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- Best BSD for Wine at the moment?,
Lane Myer
- Permissions problem?,
Matt Hannan
- getting started with wine on debian/w2k,
Ivan Uemlianin
- AAC encoding, Ben Jolitz
- Framemaker 7.0, Mike Kost
- ICQ 2002a & pro2003a problem,
- problems with wine on laptop,
- Goldmine DDE to Linux Wordprocessor, Ken Cobler
- serial port communication - again,
Matthias Schweinoch
- Help needed to build & run a VC++ program in Linux,
- Errors creating rpm from cvs,
Jeff Melville
- HARDLOCK.VXD Fast Dongle, Christian Fischer
- wine 20031212 and Nokia PC Suite 5.01 again,
Matthias Güntert
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: wine 20031212 and Nokia PC Suite 5.01 again, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
- Re: wine 20031212 and Nokia PC Suite 5.01 again, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Re: current cvs doesn't compile,winearts,undefined reference to `DSDEVID_DefaultPlayback', Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Hello and prob with Classic Painter,
Robin Pfeifer
Re: Re:keyboard drivers, saravanan
Binary start problem, Nikolas Arend
why no winebrowser in rpms?,
DirectSound, DeusEx and Wine,
Browse boxes to change install directory halt Wine,
VxD support in wine, Nikolas Arend
Wine and Radeon 9800 SE (AIW),
SharpEye:, Nigel Horne
Java applications,
Nokia PC Suite 5.01,
Matthias Güntert
Problem with CAD application in wine,
Jeff Melville
Pegasus barfs w/ 2.6, but ok w/ 2.4, Ernst Ahlers
fake_windows after running winesetuptk,
Roger Beever
user defined signal handler help please, Roger Beever
Running Outlook 97,
Windows programs with hardware and special drivers,
Mark Knecht
Whatever happened to the gtk based uxtheme.dll implimentation?,
Nick Hornback
Problem with tabctl32.ocx,
Savio Ramos
Newbie question re regedit,
Roger Beever
How to configure USB scanners/devices, Nikolas Arend
Success story,
Boszormenyi Zoltan
Configuration of USB devices/scanners,
Nikolas Arend
Wine release 20040121, Alexandre Julliard
run IE under Wine,
Sergio Monteiro Basto
Wine installation,
Robert Kelpe
resolution and screen size, Shrike
Spawned processes,
David Baron
kernel-2.6.1 with wine error,
jun hong
Re: wine control.exe and odbc,
Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Massive Soundproblems with wine and ALSA 1.0.1,
Markus Keil
Fwd: Need administrator rights to install a program., Duane Clark
Compiling error,
Robert Kelpe
Run Office 2000 - Cant save :(,
Anis Boubaker
Vertex shader support,
Anthony DeChiaro
RE: Font question -- Dagesh, David Baron
ntdll / kernel32 #39-2, Eric Pouech
wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxx mailing list reminder, wine-patches-request
wine cvs notes and proposed keyboard detection fix.,
Shane Shields
PATCH: configure side effect, Marcus Meissner
DMUSIC: rewritten, Rok Mandeljc
Re: Problem with configure/config.cache, Marcus Meissner
Shell32 patch 9, Martin Fuchs
Shell32 patch 8, Martin Fuchs
Shell32 patch 7, Martin Fuchs
Shell32 patch 6, Martin Fuchs
SHRegisterValidateTemplate, Stefan Leichter
Shell32 patch 5, Martin Fuchs
Shell32 patch 4, Martin Fuchs
Shell32 patch 3, Martin Fuchs
Shell32 patch 2, Martin Fuchs
Translation assessment tool (part 1), Vincent Béron
Translation assessment tool (part 2), Vincent Béron
ole32/ifs.c, Ge van Geldorp
Fix dashed/solid line in Postscript output, Blake Leverett
DOS: fixe EXE loader, Michael Stefaniuc
Re: E-Sword InstallShield failure. How to Debug?,
Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
update of italian regedit resources, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Speech recognition, Ron Johnson
printing docu update, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
msacm WAVEFORMATEX size calculation patch, Robert Reif
winmm thread handle leak patch, Robert Reif
Re: Partial MDI rewrite, Dmitry Timoshkov
Make MCIWnd play a bit better as an MDI child, Dmitry Timoshkov
WineHQ: Assorted spelling/typo fixes, Francois Gouget
s/-1/HFILE_ERROR/ in _lread, Francois Gouget
Small tracing improvement in hglobalstream.c, Francois Gouget
Add missing definition to winbase.h, Francois Gouget
Add a couple of missing definitions to urlmon.h, Francois Gouget
DPA_Create/Search may be missing, Francois Gouget
DOSFS: non-existing directories in path names with .., Mike McCormack
regedit: value rename fix, Dimitrie O. Paun
Shell32 patch from ROS 2,
Marcelo Duarte
Shell32 patch from ROS 1, Marcelo Duarte
Try using the Mozilla Active X control in MSHTML, Mike McCormack
regedit: enable help menu, Dimitrie O. Paun
DOS: fix loading of DOS exe files, Michael Stefaniuc
Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
- <Possible follow-ups>
- !LOSTWAGES!, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Fix wininet http tests regression, Mike Hearn
update of docu*/getting.sgml, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
[Janitorial] Unicodify GetDefaultCommConfigA/W, Vincent Béron
[Lostwages] Janitorial update #4, Vincent Béron
Fix MSVC compilation error in user/tests/input, Francois Gouget
Fix MSVC compilation errors in user/tests, Francois Gouget
Make shlwapi/tests/clsid compile with MSVC, Francois Gouget
[Lostwages] Janitorial update #3, Vincent Béron
[Janitorial] Unicodify some comm functions in kernel, Vincent Béron
[Janitorial] Get rid of a W->A cross call in ImageList_LoadImageW, Vincent Béron
Silence a warning in bidi.c, Vincent Béron
Fix compilation with ICU in current CVS, Vincent Béron
Get rid of a warning in twain, Vincent Béron
Add iccvid.spec to winapi_check, Vincent Béron
GetTempFileName conformance improvements, Mike Hearn
Lostwages: Status#3, Tom
serial port access - microwin step 7,
Matthias Schweinoch
Threading library change breaks wine apps ?, Pavel Troller
regedit: cleanup, Dimitrie O. Paun
WineHQ: small TODO update, Dimitrie O. Paun
WineHQ: small UI status update, Dimitrie O. Paun
WineHQ: a few more ->, Dimitrie O. Paun
WineHQ: small janitorial updated, Dimitrie O. Paun
Wrong Stack Pointer saved across exceptions, Robert Lunnon
where is wineinstall?,
Savio Ramos
Lostwages: Status update #2, Tom
Lostwages: wwn fixes, Tom
shell32 [1]: path functions, Filip Navara
Slow movement of the mouse in StarCraft., Dra. María Virginia Gómez Padrón
Shell32 Patch 1.1, Steven Edwards
RegOpenUserClassesRoot, Robert Shearman
Implement LockWindowUpdate [take 3], Mike Hearn
msrle32: move to dlls/, Dimitrie O. Paun
regedit: implement View|Split, Dimitrie O. Paun
regedit: context menu support, Dimitrie O. Paun
regedit: simpler about dialog, Dimitrie O. Paun
Audio fixed for libaudioio driver, Robert Lunnon
PATCH: Port Tim Ferguson's ICCVID codec to Wine, Mike McCormack
Autoconf tests for Solaris compatibility, Robert Lunnon
ifenum.c mtu acquisition - Solaris, Robert Lunnon
Shell32 - Patch 1, Steven Edwards
Solaris specific configuration, Robert Lunnon
tools/bin2res, Robert Lunnon
update copyright information, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
regedit: expand tree initially, Dimitrie O. Paun
More Vacation backlog,
Uwe Bonnes
Jon Griffiths
- <Possible follow-ups>
- vartype.c, Jon Griffiths
wine-20031212 segmention fault while wineinstall as user,
Julius Junghans
regedit: value rename, Dimitrie O. Paun
Fix implementation of function advapi32.dll.RegOpenUserClassesRoot for W2K,
MediaHost (TM)
RPC and Wine,
Branden R. Williams
"jerky" network game play, James Earl
Print warning when drives of type cdrom do not contain a device field, Mike Hearn
msvcrt._unDName fix, Rein Klazes
browser.diff, Tom
[Lostwages] Janitorial update #2, Vincent Béron
Implement LockWindowUpdate [take 2], Mike Hearn
How to create RPMs,
Re: [Bug 521] WINE removes trailing backslash in GetFullPathNameA/W in dos_fs.c.,
Mike McCormack
Old wines,
winetest progress bars, Ferenc Wagner
[Janitorial] Remove CopyMetaFileW->A call, Vincent Béron
[Lostwages] Janitorial update, Vincent Béron
Disregard first cpuid posting, Robert Lunnon
Better cpuid support, Robert Lunnon
Somewhat better CPUID support, Robert Lunnon
Split a multiline string constant, Vincent Béron
Add a new spec file to winapi_check, Vincent Béron
Remove references to regapi, Francois Gouget
Test for SO_REUSEADDR, Francois Gouget
Use SearchPath in regedit, Francois Gouget
Fix race in ANIMATE_WindowProc, Francois Gouget
Implemention of LockWindowUpdate, Mike Hearn
[WINEALSA] Add Midi IN support (take 4), Christian Costa
[Janitorial] ResetDCA->ResetDCW (resend with fix), Vincent Béron
msvcrtd: _set_error_mode, André Johansen
Change an ERR to a FIXME, Mike Hearn
filedlg patch., Rein Klazes
MSVCRT40: stub enough of MSVCRT40 to make IE4 install work, Mike McCormack
Lostwages: contrib2.diff, Tom
[WINEALSA] Add Midi IN support (take 3), Christian Costa
Any pointers?,
David R. Wilson
[Janitorial] ResetDCA->ResetDCW, Vincent Béron
Correction to wineps spec file, Vincent Béron
TomTom for Palm, patrick . marquetecken
[WINEALSA] Add Midi IN support (w/o alloca), Christian Costa
Add new spec files to winapi_check, Vincent Béron
Lostwages: contrib.diff, Tom
which wine version for cstrike 1.5?,
shell32 patches to be usable by ReactOS Explorer, Martin Fuchs
Janitorial: Get rid of W->A calls for shlexec [RESEND], Marcelo Duarte
Richedit fonttbl parsing correction, Bill Medland
uxtheme: lots of infrastructure,
Kevin Koltzau
Application white list with Wine,
Julius Schwartzenberg
Re: bogus patch to bind() dlls/winsock/socket.c (request removal), Jeremy White
WineHQ: Re: WWN broken, Dimitrie O. Paun
Filezilla 2.2.3,
Tahoma font substitute, Mike Hearn
Type library creation, take 1, Nyef
PATCH: safearray redim, Marcus Meissner
Implementing kernel32.Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory, Eric Pouech
mm timer, Eric Pouech
PATCH: EnumICMProfiles stub, Marcus Meissner
dsound global variable use reduction, Robert Reif
More DX9 compatable dsound.h, Robert Reif
winearts patch to fix last patch, Jeremy Shaw
Wine on Redhat 9, Griffin Hernandez
PATCH: NtWriteFile,
Marcus Meissner
#6 - Add delay loading to rundll32, Steven Edwards
winewrap: remove the wrapper, Dimitrie O. Paun
Font Question...,
PATCH: winearts bug, Marcus Meissner
additional winearts patch, Jeremy Shaw
DOS: add VESA mode 0x6a, Michael Stefaniuc
RE: "cannot run wine - dll errors", Eric Furness
PATCH: Re: Problem with Access-mdb/DAO, Marcus Meissner
.VXD files,
Xavier Mas i Ramón
[WINEALSA] Add Midi IN support, Christian Costa
Missing DLLs & More (was Re: Newbie with major problems),
J. Silverman
Allow runtime control of the number of X11 fonts, Bill Medland
Nigel Horne
rpc patch 2, Ove Kaaven
dbt.h, Ulrich Czekalla
rpcrt4, Ove Kaaven
Fix an IE crash and make the "Create Folder" functionality in Favorites work, Dmitry Timoshkov
Regression test for files with zero length, Mike McCormack
mapping a zero size file should fail, Mike McCormack
Solaris compile time fixes for CVS wine, Robert Lunnon
gobe Productive,
James Richard Tyrer
Wine troubles on Diskless workstations.....,
Alex Stewart
Wine 20031212 Reboots Computer,
Joe Giles
winejack patch (added wave-in support, fixed bugs in wave-out code), Jeremy Shaw
how to get the euro-symbol, Christian Fischer
Always display message for generic stubs, Mike Hearn
Ghost Multicast Server (dosghsrv.exe), Eric Becker
Re: wine/ libs/wine/wine.def libs/wine/loader.c in ..., Ferenc Wagner
MCI fixes, Eric Pouech
Mounting an ntfs disk,
winearts patch (wave-in support, wave-out bug fixes), Jeremy Shaw
Mapi32.dll errors when launching application...,
Daughterson, Adam [EPM/BOU/MMI]
imm work, Aric Stewart
Update italian regeditd translation, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Newbie with major problems,
J. Silverman
Fix iphlpapi test, Hans Leidekker
iTunes anyone,
Johannes Behr
Add icm.h for colour management, Mike McCormack
winewrap: fix wrapper linking, Dimitrie O. Paun
Lostwages: Status Update, Tom
Defines: OPENFILENAME size defines, Kevin Koltzau
Defines: clipboard formats for file groups, Kevin Koltzau
cannot run wine - dll errors,
Eric Furness
LoadStringA tests, Ferenc Wagner
The trouble with WINE, David Baron
Conformance tests for IsDialogMessage etc, Bill Medland
Check for null ptr return from RegEnumValue, Mike Hearn
Fix ERR with missing "\n", Robert Shearman
IShellExecuteHook, Martin Fuchs
dongle protected software, rada and gus
minimum timeout for SetTimer should be 10ms, Mike McCormack
ADVAPI32: add missing LF in trace, Mike McCormack
Re: where can I get a complete winex version ?, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Fix compilation on Fedora - development, Hans Leidekker
Return correct resource id for time format strings, Dmitry Timoshkov
Register window class on mciavi driver loading, Dmitry Timoshkov
Improve error reporting in winemenubuilder, Francois Gouget
Add SHCoCreateInstance to shlobj.h, Francois Gouget
Fix endless WM_PAINT loop take 2., Rein Klazes
regedit: new value support, Dimitrie O. Paun
[Msvcrt] Removal of #ifdefs (2/2), Peter Berg Larsen
[Msvcrt] Scanf and %[z-a] (1/2), Peter Berg Larsen
RE: anyone anyone?, Philippe Anctil
WineHQ: Assorted fixes (mostly spelling), Francois Gouget
yesteday CVS wine crashes on RH8,
Saulius Krasuckas
Update of Italian regedit translation., Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
#5 - Re: #pre5 - comdlg32 MS_VC + PSDK porting, Steven Edwards
iphlpapi: add tests, Juan Lang
PATCH: enhmetafile small fix, Marcus Meissner
First TAB correction to IsDialogMessage, Bill Medland
[dx99] Mafia Demo patch for bug #1670, Jason Edmeades
[OGL] Implement wglUseFontBitmapsW, Lionel Ulmer
regedit: value delete & dword edit support, Dimitrie O. Paun
Accept all standard DIB compressions in the mciavi driver, Dmitry Timoshkov
Newbie rather odd questions.......,
Alex Stewart
install default config files to $PREFIX/share/wine,
Chris Morgan
SHFileOperation, Martin Fuchs
Which ( any ) windows dlls should be moved to wine?,
RE: StarCraft BroodWar Performace, Philippe Anctil
PATCH: Editing DLL overrides in winecfg, Robert van Herk
KQ8 : Mask of Eternity won't run with Wine20031212.,
Philippe Anctil
#pre5 - comdlg32 MS_VC + PSDK porting, Steven Edwards
Allow AVIs with multiple data streams to play correctly,
Dmitry Timoshkov
Guilherme Zalochi
#4 - MS_VC + PSDK port of setupapi, Steven Edwards
commctrl.c, Ge van Geldorp
PATCH: Re: [Bug 1572] Malformed else, use of obsolete ifreq structure/union and missing getInterfaceAddrByName in ifenum.c, Marcus Meissner
Starcraft & Keyboard,
patrick . marquetecken
Error starting wine CVS,
wine_get_unix_file_name, Eric Pouech
PATCH: registry doc, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: dinput joystick, Marcus Meissner
ntdll / kernel32: #40, Eric Pouech
msvcrt _putenv test cases, Nyef
wine with FreeBSD 5.1,
[WINEALSA] Fix compilation issue with ALSA 0.5, Christian Costa
Don't let cabinet Extract() crash IE,
Mike Hearn
PATCH: Shell quoting fix in, Wim Lewis
REBAR: on a RB_SETBANDINFO message only redraw the rebar if something changed, Mike McCormack
DOS: more fixes for the ModeInfoBlock,
Michael Stefaniuc
#2 - Mdi Win16/32 Split, Steven Edwards
#1 - Netapi32 MS_VC fixes, Steven Edwards
DOS: use struct for ModeInfoBlock, Michael Stefaniuc
Small fix for wrc, Mike McCormack
PATCH: No EOVERFLOW on OBsd, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: winsock / clear ipx header, Marcus Meissner
DOS: fix for VESA ModeInfoBlock generation, Michael Stefaniuc
PATCH: Fix DLL constructors on OpenBSD, Wim Lewis
steam and wine,
chris holzschuh
patch 57, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Drive caching registry entries, Mike Hearn
Printing bugfixes, Mike Hearn
patch 56, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Remove PRINTDLG_GetDefaultPrinterName, Robert Shearman
Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
CertFreeCertificateContext Stub, Robert Shearman
New registry key in regedit, Zimler Attila
DMUSIC: my latest work,
Rok Mandeljc
patch 54, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
patch 52, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
patch 53, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
kernel: fix ScopeID in VNB ioctl, Juan Lang
nbt.c: reg fixes, Juan Lang
iphlpapi: tracing, WINS,
Juan Lang
Starcraft Performance,
Michael Shurpik
PATCH: gethostbyname_r configure, Marcus Meissner
Remove a stray LeaveCriticalSection() from mciavi.drv, Dmitry Timoshkov
Fix a couple of minor bugs in the new MCIWnd code, Dmitry Timoshkov
Happy 2004, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Fwd: PATCH - winebrowser, Chris Morgan
WINE License question,
James Richard Tyrer
Matt Richards
PATCH: safearray, missing sizeof, Marcus Meissner
version resource for cabinet.dll, Stefan Leichter
Remove dcom entries from config file, Mike Hearn
PATCH: PE / DOS exe detection fix, Marcus Meissner
MCI #2: Use correct pointer to an internal driver description, Dmitry Timoshkov
MCI #5: Much improved mciavi driver, Dmitry Timoshkov
MCI #4: Add support for many MCIWNDM_ messages and some MCI_ commands, Dmitry Timoshkov
MCI #3: Add MCI_SYSINFO command W to A mapping, Dmitry Timoshkov
MCI #1: Fix many function prototypes and data types according to Platform SDK definitions, Dmitry Timoshkov
wine 20031212: Counter-Strike accelerated, Robert Lange
fontdialog patch, Rein Klazes
Hack for the '-pthread' at make depend,
P. Christeas
cabinet.extract (2), Stefan Leichter
Install Shield Error While Installing Alien vs Predator 2, Xia Bin
PATCH: more arguments for _invoke, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: safearray regression fixes, Marcus Meissner
wine problem on freebsd 4.9-STABLE, Jason
filedlg16 fix, Rein Klazes
wine-20031118 on FreeBSD, David Beck
Installing a Dictionary (was How to use already installed app), Francisco Moreno
Stefan Leichter
error while starting up Excel (wine cvs),
Nirmal Govind
Several problems,
PATCH: dlls/winmm/wineoss/audio.c, Gerald Pfeifer
Fix after recent urlcache changes, Gerald Pfeifer
[DSHOW-13 try2], Robert Shearman
PATCH: Unit tests for dplayx API calls, Sami Aario
PATCH: Fix some return values of API calls, Sami Aario
wine newbie can't get install of Icewind Dale to work,
Matt Morgan
Fix menu option "Put mark in debug output",
Chris Morgan
Better FindWindow fix, Mike Hearn
Installing from an .inf file?,
Kevin Atkinson
server/sock.c: infinite recursion fix, Brian Vincent
Endless WM_PAINT loop fix, Rein Klazes
Add newdev.dll, Ulrich Czekalla
IsdialogMessage16 patch, Rein Klazes
Add font substitutes for Bitstream Vera fonts, Mike Hearn
Better fix for the GetTempFileName problem, Mike Hearn
Simple arguments check, Mike Hearn
FindWindow should not match against partial names,
Mike Hearn
[D3D] Another DRI work-around, Lionel Ulmer
[DSHOW-13] Fix IGraphBuilder::ConnectDirect,
Robert Shearman
[DSHOW-12] DevEnum bug fixes + special category enumeration, Robert Shearman
Blinking with Ragnarok Online,
segfault with 2.6.0 kernel,
karma kat
patch 49, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
patch 50, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
patch 51, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
lParam of WM_CREATE for MDI children,
Dmitry Timoshkov
Wine Access to UNC Resources, Tony Kava
Segmentation fault with wine-20031212-1fc1winehq.athlon.rpm,
Tim Sullivan
fixme:font:WineEngAddFontResourceEx :stub,
Francisco Moreno
How Can I use my already installes apps in windows 2000 with wine?,
Francisco Moreno
Missing LDSHARED in Makefiles; build problems.,
commdlg: Some file dialog fixes, Phil Krylov
Trackbar thumb initialization, Duane Clark
Re: Easy IE installer script, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
How to open a doclink file (ndl) without starting second instance of Notes, Steve Pierce
Floppy drive config file patch, Tommy McCabe
Problems with Ultima Online: Age of Shadows [Textbox glitch + out of memory error],
MailWasher weird almost progress,
Mike Fiorella
Implement RegFlushKey,
Mike Hearn
More tests, some success,
Jim Wagner
How to set up samba printer,
Most recent stable version,
Jim Wagner
Mike Fiorella
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