski
- gentoo iptables problem,
Jude DaShiell
- thunder screen reader,
Jude DaShiell
- Web browsers,
- Ecasound,
- getting the kernel initrd image to build,
Nick Gawronski
- Question about iptables in Debian,
- looking for free daisy 3 player,
Jane Jordan (gmail)
- trouble compiling speechd-up 0.4,
John Heim
- Jaws 7.10 not working with FireFox 1.5xx,
Radical NetSurfer
- JAWS 7.10 Windows 98SE,
Radical NetSurfer
- O.T.: Using garnome to build gnome,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- Doubletalk Speaker,
Radical NetSurfer
- orca/lsr comparison wanted,
Kirk Reiser
- Sound systems (Was:) Re: software synth on old laptop,
Michael Whapples
- ubuntu install success,
Jude DaShiell
- N V D A not working in Windows 98SE,
Radical NetSurfer
- software synth on old laptop,
John Heim
- Question about setting up email,
- interesting reading,
Jude DaShiell
- gentoo errors question,
Jude DaShiell
- debian installation issues-please help,
- Speakup Modified Fedora, updated,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- speakup for etch v. of debian,
Ned Granic
- DecTalk ISA Annoyances!,
Radical NetSurfer
- Mplayer works great,
- Updating the Speakup archive,
Tom Moore
- Kernel Oops with Linux-, Speech-dispatcher-0.6.1, and Speechd-up-0.4,
Igor Gueths
- Problems installing Speakup Modified,
Radical NetSurfer
- Talking caller ID with Asterisk,
- Fw: ISA to USB adapter,
Glenn at home
- Fw: Motherboard with ISA slot,
Glenn at home
- speech-dispatcher problem,
Hoa Nguyen Dang
- wanted: accent driver disk,
Tyler Spivey
- Accessible player?,
- Fetchmail and SSL,
- Message not available
- doubletalk lt,
randy turner
- doubletalk lt,
randy turner
- doubletalk lt,
Gregory Nowak
- doubletalk lt,
randy turner
- doubletalk lt,
Gregory Nowak
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
Jonathan Duddington
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
Glenn at home
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
Tyler Spivey
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
randy turner
- Install w/o hardware synth (Re: What's the advantage of a hardware synth?),
John Heim
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
Gregory Nowak
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
David Csercsics
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
Nick G
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
Ari Moisio
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
Janina Sajka
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
randy turner
- What's the advantage of a hardware synth?,
randy turner
- startech serial card,
randy turner
- startech serial card,
Gregory Nowak
- startech serial card,
randy turner
- startech serial card,
Gregory Nowak
- startech serial card,
randy turner
- startech serial card,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- startech serial card,
Willem van der Walt
- startech serial card,
Luke Yelavich
- startech serial card,
randy turner
- startech serial card,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- startech serial card,
randy turner
- startech serial card,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- startech serial card,
randy turner
- startech serial card,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- startech serial card,
randy turner
- startech serial card,
randy turner
- startech serial card,
Gregory Nowak
- startech serial card,
Janina Sajka
- Fetchmail and SSL,
Gregory Nowak
Question about ProFTPD,
Linux Programming,
Radical NetSurfer
- Linux Programming,
Luke Yelavich
- Linux Programming,
Kirk Reiser
- Linux Programming,
Radical NetSurfer
- Linux Programming,
Igor Gueths
- Linux Programming,
Igor Gueths
- Linux Programming,
Radical NetSurfer
- Linux Programming,
Luke Yelavich
- Linux Programming,
Radical NetSurfer
- installing remotely,
Butch Bussen
- installing remotely,
Tom Moore
- installing remotely,
Butch Bussen
- installing remotely,
Janina Sajka
- installing remotely,
Butch Bussen
- installing remotely,
Chris Norman
- installing remotely,
Butch Bussen
- installing remotely,
Janina Sajka
- Linux Programming (DecTalk),
Radical NetSurfer
- Linux Programming,
Janina Sajka
- <Possible follow-ups>
- linux programming,
Jude DaShiell
debian with speakup installation problem.,
Failure to Install Speakup FC6,
Radical NetSurfer
Making grub beep in Debian,
Chuck Hallenbeck
GRML with Festival/Speakup/Speech-Dispatcher,
Eric Magnus
Radical NetSurfer
Setting up email,
Ned some help with FC6,
Www browser,
Juan Hernandez
IBM TTS crashing with latest version of Dispatcher or speakd-up,
Sean Murphy
Two Fedora thingies,
Buddy Brannan
Albert E. Sten-Clanton
how to resolve linking errors when compile espeak from source,
Joshua Lambert
SpeechD-Up 0.4 Released,
Hynek Hanke
Punctuation with Espeak,
Steve Holmes
Have now installed Fedora Core 6 but problems,
speakup-2.0 installation errors,
Hoa Nguyen Dang
Firefox: An open source accessibility success story,
Sina Bahram
modprobe speakupmain hangs,
Hynek Hanke
ubuntu possible hardware sensitivity,
Jude DaShiell
bookshare linux unpack tool,
Cheryl Homiak
multiple soundcards,
Gregory Nowak
IP1200 with speakup kernel?,
Cannot install Fedora Core 6,
TFTP server?,
A couple problems,
Guy Schlosser
Switching to Linux with a few questions,
Linux Access Wiki,
USB DEC Express,
configuration assistance needed,
Chuck Hallenbeck
Question about installing Fedora Core 6,
Speakup Ignoring Text?,
Hart Larry
speakup with ubuntu,
Jude DaShiell
debian unstable python is broken,
Jude DaShiell
Why is Virtualization needed for the installation to be successful in FC6?,
speakup and edgy eft,
Joshua Lambert
Possible problem with FC6 dvd on,
debian kernel upgrade,
Jude DaShiell
feisty speakup and kernel pre-emption again,
Joshua Lambert
kernel config default synth,
John Heim
Feisty SpeakUp,
Henrik Nilsen Omma
The Speakup Modified Fedora Distribution Returns,
Janina Sajka
[speakup-enabled etch images],
Rylan Vroom
speakup-enabled etch images,
Joshua Lambert
Probably bug in speakup,
Jan Buchal
File system erase the softsynth device,
Jan Buchal
Speech-dispatcher not speaking certain characters,
Tom Moore
Fedora Core 6 and speakup?,
test, please disregard,
Luke Davis
Attn: Kirk,
File Recovery Tools?,
Hart Larry
is philwh@xxxxxxxx still around?,
Tyler Spivey
my old computer no longer available,
Chuck Hallenbeck
experimental orca backend to spech dispatcher,
Joshua Lambert problem solved,
Chris Norman
Brltty question,
Willem van der Walt,
Chris Norman
Updated and renamed Fedora Core Development disks,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
speakup archives,
Kirk Reiser
More software speech problems,
Chris Norman
speakup-modified speak_freely slackware package available,
Joshua Lambert
more packages for slackware available,
Joshua Lambert
can't access the list archives,
Gregory Nowak
Software speech help,
Chris Norman
slackware packages of interest,
Joshua Lambert
festival and speech dispatcher FC6,
Guy Schlosser
ot: wav to mp3 linux tool?,
Michael Whapples
no sound at command line,
Guy Schlosser
Accessibility university course proposal,
Juan Hernandez
finding the fc6 test dvd,
Scott Berry
ancient speech synthesizers,
Tyler Spivey
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Reinhard Stebner
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Glenn at home
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: wav to mp3 linux tool?,
Karen Lewellen
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Tyler Littlefield
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Gregory Nowak
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Glenn at home
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Gregory Nowak
- ancient speech synthesizers,
John Heim
- ancient speech synthesizers,
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Marcel Oats
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Gregory Nowak
- ancient speech synthesizers,
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Michael Whapples
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Marcel Oats
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Richard Villa
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Michael Whapples
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Marcel Oats
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Angelo Sonnesso
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Gregory Nowak
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Marcel Oats
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Kirk Reiser
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Shaun Oliver
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Steve Holmes
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Kirk Reiser
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Marcel Oats
- Major Bonehead move:,
Stephen Dawes
- Major Bonehead move:,
Littlefield, Tyler
- Major Bonehead move:,
Devon Stewart
- Major Bonehead move:,
covici at
- Major Bonehead move:,
acollins at
- Major Bonehead move:,
Jason White
- Major Bonehead move:,
- Major Bonehead move:,
Tony Baechler
- Major Bonehead move:,
Dawes, Stephen
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Glenn at home
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Glenn at home
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Chris Norman
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Joseph C. Lininger
- ancient speech synthesizers,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- ancient speech synthesizers,
W. Nick Dotson
Test - please ignore.,
Chris Norman
Fixed speakupconf,
Garrett Klein
speakupconf saving zero-length files,
Garrett Klein
Speakup and streaming audio problem,
Austin Seraphin
ubuntu ubiquity?,
Jude DaShiell
Can't figure out how to use cops to print to a network print server,
Mike Keithley
2.6.18 looking good,
Chuck Hallenbeck
does my gpg work?,
Tyler Spivey
boot parameters,
Jude DaShiell
slackware isos,
Jude DaShiell
gentoo after installation,
Jude DaShiell
making sure I have the latest debian sarge release with apt-get,
Nick Gawronski
slackware 11.0 and speakup,
Joshua Lambert
Slackware ISO Images,
Steve Holmes
A version of Speakup... for your cell phone?,
James Homuth
Slackware 11.0 released :),
Ralph W. Reid
kernel pre-emption and software speech,
Joshua Lambert
Espeak strangness,
Garrett Klein
A minor change to espeak-generic.conf,
Lorenzo Taylor
Greetings from Ubuntu,
Henrik Nilsen Omma
Speakup going quiet on scrolling text,
Luke Davis
Dvd full ripping?,
Paul Migliorelli +1-303-552-6970
new home needed for old computer,
Chuck Hallenbeck
did I mess up royal?,
Guy Schlosser
Modularization Problem with Current CVS?,
Luke Davis
CVS Speakup: bug or feature?,
Luke Davis
a couple orca tips,
Jude DaShiell
orca on ubuntu,
Jude DaShiell
help with espeak?,
Speakup on x86_64,
OCR on Linux: great news,
Lorenzo Taylor
up and running with 2.6.18,
Chuck Hallenbeck
[advise needed on kernel compiling],
Rylan Vroom
edgie not speaking.,
Shaun Oliver
[ssh file transfering],
Rylan Vroom
advice needed on kernel compiling,
Chuck Hallenbeck
Message not available
Edgy and speakup,
Chris Norman
a note for those patching 2.6.18 with current cvs,
Gregory Nowak
Errors and crashing,
Juan Hernandez
ssh file transfering,
Ned Granic
Please Help - speakup cvs installation - patch errors,
Hoa Nguyen Dang
getting speech during install from edgie,
Shaun Oliver
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