I was able to get into the ftp site and download all of the files in the Goodies directory. Thank you for the help. I was not able to read some of the files on Fedora Core yet because Fedora did not want recognize what application to run on some of the documentation, but I'm sure I will get that sorted out fine. Some of this material looks identical to that which came with Doubletalk, some of it is not. I truly hope everyone here believes we should be very careful with this information, because it is definitely important to people. both Linux and XP can be installed on P3's which still have ISA slots and operate at a reasonable enough speed to make them practical for everyday home or office use; therefore every scrap of information about ISA cards should be held on to and allowed to be shared, and that goes for other so-called legacy or deprecated technology as well. As I said, I have all the files from the ftp://linux-speakup.org/pub/linux/goodies/ directory. I must of been lucky this morning. I also now have Fedora Core 6 CD's. I hope they all check out, hopefully by this weekend I plan on trying to get it installed. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! //Rich// ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsored Link $420k for $1,399/mo. Think You Pay Too Much For Your Mortgage? Find Out! www.LowerMyBills.com/lre