Perhaps someone can please sterr me in the right direction with this request: I have the standard Fedora Core 5 working just fine for me on 2 different machines. As I have mentioned earlier, I happen to have both a Double Talk ISA and a Dec Talk ISA card. I have tried all by myself to create a plugin for Xchat for Linux that would send all the chat text to an appropriate card. Lets concentrate with Doubletalk ISA. I am using an inline assembly block. It compiles perfectly fine. The plugin is accepted and appears to work only until I initialized the Doubletalk ISA card, the Xchat abruptly closes. I suspect that I need to ask permission from Linux to be allowed to access the DMA address space that the Doubletalk ISA card is using, and since I did not make formal request to use these memory addresses, Linux responds by totally shutting down Xchat IRC client. My question is simply this: Could I find help from someone who would be willing to point to books on how to write proper modern linux drivers (under Fedora Core), or to another mailing list where we can chat purely about programming issues. I also have gaim, and use AOL's Instant Messenger. If you would love to discuss either installation issues with Speakup or Linux Programming issues, please let me know. Let me just mention that I have a working version of a DLL plugin for Xchat IRC Clinet under Windows 98SE for both the Doubletalk and the DecTalk Cards... so based on that I know I must be on the correct track. The situation is of course, Windows 98SE is not picky about allowing software to access hardware without getting special permission from the operating system. But at least I know the inline assembly code does indeed work properly by themselves. My goal is to learn how to achieve this success with Linux. Thank you. //Rich// ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsored Link Get an Online or Campus degree Associate's, Bachelor's, or Master's - in less than one year.