Libreoffice - Date Index
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- Week #9 and Week #10 report
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Connect to lo with lo.
- From: Stef Bon <stefbon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why is PolyPolygonShape excluded from DML export?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Connect to lo with lo.
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Connect to lo with lo.
- From: Stef Bon <stefbon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Connect to lo with lo.
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Connect to lo with lo.
- From: Stef Bon <stefbon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Week #10 Report - GSoC - 100 Paper Cuts
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Week #10 Report GSoC Make SVM format independent of the VCL Metafile
- From: Πανος Κοροβεσης <panoskorovesis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- freetype2 2.11.0-1.1 Update Breaks on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Infra call on Tue, Aug 17 at 16:30 UTC
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-08-12
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Aug-21
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build Failure on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after distro upgrade: `NSSUTIL_3.59' not found
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Week#9 Progress Report
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- Review for: tdf#143432 and more, improve wrap contour export
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-08-12 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Karan Abrol license statement
- From: karan abrol <karan.abrol1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pointers for updating tests after changing PDF export defaults
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Ankur Khandelwal license statement
- From: Ankur Khandelwal <khandelwalankur176@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I submit patches from my colleagues?
- From: Hossein Nourikhah <hossein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Yıldıray Üsküdar license statement
- From: yıldıray üsküdar <yildiray_uskudar@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- pointers for updating tests after changing PDF export defaults
- From: Stéphane Guillou <stephane.guillou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a lockedCanvas in MSWord?
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC - Weekly Report - #9 - Table styles
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-01
- From: Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Any (class)
- From: Dante Doménech <dante19031999@xxxxxxxxx>
- Week #9 Report GSoC Make SVM format independent of the VCL Metafile
- From: Πανος Κοροβεσης <panoskorovesis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Any (class)
- From: Dante Doménech <dante19031999@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Week #9 Report - GSoC - 100 Paper Cuts
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Xml import / export from string
- From: Dante Doménech <dante19031999@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Xml import / export from string
- From: Tomaž Vajngerl <quikee@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Xml import / export from string
- From: Dante Doménech <dante19031999@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Can I submit patches from my colleagues?
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-08-05
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Can I submit patches from my colleagues?
- From: Jeff Huang <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Week #8 Progress Report
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-08-05 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-08-04 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Install LibreOffice on AIX 7.2 server
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Install LibreOffice on AIX 7.2 server
- From: Ahmad Moslmani <amoslmani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Oguz BALKAYA license statement
- From: OĞUZ BALKAYA <oguz.balkaya@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Important: AskBot migration
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: suspicious needed in CppunitTest/
- From: Jean-Baptiste Faure <jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Week #8 report
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- Zeynep Yavuz license statement
- From: Zeynep Yavuz <zeynepyavuz2001@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Emircan Agac license statement
- From: iTheSadSon <thesadson@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC - Weekly Report - #8 - Table styles
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: suspicious needed in CppunitTest/
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Week #8 Report GSoC Make SVM format independent of the VCL Metafile
- From: Πανος Κοροβεσης <panoskorovesis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Week #7 - #8 Report - GSoC - 100 Paper Cuts
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC progress report (Week - 7,8)
- From: Akshit <akshitsan13@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to create a lockedCanvas in MSWord?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- suspicious needed in CppunitTest/
- From: Jean-Baptiste Faure <jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-29
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Question on Python strings
- From: Olivier Hallot <olivier.hallot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: JunitTest_ucb_complex test hangs after 739aaf02db335 on Linux x86
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- JunitTest_ucb_complex test hangs after 739aaf02db335 on Linux x86
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Week #6 and #7 Report
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-07-29 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a lockedCanvas in MSWord?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Report of Week #6 and #7
- From: Shubham Jain <shubham656jain@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a lockedCanvas in MSWord?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Week #7 report
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a lockedCanvas in MSWord?
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC - Weekly Report - #7 - Table styles
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build Failure on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after distro upgrade: `NSSUTIL_3.59' not found
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to create a lockedCanvas in MSWord?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- <Huilin Tang> license statement
- From: Huilin Tang <lynntang12138@xxxxxxxxx>
- MacUpdate - your app listing has been updated
- From: MacUpdate <updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-22
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Sabyasachi Bhoi license statement
- From: Sabyasachi Bhoi <sabyabhoi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build error with freebl: prtypes.h:556:38: error: size of array ‘arg’ is negative
- From: Paul Menzel <pmenzel+libreoffice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Jul-22
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-07-22 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build error with freebl: prtypes.h:556:38: error: size of array ‘arg’ is negative
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why is PolyPolygonShape excluded from DML export?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why is PolyPolygonShape excluded from DML export?
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Build error with freebl: prtypes.h:556:38: error: size of array ‘arg’ is negative
- From: Paul Menzel <pmenzel+libreoffice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Wols Lists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Marc <Marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Week #6 report
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- Why is PolyPolygonShape excluded from DML export?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Stef Bon <stefbon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error during start of building LibreOffice
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Marc <Marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC - Weekly Report - #6 - Table styles
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Infra call on Tue, Jul 20 at 16:30 UTC
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- YakovlevAl license statement
- From: Александр Яковлев <yyakovlev.aleksandr@xxxxxxx>
- GSoC progress report (Week - 6)
- From: Akshit <akshitsan13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Tor Lillqvist <tml@xxxxxx>
- Re: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Stef Bon <stefbon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Week #6 Report - GSoC - 100 Paper Cuts
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Error during start of building LibreOffice
- From: Andrew Udvare <audvare@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Marc <Marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Stef Bon <stefbon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Week #6 Report - GSoC - Make SVM format independent of the VCL Metafile
- From: Πανος Κοροβεσης <panoskorovesis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Build failure, Error: no matching function for call on x86 Linux
- From: Rene Engelhard <rene@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build failure, Error: no matching function for call on x86 Linux
- From: Rene Engelhard <rene@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build failure, Error: no matching function for call on x86 Linux
- From: Rene Engelhard <rene@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build failure, Error: no matching function for call on x86 Linux
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build failure, Error: no matching function for call on x86 Linux
- From: Rene Engelhard <rene@xxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC week 5 summary : Integrating .ui dialogs with strings
- From: sary nasser <sarynasser1@xxxxxxxxx>
- loading component library </mergedlo.dll> failed
- From: 宋河川 <shc8marry@xxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-15
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Jul-15
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build failure, Error: no matching function for call on x86 Linux
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Stef Bon <stefbon@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-07-15 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Marc <Marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Weekly Report - #5 - Unit Tests
- From: Shubham Jain <shubham656jain@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC 5th week Progress Report - Data Providers
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Important: AskBot migration
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: lt_string_value assertion and MS x-none languagetag (was: testVerticallyMergedCellBorder failing on some systems)
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: testVerticallyMergedCellBorder failing on some systems
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lt_string_value assertion and MS x-none languagetag
- Re: lt_string_value assertion and MS x-none languagetag
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- lt_string_value assertion and MS x-none languagetag (was: testVerticallyMergedCellBorder failing on some systems)
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: testVerticallyMergedCellBorder failing on some systems
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: testVerticallyMergedCellBorder failing on some systems
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can some characters, '<' and '>' add in Korean Line break rules file on LibreOffice?
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: testVerticallyMergedCellBorder failing on some systems
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC - Weekly Report - #5 - Table styles
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC progress report (week-5)
- From: Akshit <akshitsan13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Week #5 Report - GSoC - Make SVM format independent of the VCL Metafile
- From: Πανος Κοροβεσης <panoskorovesis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Week #5 Report - GSoC - 100 Paper Cuts
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Week #4 and Week #5 Update - Sidebar
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Feature request (Impress): Add audio and video control in slides
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Feature request (Impress): Add audio and video control in slides
- From: Jonas Baumgardt <jonas.baumgardt@xxxxxxxx>
- Can some characters, '<' and '>' add in Korean Line break rules file on LibreOffice?
- From: DaeHyun Sung <sungdh86@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- testVerticallyMergedCellBorder failing on some systems
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Row height test failing for some on Windows
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-08
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-08
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Row height test failing for some on Windows
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: [Libreoffice-qa] ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-08
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-08
- From: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-08
- From: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-08
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Jul-07
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gsoc week 3,4 summary : Integrating .ui dialogs with strings
- From: sary nasser <sarynasser1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building the whole LibreOffice instead of running a single test
- From: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-07-08 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 4th Week Progress Report - GSoC Data Providers
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Are there ideas for client-server model.
- From: Stef Bon <stefbon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building the whole LibreOffice instead of running a single test
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Weekly Report - #4 - Unit Tests
- From: Shubham Jain <shubham656jain@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building the whole LibreOffice instead of running a single test
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Building the whole LibreOffice instead of running a single test
- From: Radhey Parekh <radhey.parekh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Week #4 Report - GSoC - 100 Paper Cuts
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC progress report(week-4)
- From: Akshit <akshitsan13@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC - Weekly Report - #4 - Table styles
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Weekly Report
- From: Πανος Κοροβεσης <panoskorovesis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-01
- From: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-07-01
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Jul-01
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-07-01 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is ScAreaLink::RefreshHdl run too often?
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is ScAreaLink::RefreshHdl run too often?
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is ScAreaLink::RefreshHdl run too often?
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is ScAreaLink::RefreshHdl run too often?
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is ScAreaLink::RefreshHdl run too often?
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is ScAreaLink::RefreshHdl run too often?
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is ScAreaLink::RefreshHdl run too often?
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Where are my files?
- From: Dan Lewis <elderdanlewis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Where are my files?
- From: Vivian Zhang <zhangyvivian@xxxxxxxxx>
- BaiXiaochun license statement
- From: "bai.xiaochun.mofan" <bai.xiaochun.mofan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Week #3 Report - GSoC - 100 Paper Cuts
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is ScAreaLink::RefreshHdl run too often?
- From: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Gsoc 3rd week Progress
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using Java on macOS ARM64
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Is ScAreaLink::RefreshHdl run too often?
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: REMINDER LibreOffice Conference Call for Papers
- From: sophi <sophi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Two options to autocorrect dashes
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Weekly Report - #2 - Unit Tests
- From: Shubham Jain <shubham656jain@xxxxxxxxx>
- Week #3 update Sidebar
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is the best fit for hindiVowels import? CHARS_PERSIAN or CHARS_NEPALI
- From: DaeHyun Sung <sungdh86@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Review of 'Improve wrap margins in docx filters'
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is the best fit for hindiVowels import? CHARS_PERSIAN or CHARS_NEPALI
- From: Mark Hung <marklh9@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC - Weekly Report - #3 - Table styles
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- mailto:libreoffice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- From: "Joseph C. O'Connor" <joecoc1952@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Review of 'Improve wrap margins in docx filters'
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is the best fit for hindiVowels import? CHARS_PERSIAN or CHARS_NEPALI
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC progress report (week-3)
- From: Akshit <akshitsan13@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting minutes: 2021-06-24
- From: Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Libreoffice-qa] ESC meeting minutes: 2021-06-24
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-06-24
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Harshita Nag License Statement
- From: Harshita Nag <nagharshita16@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-24 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Michael Warner <michael.warner.ut@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-24 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- What is the best fit for hindiVowels import? CHARS_PERSIAN or CHARS_NEPALI
- From: Justin Luth <justin_luth@xxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Jun-23
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-24 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-24 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-24 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Default set to save like office extension is not working
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Default set to save like office extension is not working
- From: Ulisses Féres <uferes2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Gsoc week 2 Integrating .ui dialogs with strings
- From: sary nasser <sarynasser1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Weekly Report - #2 - Unit Tests
- From: Shubham Jain <shubham656jain@xxxxxxxxx>
- Gsoc 2nd week progress - Data Providers
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC - Weekly Report - #2 - Table styles
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Week #2 Report - Sidebar
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC progress report [Week-2]
- From: Akshit <akshitsan13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Week #2 Report - GSoC - 100 Paper Cuts
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- rhubarbpieguy license statement
- From: rhubarbpieguy@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Gsoc progress week<1> Integrating .ui dialogs with Strings
- From: sary nasser <sarynasser1@xxxxxxxxx>
- [SOLVED] Re: Build fails on Linux in include/basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-06-17
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Libreoffice-qa] ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-17 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Jun-17
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Libreoffice-qa] ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-17 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build Failure on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after distro upgrade: `NSSUTIL_3.59' not found
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build Failure on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after distro upgrade: `NSSUTIL_3.59' not found
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build Failure on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after distro upgrade: `NSSUTIL_3.59' not found
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Review of 'Improve wrap margins in docx filters'
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Build fails on Linux in include/basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx
- From: Julien Nabet <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-17 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-17 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (Impress) Disable global shortcuts in edit mode
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Windows build problem: fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'wsock32.lib'
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC progress report(Week-1)
- From: Akshit <akshitsan13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Infra call on Tue, Jun 15 at 16:30 UTC
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gsoc week 1 Progress - Data Provider
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Weekly Report - #1 - Unit Tests
- From: Shubham Jain <shubham656jain@xxxxxxxxx>
- Week #1 report - Sidebar
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC - Weekly Report - #1 - Table styles
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Week #1 Report - GSoC - 100 Paper Cuts
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppunitTest_vcl_graphic_test fails on 7.1 and master branches
- From: Jean-Baptiste Faure <jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build Failure on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after distro upgrade: `NSSUTIL_3.59' not found
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Build Failure on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after distro upgrade: `NSSUTIL_3.59' not found
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LibreOfficeAndroid APK compilation issues
- From: Michael Weghorn <m.weghorn@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with unittest testEffectExtentInline
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with unittest testEffectExtentInline
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- MacUpdate - your app listing has been updated
- From: MacUpdate <updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-06-10
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with unittest testEffectExtentInline
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- What do you think about some changes in
- From: Todor Balabanov <todor.balabanov@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with unittest testEffectExtentInline
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Calc's ENCODEURL, FILTERXML and WEBSERVICE functions
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-10 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Calc's ENCODEURL, FILTERXML and WEBSERVICE functions
- From: Steve Fanning <stevefanning@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problems with unittest testEffectExtentInline
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Self Intro - Ahmet Hakan Çelik
- From: AHÇ <ahmethcelik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Calc's ENCODEURL, FILTERXML and WEBSERVICE functions
- From: Steve Fanning <stevefanning@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (no subject)
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Spell on SCALC
- From: Callcenter Imatge <callcenter.imatge@xxxxxxxxx>
- [no subject]
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Calc's ENCODEURL, FILTERXML and WEBSERVICE functions
- From: Vasudev Narayanan <vasudev.narayanan@xxxxxxx>
- From: Steve Fanning <stevefanning@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppunitTest_vcl_graphic_test fails on 7.1 and master branches
- From: Tomaž Vajngerl <quikee@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppunitTest_vcl_graphic_test fails on 7.1 and master branches
- From: Jean-Baptiste Faure <jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build failure, Error: no matching function for call on x86 Linux
- From: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Weekly Progress of GSoC project
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Weekly Progress of GSoC project
- From: Regis Perdreau <regis.perdreau@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Weekly Progress of GSoC project
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Build failure, Error: no matching function for call on x86 Linux
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Weekly Progress of GSoC project
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build on Windows 10 ok but error at launching because no version.ini
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build on Windows 10 ok but error at launching because no version.ini
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build on Windows 10 ok but error at launching because no version.ini
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Build on Windows 10 ok but error at launching because no version.ini
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- REMINDER LibreOffice Conference Call for Papers
- From: Italo Vignoli <italo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LibOCon: event platform for your proposal
- From: sophi <sophi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Tobias Schulz license statement
- From: Tobias Schulz <tobias.schulz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-06-03
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Jun-03
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- David Childers license statement
- From: David Childers <davidchilders990@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-06-03 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SdrObject from SwFrameFormat
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GSOC Project - "Write Missing Unit Tests"
- From: Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 100 Paper Cuts - GSoC
- From: Muhammet Kara <muhammet.kara@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SdrObject from SwFrameFormat
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SdrObject from SwFrameFormat
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Important: AskBot migration
- From: sophi <sophi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Vector screenshots for the manuals: better quality and more visually attractive
- From: Olivier Hallot <olivier.hallot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Vector screenshots for the manuals: better quality and more visually attractive
- From: Samuel Thibault <sthibault@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help for Build DEB and/or RPM Packages
- From: Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help for Build DEB and/or RPM Packages
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Vector screenshots for the manuals: better quality and more visually attractive
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LibreOfficeAndroid APK compilation issues
- From: "=?gb18030?b?lDm1NCDDqN/k?=" <1736495344@xxxxxx>
- Vector screenshots for the manuals: better quality and more visually attractive
- From: Hossein Noorikhah <>
- Help for Build DEB and/or RPM Packages
- From: siqin <siqin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- 100 Paper Cuts - GSoC
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sigma symbol tailoring
- From: KKing <kicking177@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: [libreoffice-projects] LibreOffice IRC channels moving to Libera.Chat
- From: sophi <sophi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gsoc Community Bonding
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- GSOC Project - "Write Missing Unit Tests"
- From: Shubham Jain <shubham656jain@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sigma symbol tailoring
- From: V Stuart Foote <VStuart.Foote@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: sigma symbol tailoring
- From: Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- sigma symbol tailoring
- From: KKing <kicking177@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Doctor's Report FILE 10212
- From: willarms kevin <dr.willarmskevin@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Project - "Tests for the VCL graphics backend"
- From: Mind Baffler <akshitsan13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Introduction
- From: Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Introduction
- From: anshu khare <anshukhare50@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request for information about LibreOffice for university project
- From: sophi <sophi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request for information about LibreOffice for university project
- From: Marco Marinello <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Request for information about LibreOffice for university project
- From: Alberto <alberto.dorizza@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-05-27
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-May-26
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Feature request] Convert spreadsheets to SQL queries
- From: Dan Lewis <elderdanlewis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Feature request] Convert spreadsheets to SQL queries
- From: Chintan from Rebhu <chintan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Feature request] Convert spreadsheets to SQL queries
- From: Marco Marinello <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-05-27 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Feature request] Convert spreadsheets to SQL queries
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Feature request] Convert spreadsheets to SQL queries
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [Feature request] Convert spreadsheets to SQL queries
- From: Chintan from Rebhu <chintan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Joshua Williams License Statement
- From: joshmackwilliams <joshmackwilliams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting minutes: 2021-05-20
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Introducing myself and question
- From: Kevin Dombeu mboudi <dombeukevine@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-05-20
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-May-20
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Intended behavior for wrap "parallel" for custom shapes?
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Intended behavior for wrap "parallel" for custom shapes?
- From: Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Intended behavior for wrap "parallel" for custom shapes?
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-05-20 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trouble with unittests testDmlTextshape and testDmlTextshapeB
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trouble with unittests testDmlTextshape and testDmlTextshapeB
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Infra call on Tue, May 18 at 16:30 UTC
- From: Jonathan Aquilina <jaquilina@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: AVX512 build error (Re: Error on the headers we are using to build.)
- From: Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- AVX512 build error (Re: Error on the headers we are using to build.)
- From: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Error on the headers we are using to build.
- From: Dante Doménech <dante19031999@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error on the headers we are using to build.
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Error on the headers we are using to build.
- From: Dante Doménech <dante19031999@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trouble with unittests testDmlTextshape and testDmlTextshapeB
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Infra call on Tue, May 18 at 16:30 UTC
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Trouble with unittests testDmlTextshape and testDmlTextshapeB
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-05-13
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-May-12
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-05-13 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (5) messages are pending
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- (5) messages are pending
- From: "" <no-reply@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- (5) messages are pending
- From: "" <no-reply@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Érico Nogueira license statement
- From: Érico Nogueira <ericonr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- License Statement
- From: Cassandra Freund <cassandra.freund@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- License Statement
- From: cassie_lx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- License Statement
- From: cassie_lx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bundling libreoffice with Linux ISO
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bundling libreoffice with Linux ISO
- From: Arvind Kumar <arvind.kumar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- MacUpdate - your app listing has been updated
- From: MacUpdate <updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-05-06
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Mark Hung <marklh9@xxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-May-06
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About building on Apple Silicon M1
- From: marius adrian popa <mapopa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ASan heap-use-after-free triggered by new CppunitTest_sw_uiwriter3 test case
- From: Michael Stahl <mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ASan heap-use-after-free triggered by new CppunitTest_sw_uiwriter3 test case
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Fwd: Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-05-06 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Abandoned] Re: Libreoffice Latvian format
- From: Julien Nabet <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- CppunitTest_vcl_graphic_test fails on 7.1 and master branches
- From: Jean-Baptiste Faure <jbfaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Libreoffice Latvian format
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Quotation request - Heavy Machinery
- From: TINHONG YIU <yuitinhong@xxxxxxxxx>
- FYI: splitting OutputDevice from Window
- From: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need Contribution Guidance
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Need Contribution Guidance
- From: yash hira <anmolhira.ram@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Parameter for addShape for a child of a group in oox import
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Libreoffice Latvian format
- From: Julien Nabet <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Parameter for addShape for a child of a group in oox import
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Parameter for addShape for a child of a group in oox import
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Fwd: Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Mark Hung <marklh9@xxxxxxxxx>
- Silver Valdvee license statement
- From: Silver Valdvee <silver_valdvee@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Use of Windbg64 with master sources
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: About building on Apple Silicon M1
- From: Philipp Weissenbacher <p.weissenbacher@xxxxxxxxx>
- [SOLVED] Re: Error when building on Windows 10 with LODE
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Parameter for addShape for a child of a group in oox import
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Solved] Parameter for addShape for a child of a group in oox import
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Rico Tzschichholz license statement
- From: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz@xxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Maarten Hoes <hoes.maarten@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Maarten Hoes <hoes.maarten@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Mark Hung <marklh9@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-04-29
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Solved] Parameter for addShape for a child of a group in oox import
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: GSoC Student Engagement
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC Student Engagement
- From: Nick Vidal <nick.vidal@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Parameter for addShape for a child of a group in oox import
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Playing ping pong with ODF version; does it pose a danger to the end user.
- From: antlists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Apr-28
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-04-29 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Jun Nogata <nogajun@xxxxxxxxx>
- Code Reviewer needed to review patch
- From: Sarabjot Singh <saini.sarabjotsingh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Mark Hung <marklh9@xxxxxxxxx>
- License Statement
- From: Radhey Parekh <radhey.parekh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A Query on a sudden increase in the bug dependency of LibreOffice
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A Query on a sudden increase in the bug dependency of LibreOffice
- From: Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Matt K license statement
- From: Matt K <mattkse@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A Query on a sudden increase in the bug dependency of LibreOffice
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- A Query on a sudden increase in the bug dependency of LibreOffice
- From: Hadi Jahanshahi <hadi.jahanshahi@xxxxxxxxxx>
- License Statement
- From: Sarabjot Singh <saini.sarabjotsingh@xxxxxxxxx>
- [SOLVED] Re: Type of CommandType (short or long) ?
- From: Julien Nabet <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Type of CommandType (short or long) ?
- From: Lionel Élie Mamane <lionel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Drawing vertical text glyphs
- From: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Christian Lohmaier <cloph@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Type of CommandType (short or long) ?
- From: Julien Nabet <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Gradient background for Calc cells
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gradient background for Calc cells
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Playing ping pong with ODF version; does it pose a danger to the end user.
- From: Drew Jensen <drewjensen.inbox@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Roland Kurmann (scito) license statement
- From: scito <info@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LO Community ex Vanilla and user expectations, impact and other points.
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Application name Problem
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Playing ping pong with ODF version; does it pose a danger to the end user.
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Playing ping pong with ODF version; does it pose a danger to the end user.
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Playing ping pong with ODF version; does it pose a danger to the end user.
- From: Drew Jensen <drewjensen.inbox@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Maarten Hoes <hoes.maarten@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-04-22
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LibreOffice Fonts
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Apr-22
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Application name Problem
- From: "T. G." <toghrulgasimov@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Maarten Hoes <hoes.maarten@xxxxxxxxx>
- ✈ Track Your Shipment : 6540674221
- From: "DHL"<poly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LO Community ex Vanilla and user expectations, impact and other points.
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LO Community ex Vanilla and user expectations, impact and other points.
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LO Community ex Vanilla and user expectations, impact and other points.
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LO Community ex Vanilla and user expectations, impact and other points.
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LO Community ex Vanilla and user expectations, impact and other points.
- From: Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LO Community ex Vanilla and user expectations, impact and other points.
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LO Community ex Vanilla and user expectations, impact and other points.
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Slow fetching of
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Rahul Balaji - license statement
- From: Rahul Balaji <rahulbalaji78@xxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-04-22 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About tdf#138715 and future of Thunderbird address book support
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: About building on Apple Silicon M1
- From: Alexander Thurgood <alex.thurgood@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fix docx import of wrap 'Square' for groups
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [core] tdf#138122 Add window scaling for retina displays on macOS
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [core] tdf#138122 Add window scaling for retina displays on macOS
- From: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fix docx import of wrap 'Square' for groups
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-website] Infra call on Tue, Apr 20 at 16:30 UTC
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [libreoffice-website] Infra call on Tue, Apr 20 at 16:30 UTC
- From: Emiliano Vavassori <syntaxerrormmm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: [core] tdf#138122 Add window scaling for retina displays on macOS
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error when building on Windows 10 with LODE
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error when building on Windows 10 with LODE
- From: "himajin100000 (Tomoyuki Kubota)" <himajin100000@xxxxxxxxx>
- LibreOffice Fonts
- From: Carl Spitzer {L Juno} <lynux@xxxxxxxx>
- Error when building on Windows 10 with LODE
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update
- From: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Slow fetching of
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Infra call on Tue, Apr 20 at 16:30 UTC
- From: Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- [SOLVED] Re: About building on Apple Silicon M1
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fix docx import of wrap 'Square' for groups
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About building on Apple Silicon M1
- From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix docx import of wrap 'Square' for groups
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- About building on Apple Silicon M1
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-04-15
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2021-Apr-14
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-04-15 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: i wanted a help for contributing to gsoc
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Request to accept in Google Summer of Code
- From: sai mahanth Rallapalli <saimahanthrallapalli2000@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Request to accept in Google Summer of Code
- From: sai mahanth Rallapalli <saimahanthrallapalli2000@xxxxxxxxx>
- i wanted a help for contributing to gsoc
- From: Afnan Marquee <afnan21702@xxxxxxxxx>
- Po-Yen Huang license statement
- From: Jeff Huang <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with OutputDevice
- From: Chris Sherlock <chris.sherlock79@xxxxxxxxx>
- Sarynasser license statement
- From: sary nasser <sarynasser1@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Winston Tjong's License Statement
- From: W T <winstontjong@xxxxxxxxx>
- [SOLVED] Re: LibreOffice building fail with clang
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: LibreOffice building fail with clang
- From: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LibreOffice building fail with clang
- From: Julien Nabet <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-04-08
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Vatsal Mehta license statement
- From: Vatsal Mehta <vatsalm707@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-04-08 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Sebastian Orlinski license statement
- From: Sebastian Orlinski <gelberwolf@xxxxxxxxx>
- Oleksii Makhotin license statement
- CppCheck Report on vm140 Not Running
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Kivader Matej license statement
- From: Matej Kivader <kivader.matej@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Felipe Lema license statement
- From: Felipe Lema <felipelema@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Adding Persian/Farsi dictionary
- From: vbehshad <vbehshad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSOC 2021
- From: Sarabjot Singh <saini.sarabjotsingh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [no subject]
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC 2021 - Student looking for a mentor - Magzum Assanbayev
- From: Magzum Assanbayev <magzum.assanbayev@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with make
- From: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with make
- From: Andrew Hany <andrewhany512@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- MacUpdate - your app listing has been updated
- From: MacUpdate <updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error C2228 in mysqlc_preparedstatement.cxx
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error C2228 in mysqlc_preparedstatement.cxx
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- error C2228 in mysqlc_preparedstatement.cxx
- From: "himajin100000 (Tomoyuki Kubota)" <himajin100000@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GSoC intership
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Creating a LibreOffice software architecture document
- From: Hossein Noorikhah <>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-04-01
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- David Blatter license statement
- From: David Blatter <mail@xxxxxxxx>
- Rounak Modi license statement
- From: Rounak Modi <rounak.modi06@xxxxxxxxx>
- Stuck while building
- From: Andrew Hany <andrewdodz51234@xxxxxxxxx>
- C++ help needed for table with constant values
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC intership
- From: Zac Gearhart <zac@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: GSoC 2021
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC 2021
- From: Balázs Sántha <santha.balazs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-04-01 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License statement as a prerequisite for gerrit account
- From: Samuel Mehrbrodt <s.mehrbrodt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License statement as a prerequisite for gerrit account
- From: Michael Warner <michael.warner.ut@xxxxxxxxx>
- UX for data providers and transformations for Calc
- From: Tushar Kumar Rai <tusharrai282@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help with expert config
- From: Dante Doménech <dante19031999@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help with expert config
- From: Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Need help with expert config
- From: Dante Doménech <dante19031999@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update
- From: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 29/03/2021 Status request cppunit SOFTWARE
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: License statement as a prerequisite for gerrit account
- Re: License statement as a prerequisite for gerrit account
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 29/03/2021 Status request cppunit SOFTWARE
- From: ATEXIS - ATEXIS_FR_OBSO <ATEXIS-fr.obso@xxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Spell-checking broken on first build
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Aritz Erkiaga license statement
- From: Aritz Erkiaga <aerkiaga3@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SAL_N_ELEMENTS undefined, when built with dbglevel > 2
- From: Áron Budea <baron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- License statement as a prerequisite for gerrit account
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: SAL_N_ELEMENTS undefined, when built with dbglevel > 2
- From: himajin100000 <himajin100000@xxxxxxxxx>
- Spell-checking broken on first build
- From: Keith Curtis <keithcu@xxxxxxxxx>
- SAL_N_ELEMENTS undefined, when built with dbglevel > 2
- From: himajin100000 <himajin100000@xxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Anirudh Mitra license statement
- From: Anirudh Mitra <anirudhmitra210@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: UX for data transformations for Calc
- From: Vikas Mahato <vikasmahato0@xxxxxxxxx>
- End-thread please & move the off-topic discussion elsewhere (was: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal)
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: khagaroth <khagaroth@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: khagaroth <khagaroth@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: Tor Lillqvist <tml@xxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: Tor Lillqvist <tml@xxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: Dan Lewis <elderdanlewis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: Tor Lillqvist <tml@xxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: antlists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- GSoC 2021
- From: Bayram Çiçek <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2020-Mar-25
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: khagaroth <khagaroth@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: Eike Rathke <erack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting minutes: 2021-03-25
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GSoC 2021
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GSoC 2021
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC 2021
- From: Moaz Eldefrawy <moaz.eldefrawy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: antlists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time - renaming - a serious tongue-in-cheek proposal
- From: antlists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ESC meeting agenda: 2021-03-25 16:00 Berlin time
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: UX for data transformations for Calc
- From: Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Hossein Noorikhah license statement
- From: Hossein Noorikhah <>
- Panos Korovesis license statement
- From: Panos Korovesis <panoskorovesis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Mehmet Sait Gülmez - license statement
- From: Mehmet Said Gülmez <cenggulmez.65@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: factura pendiente - NÂș (303673)
- From: Notificacion<contacto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Prashant Garg license statement
- From: Prashant Garg <prashant.garg.1901@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Opinions are like languages: Everyone has (at least) one
- From: antlists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))
- From: antlists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)
- From: antlists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))
- From: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GSoC 2021
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GSoC 2021
- From: Moaz Eldefrawy <moaz.eldefrawy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal
- From: Alan Frank <alan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))
- From: Katarina Behrens <bubli@xxxxxxxxx>
- [RESOLVED] Whom to ping to add 7.0.5 in Version field in bugtracker?
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Updating LibreOffice API documentation at
- From: Hossein Noorikhah <>
- Re: Whom to ping to add 7.0.5 in Version field in bugtracker?
- From: Ilmari Lauhakangas <ilmari.lauhakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Whom to ping to add 7.0.5 in Version field in bugtracker?
- From: julien2412 <serval2412@xxxxxxxx>
- Crash test update
- From: "crashtest" <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unit Tests failing when built with clang 12
- From: Luke Benes <lukebenes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Opinions are like languages: Everyone has (at least) one
- Viswaas Loganadhan Prabunathan license statement
- From: Viswaas Loganadhan Prabunathan <viswaas98@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash test update: VectorGraphicData::ensureSequenceAndRange
- From: Caolán McNamara <caolanm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal
- From: Alan Frank <alan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: oox import/export of custom shape extrusion
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: oox import/export of custom shape extrusion
- From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: oox import/export of custom shape extrusion
- From: Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
- From: scan-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Alternative master/main branch proposal (Re: ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations))
- From: Kohei Yoshida <kohei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Arpit Bandejiya license statement
- From: Arpit Bandejiya <arpitbandejiya@xxxxxxxxx>
- -> ESC agenda
- From: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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