ntdll / kernel32: #40

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This patch allows to use the UNIX code page inside of ntdll.
The full change log:
- moved code page & NLS resources from kernel32 to ntdll
- moved locale initialisation from kernel32 to ntdll
- created unix code page handling in ntdll
- made use of this unix cp for the initial environment creation (in PEB)

in order to keep the size of the patch small, I didn't include in the
patch the bits for moving dlls/kernel32/locale.rc (resp.
dlls/kernel32/nls/*) to dlls/ntdll/locale.rc (resp dlls/ntdll/nls/*).
This should be done by hand.


diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/kernel39/kernel.rc dlls/kernel/kernel.rc
--- dlls/kernel39/kernel.rc	2004-01-01 09:53:31.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/kernel/kernel.rc	2004-01-01 09:53:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#include "locale_rc.rc"
 #include "messages/winerr_enu.mc.rc"
 #include "version.rc"
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/kernel39/locale.c dlls/kernel/locale.c
--- dlls/kernel39/locale.c	2004-01-01 09:53:31.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/kernel/locale.c	2004-01-01 09:53:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
-static const WCHAR kernel32W[] = { 'K','E','R','N','E','L','3','2','\0' };
+static const WCHAR ntdllW[] = { 'N','T','D','L','L','\0' };
 /* current code pages */
 static const union cptable *ansi_cptable;
@@ -55,103 +55,6 @@
 static const union cptable *mac_cptable;
 static const union cptable *unix_cptable;  /* NULL if UTF8 */
-/* Charset to codepage map, sorted by name. */
-static const struct charset_entry
-    const char *charset_name;
-    UINT        codepage;
-} charset_names[] =
-    { "CP1250", 1250 },
-    { "CP1251", 1251 },
-    { "CP1252", 1252 },
-    { "CP1253", 1253 },
-    { "CP1254", 1254 },
-    { "CP1255", 1255 },
-    { "CP1256", 1256 },
-    { "CP1257", 1257 },
-    { "CP1258", 1258 },
-    { "EUCJP", 20932 },
-    { "IBM037", 37 },
-    { "IBM1026", 1026 },
-    { "IBM424", 424 },
-    { "IBM437", 437 },
-    { "IBM500", 500 },
-    { "IBM850", 850 },
-    { "IBM852", 852 },
-    { "IBM855", 855 },
-    { "IBM857", 857 },
-    { "IBM860", 860 },
-    { "IBM861", 861 },
-    { "IBM862", 862 },
-    { "IBM863", 863 },
-    { "IBM864", 864 },
-    { "IBM865", 865 },
-    { "IBM866", 866 },
-    { "IBM869", 869 },
-    { "IBM874", 874 },
-    { "IBM875", 875 },
-    { "ISO88591", 28591 },
-    { "ISO885910", 28600 },
-    { "ISO885913", 28603 },
-    { "ISO885914", 28604 },
-    { "ISO885915", 28605 },
-    { "ISO88592", 28592 },
-    { "ISO88593", 28593 },
-    { "ISO88594", 28594 },
-    { "ISO88595", 28595 },
-    { "ISO88596", 28596 },
-    { "ISO88597", 28597 },
-    { "ISO88598", 28598 },
-    { "ISO88599", 28599 },
-    { "KOI8R", 20866 },
-    { "KOI8U", 20866 },
-    { "UTF8", CP_UTF8 }
-typedef struct {
-    WCHAR lang[128];
-    WCHAR country[4];
-    LANGID found_lang_id[NLS_MAX_LANGUAGES];
-    WCHAR found_language[NLS_MAX_LANGUAGES][3];
-    WCHAR found_country[NLS_MAX_LANGUAGES][3];
-    int n_found;
-/* copy Unicode string to Ascii without using codepages */
-static inline void strcpyWtoA( char *dst, const WCHAR *src )
-    while ((*dst++ = *src++));
-/* Copy Ascii string to Unicode without using codepages */
-static inline void strcpynAtoW( WCHAR *dst, const char *src, size_t n )
-    while (n > 1 && *src)
-    {
-        *dst++ = (unsigned char)*src++;
-        n--;
-    }
-    if (n) *dst = 0;
-/* return a printable string for a language id */
-static const char *debugstr_lang( LANGID lang )
-    WCHAR langW[4], countryW[4];
-    char buffer[8];
-    LCID lcid = MAKELCID( lang, SORT_DEFAULT );
-    GetLocaleInfoW(lcid, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME|LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, langW, sizeof(langW));
-    GetLocaleInfoW(lcid, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME|LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, countryW, sizeof(countryW));
-    strcpyWtoA( buffer, langW );
-    strcat( buffer, "_" );
-    strcpyWtoA( buffer + strlen(buffer), countryW );
-    return wine_dbg_sprintf( "%s", buffer );
  *		get_lcid_codepage
@@ -177,7 +80,7 @@
     assert( ansi_cptable );  /* init must have been done already */
-    switch(codepage)
+    switch (codepage)
     case CP_ACP:
         return ansi_cptable;
@@ -303,232 +206,6 @@
- *           find_language_id_proc
- */
-static BOOL CALLBACK find_language_id_proc( HMODULE hModule, LPCWSTR type,
-                                            LPCWSTR name, WORD LangID, LPARAM lParam )
-    LANG_FIND_DATA *l_data = (LANG_FIND_DATA *)lParam;
-    WCHAR buf_language[128];
-    WCHAR buf_country[128];
-    WCHAR buf_en_language[128];
-        return TRUE; /* continue search */
-    buf_language[0] = 0;
-    buf_country[0] = 0;
-                   buf_language, sizeof(buf_language));
-                   buf_country, sizeof(buf_country));
-    if(l_data->lang[0] && !strcmpiW(l_data->lang, buf_language))
-    {
-        if(l_data->country[0])
-        {
-            if(!strcmpiW(l_data->country, buf_country))
-            {
-                l_data->found_lang_id[0] = LangID;
-                l_data->n_found = 1;
-                TRACE("Found id %04X for lang %s country %s\n",
-                      LangID, debugstr_w(l_data->lang), debugstr_w(l_data->country));
-                return FALSE; /* stop enumeration */
-            }
-        }
-        else goto found; /* l_data->country not specified */
-    }
-    /* Just in case, check LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE too,
-     * in hope that possible alias name might have that value.
-     */
-    buf_en_language[0] = 0;
-                   buf_en_language, sizeof(buf_en_language));
-    if(l_data->lang[0] && !strcmpiW(l_data->lang, buf_en_language)) goto found;
-    return TRUE;  /* not found, continue search */
-    l_data->found_lang_id[l_data->n_found] = LangID;
-    strncpyW(l_data->found_country[l_data->n_found], buf_country, 3);
-    strncpyW(l_data->found_language[l_data->n_found], buf_language, 3);
-    l_data->n_found++;
-    TRACE("Found id %04X for lang %s\n", LangID, debugstr_w(l_data->lang));
-    return (l_data->n_found < NLS_MAX_LANGUAGES); /* continue search, unless we have enough */
- *           get_language_id
- *
- * INPUT:
- *	Lang: a string whose two first chars are the iso name of a language.
- *	Country: a string whose two first chars are the iso name of country
- *	Charset: a string defining the chosen charset encoding
- *	Dialect: a string defining a variation of the locale
- *
- *	all those values are from the standardized format of locale
- *	name in unix which is: Lang[_Country][.Charset][@Dialect]
- *
- *	the numeric code of the language used by Windows
- *
- * FIXME: Charset and Dialect are not handled
- */
-static LANGID get_language_id(LPCSTR Lang, LPCSTR Country, LPCSTR Charset, LPCSTR Dialect)
-    LANG_FIND_DATA l_data;
-    HMODULE hKernel32;
-    if(!Lang)
-    {
-        l_data.found_lang_id[0] = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT);
-        goto END;
-    }
-    l_data.n_found = 0;
-    strcpynAtoW(l_data.lang, Lang, sizeof(l_data.lang));
-    if (Country) strcpynAtoW(l_data.country, Country, sizeof(l_data.country));
-    else l_data.country[0] = 0;
-    hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleW(kernel32W);
-    EnumResourceLanguagesW(hKernel32, (LPCWSTR)RT_STRING, (LPCWSTR)LOCALE_ILANGUAGE,
-                           find_language_id_proc, (LPARAM)&l_data);
-    if (l_data.n_found == 1) goto END;
-    if(!l_data.n_found)
-    {
-        if(l_data.country[0])
-        {
-            /* retry without country name */
-            l_data.country[0] = 0;
-            EnumResourceLanguagesW(hKernel32, (LPCWSTR)RT_STRING, (LPCWSTR)LOCALE_ILANGUAGE,
-                                   find_language_id_proc, (LONG)&l_data);
-            if (!l_data.n_found)
-            {
-                MESSAGE("Warning: Language '%s_%s' was not recognized, defaulting to English.\n",
-                        Lang, Country);
-                l_data.found_lang_id[0] = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT);
-            }
-            else MESSAGE("Warning: Language '%s_%s' was not recognized, defaulting to '%s'.\n",
-                         Lang, Country, debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[0]) );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            MESSAGE("Warning: Language '%s' was not recognized, defaulting to English.\n", Lang);
-            l_data.found_lang_id[0] = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT);
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        int i;
-        if (Country && Country[0])
-            MESSAGE("For language '%s_%s' several language ids were found:\n", Lang, Country);
-        else
-            MESSAGE("For language '%s' several language ids were found:\n", Lang);
-        /* print a list of languages with their description */
-        for (i = 0; i < l_data.n_found; i++)
-        {
-            WCHAR buffW[128];
-            char buffA[128];
-            GetLocaleInfoW( MAKELCID( l_data.found_lang_id[i], SORT_DEFAULT ),
-                           LOCALE_SLANGUAGE|LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, buffW, sizeof(buffW));
-            strcpyWtoA( buffA, buffW );
-            MESSAGE( "   %s (%04X) - %s\n", debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[i]),
-                     l_data.found_lang_id[i], buffA );
-        }
-        MESSAGE("Defaulting to '%s'. You should specify the exact language you want\n"
-                "by defining your LANG environment variable like this: LANG=%s\n",
-                debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[0]), debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[0]) );
-    }
-    TRACE("Returning %04X (%s)\n", l_data.found_lang_id[0], debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[0]));
-    return l_data.found_lang_id[0];
- *              charset_cmp (internal)
- */
-static int charset_cmp( const void *name, const void *entry )
-    const struct charset_entry *charset = (struct charset_entry *)entry;
-    return strcasecmp( (char *)name, charset->charset_name );
- *		init_default_lcid
- */
-static LCID init_default_lcid( UINT *unix_cp )
-    char *buf, *lang,*country,*charset,*dialect,*next;
-    LCID ret = 0;
-    if ((lang = getenv( "LC_ALL" )) ||
-        (lang = getenv( "LC_CTYPE" )) ||
-        (lang = getenv( "LANGUAGE" )) ||
-        (lang = getenv( "LC_MESSAGES" )) ||
-        (lang = getenv( "LANG" )))
-    {
-        if (!strcmp(lang,"POSIX") || !strcmp(lang,"C")) goto done;
-        buf = RtlAllocateHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(lang) + 1 );
-        strcpy( buf, lang );
-        lang=buf;
-        do {
-            next=strchr(lang,':'); if (next) *next++='\0';
-            dialect=strchr(lang,'@'); if (dialect) *dialect++='\0';
-            charset=strchr(lang,'.'); if (charset) *charset++='\0';
-            country=strchr(lang,'_'); if (country) *country++='\0';
-            ret = get_language_id(lang, country, charset, dialect);
-            if (ret && charset)
-            {
-                const struct charset_entry *entry;
-                char charset_name[16];
-                size_t i, j;
-                /* remove punctuation characters from charset name */
-                for (i = j = 0; charset[i] && j < sizeof(charset_name)-1; i++)
-                    if (isalnum(charset[i])) charset_name[j++] = charset[i];
-                charset_name[j] = 0;
-                entry = bsearch( charset_name, charset_names,
-                                 sizeof(charset_names)/sizeof(charset_names[0]),
-                                 sizeof(charset_names[0]), charset_cmp );
-                if (entry)
-                {
-                    *unix_cp = entry->codepage;
-                    TRACE("charset %s was mapped to cp %u\n", charset, *unix_cp);
-                }
-                else
-                    FIXME("charset %s was not recognized\n", charset);
-            }
-            lang=next;
-        } while (lang && !ret);
-        if (!ret) MESSAGE("Warning: language '%s' not recognized, defaulting to English\n", buf);
-        RtlFreeHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf );
-    }
- done:
-    return ret;
  *		GetUserDefaultLangID (KERNEL32.@)
@@ -945,7 +622,7 @@
     if (SUBLANGID(lang_id) == SUBLANG_NEUTRAL)
-    hModule = GetModuleHandleW( kernel32W );
+    hModule = GetModuleHandleW( ntdllW );
     if (!(hrsrc = FindResourceExW( hModule, (LPWSTR)RT_STRING, (LPCWSTR)((lctype >> 4) + 1), lang_id )))
         SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS );  /* no such lctype */
@@ -1189,7 +866,7 @@
 BOOL WINAPI IsValidCodePage( UINT codepage )
-    switch(codepage) {
+    switch (codepage) {
     case CP_SYMBOL:
         return FALSE;
     case CP_UTF7:
@@ -1423,7 +1100,7 @@
     if (flags & MB_USEGLYPHCHARS) FIXME("MB_USEGLYPHCHARS not supported\n");
-    switch(page)
+    switch (page)
     case CP_UTF7:
         FIXME("UTF-7 not supported\n");
@@ -1451,7 +1128,7 @@
     if (ret < 0)
-        switch(ret)
+        switch (ret)
         case -1: SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); break;
         case -2: SetLastError( ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION ); break;
@@ -1501,7 +1178,7 @@
     if (srclen < 0) srclen = strlenW(src) + 1;
-    switch(page)
+    switch (page)
     case CP_UTF7:
         FIXME("UTF-7 not supported\n");
@@ -1651,7 +1328,7 @@
 BOOL WINAPI IsValidLocale( LCID lcid, DWORD flags )
     /* check if language is registered in the kernel32 resources */
-    return FindResourceExW( GetModuleHandleW(kernel32W), (LPWSTR)RT_STRING,
+    return FindResourceExW( GetModuleHandleW(ntdllW), (LPWSTR)RT_STRING,
                             (LPCWSTR)LOCALE_ILANGUAGE, LANGIDFROMLCID(lcid)) != 0;
@@ -1692,7 +1369,7 @@
 BOOL WINAPI EnumSystemLocalesA( LOCALE_ENUMPROCA lpfnLocaleEnum, DWORD dwFlags )
     TRACE("(%p,%08lx)\n", lpfnLocaleEnum, dwFlags);
-    EnumResourceLanguagesA( GetModuleHandleW(kernel32W), (LPSTR)RT_STRING,
+    EnumResourceLanguagesA( GetModuleHandleW(ntdllW), (LPSTR)RT_STRING,
                             (LPCSTR)LOCALE_ILANGUAGE, enum_lang_proc_a,
     return TRUE;
@@ -1707,7 +1384,7 @@
 BOOL WINAPI EnumSystemLocalesW( LOCALE_ENUMPROCW lpfnLocaleEnum, DWORD dwFlags )
     TRACE("(%p,%08lx)\n", lpfnLocaleEnum, dwFlags);
-    EnumResourceLanguagesW( GetModuleHandleW(kernel32W), (LPWSTR)RT_STRING,
+    EnumResourceLanguagesW( GetModuleHandleW(ntdllW), (LPWSTR)RT_STRING,
                             (LPCWSTR)LOCALE_ILANGUAGE, enum_lang_proc_w,
     return TRUE;
@@ -1754,7 +1431,7 @@
 BOOL WINAPI GetStringTypeW( DWORD type, LPCWSTR src, INT count, LPWORD chartype )
     if (count == -1) count = strlenW(src) + 1;
-    switch(type)
+    switch (type)
     case CT_CTYPE1:
         while (count--) *chartype++ = get_char_typeW( *src++ ) & 0xfff;
@@ -2389,22 +2066,18 @@
 void LOCALE_Init(void)
-    extern void __wine_init_codepages( const union cptable *ansi_cp, const union cptable *oem_cp );
-    UINT ansi_cp = 1252, oem_cp = 437, mac_cp = 10000, unix_cp = ~0U;
-    LCID lcid = init_default_lcid( &unix_cp );
+    LCID lcid;
+    UINT ansi_cp, oem_cp, mac_cp, unix_cp;
-    NtSetDefaultLocale( FALSE, lcid );
-    NtSetDefaultLocale( TRUE, lcid );
+    NtQueryDefaultLocale( TRUE, &lcid );
     ansi_cp = get_lcid_codepage(lcid);
                     (LPWSTR)&mac_cp, sizeof(mac_cp)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
                     (LPWSTR)&oem_cp, sizeof(oem_cp)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
-    if (unix_cp == ~0U)
-                    (LPWSTR)&unix_cp, sizeof(unix_cp)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
+    unix_cp = NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->unix_code_page;
     if (!(ansi_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( ansi_cp )))
         ansi_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( 1252 );
@@ -2412,13 +2085,9 @@
         oem_cptable  = wine_cp_get_table( 437 );
     if (!(mac_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( mac_cp )))
         mac_cptable  = wine_cp_get_table( 10000 );
-    if (unix_cp != CP_UTF8)
-    {
-        if (!(unix_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( unix_cp )))
-            unix_cptable  = wine_cp_get_table( 28591 );
-    }
-    __wine_init_codepages( ansi_cptable, oem_cptable );
+    if (unix_cp != CP_UTF8 && !(unix_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( unix_cp )))
+        unix_cptable  = wine_cp_get_table( 28591 );
     TRACE( "ansi=%03d oem=%03d mac=%03d unix=%03d\n",
            ansi_cptable->info.codepage, oem_cptable->info.codepage,
@@ -2523,7 +2192,7 @@
 static BOOL NLS_GetLanguageGroupName(LGRPID lgrpid, LPWSTR szName, ULONG nameSize)
-    HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(kernel32W);
+    HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(ntdllW);
     LANGID  langId;
     LPCWSTR szResourceName = (LPCWSTR)(((lgrpid + 0x2000) >> 4) + 1);
     HRSRC   hResource;
@@ -3030,3 +2699,6 @@
     return FALSE;
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/kernel39/process.c dlls/kernel/process.c
--- dlls/kernel39/process.c	2004-01-01 09:53:31.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/kernel/process.c	2004-01-02 17:35:25.000000000 +0100
@@ -333,48 +333,6 @@
     return module;
- *           build_initial_environment
- *
- * Build the Win32 environment from the Unix environment
- */
-static BOOL build_initial_environment( char **environ )
-    ULONG size = 1;
-    char **e;
-    WCHAR *p, *endptr;
-    void *ptr;
-    /* Compute the total size of the Unix environment */
-    for (e = environ; *e; e++)
-    {
-        if (!memcmp(*e, "PATH=", 5)) continue;
-        size += MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UNIXCP, 0, *e, -1, NULL, 0 );
-    }
-    size *= sizeof(WCHAR);
-    /* Now allocate the environment */
-    if (NtAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &ptr, 0, &size,
-                                MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
-        return FALSE;
-    NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->ProcessParameters->Environment = p = ptr;
-    endptr = p + size / sizeof(WCHAR);
-    /* And fill it with the Unix environment */
-    for (e = environ; *e; e++)
-    {
-        char *str = *e;
-        /* skip Unix PATH and store WINEPATH as PATH */
-        if (!memcmp(str, "PATH=", 5)) continue;
-        if (!memcmp(str, "WINEPATH=", 9 )) str += 4;
-        MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UNIXCP, 0, str, -1, p, endptr - p );
-        p += strlenW(p) + 1;
-    }
-    *p = 0;
-    return TRUE;
  *              set_library_wargv
@@ -611,7 +569,7 @@
  * Main process initialisation code
-static BOOL process_init( char *argv[], char **environ )
+static BOOL process_init( char *argv[] )
     BOOL ret;
     size_t info_size = 0;
@@ -695,9 +653,6 @@
-    /* Copy the parent environment */
-    if (!build_initial_environment( environ )) return FALSE;
     /* Parse command line arguments */
     OPTIONS_ParseOptions( !info_size ? argv : NULL );
@@ -771,7 +726,7 @@
     PEB *peb = NtCurrentTeb()->Peb;
     /* Initialize everything */
-    if (!process_init( __wine_main_argv, __wine_main_environ )) exit(1);
+    if (!process_init( __wine_main_argv )) exit(1);
     /* update argc in case options have been removed */
     for (__wine_main_argc = 0; __wine_main_argv[__wine_main_argc]; __wine_main_argc++) /*nothing*/;
@@ -1152,7 +1107,6 @@
         return NULL;
-    params->Environment     = NULL;  /* we pass it through the Unix environment */
     params->hStdInput       = startup->hStdInput;
     params->hStdOutput      = startup->hStdOutput;
     params->hStdError       = startup->hStdError;
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/ntdll39/env.c dlls/ntdll/env.c
--- dlls/ntdll39/env.c	2004-01-01 09:53:16.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/ntdll/env.c	2004-01-02 20:29:36.000000000 +0100
@@ -29,10 +29,53 @@
 #include "winternl.h"
 #include "wine/unicode.h"
 #include "wine/debug.h"
+#include "wine/library.h"
 #include "ntdll_misc.h"
+ *           build_initial_environment
+ *
+ * Build the Win32 environment from the Unix environment
+ */
+BOOL build_initial_environment( void )
+    ULONG size = 1;
+    char **e;
+    WCHAR *p, *endptr;
+    void* new_env;
+    /* Compute the total size of the Unix environment */
+    for (e = __wine_main_environ; *e; e++)
+    {
+        if (!memcmp(*e, "PATH=", 5)) continue;
+        size += ntdll_mbs2wcs( 0, *e, strlen(*e) + 1, NULL, 0 );
+    }
+    size *= sizeof(WCHAR);
+    /* Now allocate the environment */
+    if (NtAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &new_env, 0, &size,
+                                MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
+        return FALSE;
+    p = ntdll_get_process_pmts()->Environment = new_env;
+    endptr = p + size / sizeof(WCHAR);
+    /* And fill it with the Unix environment */
+    for (e = __wine_main_environ; *e; e++)
+    {
+        char *str = *e;
+        /* skip Unix PATH and store WINEPATH as PATH */
+        if (!memcmp(str, "PATH=", 5)) continue;
+        if (!memcmp(str, "WINEPATH=", 9 )) str += 4;
+        ntdll_mbs2wcs( 0, str, strlen(str) + 1, p, endptr - p );
+        p += strlenW(p) + 1;
+    }
+    *p = 0;
+    return TRUE;
  *  RtlCreateEnvironment		[NTDLL.@]
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/ntdll39/loader.c dlls/ntdll/loader.c
--- dlls/ntdll39/loader.c	2004-01-02 20:34:06.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/ntdll/loader.c	2004-01-02 20:45:31.000000000 +0100
@@ -1962,6 +1962,9 @@
     /* setup the load callback and create ntdll modref */
     wine_dll_set_callback( load_builtin_callback );
+    LOCALE_Init();
+    build_initial_environment();
     if ((status = load_builtin_dll( NULL, kernel32W, 0, &wm )) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
         MESSAGE( "wine: could not load kernel32.dll, status %lx\n", status );
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/ntdll39/locale.c dlls/ntdll/locale.c
--- dlls/ntdll39/locale.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/ntdll/locale.c	2004-01-01 09:53:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+ * Locale support
+ *
+ * Copyright 1995 Martin von Loewis
+ * Copyright 1998 David Lee Lambert
+ * Copyright 2000 Julio César Gázquez
+ * Copyright 2002 Alexandre Julliard for CodeWeavers
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "wine/port.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "ntstatus.h"
+#include "windef.h"
+#include "winbase.h"
+#include "winuser.h"  /* for RT_STRINGW */
+#include "winreg.h"
+#include "winternl.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
+#include "winnls.h"
+#include "winerror.h"
+#include "thread.h"
+#include "ntdll_misc.h"
+#include "wine/debug.h"
+UINT NlsAnsiCodePage = 0;
+BYTE NlsMbCodePageTag = 0;
+BYTE NlsMbOemCodePageTag = 0;
+/* current code page tables */
+const union cptable *ansi_cptable;
+const union cptable *oem_cptable;
+const union cptable *unix_cptable;  /* NULL if UTF8 */
+/* Charset to codepage map, sorted by name. */
+static const struct charset_entry
+    const char *charset_name;
+    UINT        codepage;
+} charset_names[] =
+    { "CP1250", 1250 },
+    { "CP1251", 1251 },
+    { "CP1252", 1252 },
+    { "CP1253", 1253 },
+    { "CP1254", 1254 },
+    { "CP1255", 1255 },
+    { "CP1256", 1256 },
+    { "CP1257", 1257 },
+    { "CP1258", 1258 },
+    { "EUCJP", 20932 },
+    { "IBM037", 37 },
+    { "IBM1026", 1026 },
+    { "IBM424", 424 },
+    { "IBM437", 437 },
+    { "IBM500", 500 },
+    { "IBM850", 850 },
+    { "IBM852", 852 },
+    { "IBM855", 855 },
+    { "IBM857", 857 },
+    { "IBM860", 860 },
+    { "IBM861", 861 },
+    { "IBM862", 862 },
+    { "IBM863", 863 },
+    { "IBM864", 864 },
+    { "IBM865", 865 },
+    { "IBM866", 866 },
+    { "IBM869", 869 },
+    { "IBM874", 874 },
+    { "IBM875", 875 },
+    { "ISO88591", 28591 },
+    { "ISO885910", 28600 },
+    { "ISO885913", 28603 },
+    { "ISO885914", 28604 },
+    { "ISO885915", 28605 },
+    { "ISO88592", 28592 },
+    { "ISO88593", 28593 },
+    { "ISO88594", 28594 },
+    { "ISO88595", 28595 },
+    { "ISO88596", 28596 },
+    { "ISO88597", 28597 },
+    { "ISO88598", 28598 },
+    { "ISO88599", 28599 },
+    { "KOI8R", 20866 },
+    { "KOI8U", 20866 },
+    { "UTF8", CP_UTF8 }
+typedef struct {
+    WCHAR lang[128];
+    WCHAR country[4];
+    LANGID found_lang_id[NLS_MAX_LANGUAGES];
+    WCHAR found_language[NLS_MAX_LANGUAGES][3];
+    WCHAR found_country[NLS_MAX_LANGUAGES][3];
+    int n_found;
+/* copy Unicode string to Ascii without using codepages */
+static inline void strcpyWtoA( char *dst, const WCHAR *src )
+    while ((*dst++ = *src++));
+/* Copy Ascii string to Unicode without using codepages */
+static inline void strcpynAtoW( WCHAR *dst, const char *src, size_t n )
+    while (n > 1 && *src)
+    {
+        *dst++ = (unsigned char)*src++;
+        n--;
+    }
+    if (n) *dst = 0;
+static LPCWSTR get_locale_info_head( LCID lcid, LCTYPE lctype )
+    LANGID              lang_id;
+    LDR_RESOURCE_INFO   info;
+    UINT                i, lcflags;
+    LPCWSTR             p;
+    LDR_MODULE*         mod;
+    lang_id = LANGIDFROMLCID(lcid);
+    if (SUBLANGID(lang_id) == SUBLANG_NEUTRAL)
+    {
+        lcid = MAKELCID(lang_id, SORTIDFROMLCID(lcid));
+    }
+    lcflags = lctype & LOCALE_LOCALEINFOFLAGSMASK;
+    lctype &= 0xffff;
+    /* now load it from kernel resources */
+    info.Type = (ULONG)RT_STRING;
+    info.Name = (lctype >> 4) + 1;
+    info.Language = lang_id;
+    mod = CONTAINING_RECORD(&NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->LdrData->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink->Flink, LDR_MODULE, InLoadOrderModuleList);
+    if (LdrFindResource_U( mod->BaseAddress, &info, 3, &entry ) ||
+        LdrAccessResource( mod->BaseAddress, entry, (void**)&p, NULL )) return NULL;
+    for (i = 0; i < (lctype & 0x0f); i++) p += *p + 1;
+    return p;
+static BOOL get_locale_info_number( LCID lcid, LCTYPE lctype, UINT* val )
+    LPCWSTR     p;
+    LPWSTR      end, tmp;
+    BOOL        ret;
+    p = get_locale_info_head(lcid, lctype);
+    if (!p) return FALSE;
+    tmp = RtlAllocateHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (*p + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+    if (!tmp) return FALSE;
+    memcpy( tmp, p + 1, *p * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+    tmp[*p] = 0;
+    *val = strtolW( tmp, &end, 10 );
+    ret = !*end;
+    RtlFreeHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, tmp );
+    TRACE( "(lcid=0x%lx,lctype=0x%lx) returning number %d\n", lcid, lctype, *val );
+    return ret;
+static UINT get_locale_info_str( LCID lcid, LCTYPE lctype, WCHAR* buffer, INT len)
+    LPCWSTR     p;
+    UINT        efflen;
+    p = get_locale_info_head(lcid, lctype);
+    if (!p) return 0;
+    efflen = (lctype == LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE) ? *p : *p + 1;
+    if (buffer && efflen <= len)
+    {
+        memcpy( buffer, p + 1, *p * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        if (lctype != LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE) buffer[efflen-1] = 0;
+        TRACE( "(lcid=0x%lx,lctype=0x%lx,%p,%d) returning %d %s\n",
+               lcid, lctype, buffer, len, efflen, debugstr_w(buffer) );
+    }
+    return efflen;
+/* return a printable string for a language id */
+static const char *debugstr_lang( LANGID lang )
+    WCHAR langW[4], countryW[4];
+    char buffer[8];
+    LCID lcid = MAKELCID( lang, SORT_DEFAULT );
+    get_locale_info_str(lcid, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME|LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, langW, sizeof(langW));
+    get_locale_info_str(lcid, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME|LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, countryW, sizeof(countryW));
+    strcpyWtoA( buffer, langW );
+    strcat( buffer, "_" );
+    strcpyWtoA( buffer + strlen(buffer), countryW );
+    return wine_dbg_sprintf( "%s", buffer );
+ *		get_lcid_codepage
+ *
+ * Retrieve the ANSI codepage for a given locale.
+ */
+inline static UINT get_lcid_codepage( LCID lcid )
+    UINT ret;
+    if (!get_locale_info_number( lcid, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, &ret ))
+        ret = 0;
+    return ret;
+ *           find_language_id_proc
+ */
+static BOOL find_language_id_proc( WORD LangID, LONG_PTR lParam )
+    LANG_FIND_DATA *l_data = (LANG_FIND_DATA *)lParam;
+    WCHAR buf_language[128];
+    WCHAR buf_country[128];
+    WCHAR buf_en_language[128];
+        return TRUE; /* continue search */
+    buf_language[0] = 0;
+    buf_country[0] = 0;
+    get_locale_info_str(lcid, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, buf_language, sizeof(buf_language));
+    get_locale_info_str(lcid, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME, buf_country, sizeof(buf_country));
+    if (l_data->lang[0] && !strcmpiW(l_data->lang, buf_language))
+    {
+        if (l_data->country[0])
+        {
+            if (!strcmpiW(l_data->country, buf_country))
+            {
+                l_data->found_lang_id[0] = LangID;
+                l_data->n_found = 1;
+                TRACE("Found id %04X for lang %s country %s\n",
+                      LangID, debugstr_w(l_data->lang), debugstr_w(l_data->country));
+                return FALSE; /* stop enumeration */
+            }
+        }
+        else goto found; /* l_data->country not specified */
+    }
+    /* Just in case, check LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE too,
+     * in hope that possible alias name might have that value.
+     */
+    buf_en_language[0] = 0;
+    get_locale_info_str(lcid, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, buf_en_language, sizeof(buf_en_language));
+    if (l_data->lang[0] && !strcmpiW(l_data->lang, buf_en_language)) goto found;
+    return TRUE;  /* not found, continue search */
+    l_data->found_lang_id[l_data->n_found] = LangID;
+    strncpyW(l_data->found_country[l_data->n_found], buf_country, 3);
+    strncpyW(l_data->found_language[l_data->n_found], buf_language, 3);
+    l_data->n_found++;
+    TRACE("Found id %04X for lang %s\n", LangID, debugstr_w(l_data->lang));
+    return (l_data->n_found < NLS_MAX_LANGUAGES); /* continue search, unless we have enough */
+static NTSTATUS enum_res_lang(HMODULE hmod, BOOL (*lpfun)(WORD, LONG_PTR), LONG_PTR lparam)
+    int i;
+    const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *basedir, *resdir;
+    if ((status = LdrFindResourceDirectory_U( hmod, NULL, 0, &basedir )) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
+        goto done;
+    info.Type = (ULONG)RT_STRING;
+    if ((status = LdrFindResourceDirectory_U( hmod, &info, 2, &resdir )) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
+        goto done;
+    status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    et = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY)(resdir + 1);
+    for (i = 0; i < resdir->NumberOfNamedEntries + resdir->NumberOfIdEntries; i++)
+    {
+        if (!lpfun( et[i].u1.s2.Id, lparam )) break;
+    }
+    return status;
+ *           get_language_id
+ *
+ * INPUT:
+ *	Lang: a string whose two first chars are the iso name of a language.
+ *	Country: a string whose two first chars are the iso name of country
+ *	Charset: a string defining the chosen charset encoding
+ *	Dialect: a string defining a variation of the locale
+ *
+ *	all those values are from the standardized format of locale
+ *	name in unix which is: Lang[_Country][.Charset][@Dialect]
+ *
+ *	the numeric code of the language used by Windows
+ *
+ * FIXME: Charset and Dialect are not handled
+ */
+static LANGID get_language_id(LPCSTR Lang, LPCSTR Country, LPCSTR Charset, LPCSTR Dialect)
+    LANG_FIND_DATA      l_data;
+    LDR_MODULE*         mod;
+    if (!Lang)
+    {
+        l_data.found_lang_id[0] = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT);
+        goto END;
+    }
+    l_data.n_found = 0;
+    strcpynAtoW(l_data.lang, Lang, sizeof(l_data.lang));
+    if (Country) strcpynAtoW(l_data.country, Country, sizeof(l_data.country));
+    else l_data.country[0] = 0;
+    mod = CONTAINING_RECORD(&NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->LdrData->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink->Flink, LDR_MODULE, InLoadOrderModuleList);
+    enum_res_lang(mod->BaseAddress, find_language_id_proc, (LPARAM)&l_data);
+    if (l_data.n_found == 1) goto END;
+    if (!l_data.n_found)
+    {
+        if (l_data.country[0])
+        {
+            /* retry without country name */
+            l_data.country[0] = 0;
+            enum_res_lang(mod->BaseAddress, find_language_id_proc, (LONG)&l_data);
+            if (!l_data.n_found)
+            {
+                MESSAGE("Warning: Language '%s_%s' was not recognized, defaulting to English.\n",
+                        Lang, Country);
+                l_data.found_lang_id[0] = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT);
+            }
+            else MESSAGE("Warning: Language '%s_%s' was not recognized, defaulting to '%s'.\n",
+                         Lang, Country, debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[0]) );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            MESSAGE("Warning: Language '%s' was not recognized, defaulting to English.\n", Lang);
+            l_data.found_lang_id[0] = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        int i;
+        if (Country && Country[0])
+            MESSAGE("For language '%s_%s' several language ids were found:\n", Lang, Country);
+        else
+            MESSAGE("For language '%s' several language ids were found:\n", Lang);
+        /* print a list of languages with their description */
+        for (i = 0; i < l_data.n_found; i++)
+        {
+            WCHAR buffW[128];
+            char buffA[128];
+            get_locale_info_str( MAKELCID( l_data.found_lang_id[i], SORT_DEFAULT ),
+                                 LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, buffW, sizeof(buffW));
+            strcpyWtoA( buffA, buffW );
+            MESSAGE( "   %s (%04X) - %s\n", debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[i]),
+                     l_data.found_lang_id[i], buffA );
+        }
+        MESSAGE("Defaulting to '%s'. You should specify the exact language you want\n"
+                "by defining your LANG environment variable like this: LANG=%s\n",
+                debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[0]), debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[0]) );
+    }
+    TRACE("Returning %04X (%s)\n", l_data.found_lang_id[0], debugstr_lang(l_data.found_lang_id[0]));
+    return l_data.found_lang_id[0];
+ *              charset_cmp (internal)
+ */
+static int charset_cmp( const void *name, const void *entry )
+    const struct charset_entry *charset = (struct charset_entry *)entry;
+    return strcasecmp( (char *)name, charset->charset_name );
+ *		init_default_lcid
+ */
+static LCID init_default_lcid( UINT *unix_cp )
+    char *buf, *lang, *country, *charset, *dialect, *next;
+    LCID ret = 0;
+    if ((lang = getenv( "LC_ALL" )) ||
+        (lang = getenv( "LC_CTYPE" )) ||
+        (lang = getenv( "LANGUAGE" )) ||
+        (lang = getenv( "LC_MESSAGES" )) ||
+        (lang = getenv( "LANG" )))
+    {
+        if (!strcmp(lang, "POSIX") || !strcmp(lang, "C")) goto done;
+        if ((buf = RtlAllocateHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(lang) + 1 )))
+            strcpy( buf, lang );
+        for (lang = buf; lang && !ret; lang = next)
+        {
+            next = strchr(lang,':'); if (next) *next++ = '\0';
+            dialect = strchr(lang,'@'); if (dialect) *dialect++ = '\0';
+            charset = strchr(lang,'.'); if (charset) *charset++ = '\0';
+            country = strchr(lang,'_'); if (country) *country++ = '\0';
+            ret = get_language_id(lang, country, charset, dialect);
+            if (ret && charset)
+            {
+                const struct charset_entry *entry;
+                char charset_name[16];
+                size_t i, j;
+                /* remove punctuation characters from charset name */
+                for (i = j = 0; charset[i] && j < sizeof(charset_name)-1; i++)
+                    if (isalnum(charset[i])) charset_name[j++] = charset[i];
+                charset_name[j] = 0;
+                entry = bsearch( charset_name, charset_names,
+                                 sizeof(charset_names)/sizeof(charset_names[0]),
+                                 sizeof(charset_names[0]), charset_cmp );
+                if (entry)
+                {
+                    *unix_cp = entry->codepage;
+                    TRACE("charset %s was mapped to cp %u\n", charset, *unix_cp);
+                }
+                else
+                    FIXME("charset %s was not recognized\n", charset);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!ret) MESSAGE("Warning: language '%s' not recognized, defaulting to English\n", buf);
+        RtlFreeHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf );
+    }
+ done:
+    return ret;
+ *		LOCALE_Init
+ */
+void LOCALE_Init(void)
+    UINT ansi_cp = 1252, oem_cp = 437, unix_cp = ~0U;
+    LCID lcid;
+    lcid = init_default_lcid( &unix_cp );
+    NtSetDefaultLocale( FALSE, lcid );
+    NtSetDefaultLocale( TRUE, lcid );
+    ansi_cp = get_lcid_codepage(lcid);
+    get_locale_info_number( lcid, LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE, &oem_cp );
+    if (unix_cp == ~0U)
+        get_locale_info_number( lcid, LOCALE_IDEFAULTUNIXCODEPAGE, &unix_cp );
+    if (!(ansi_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( ansi_cp )))
+        ansi_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( 1252 );
+    if (!(oem_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( oem_cp )))
+        oem_cptable  = wine_cp_get_table( 437 );
+    if (unix_cp != CP_UTF8 && !(unix_cptable = wine_cp_get_table( unix_cp )))
+        unix_cptable  = wine_cp_get_table( 28591 );
+    NlsAnsiCodePage = ansi_cptable->info.codepage;
+    NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->unix_code_page = unix_cp;
+    TRACE( "ansi=%03d oem=%03d unix=%03d\n",
+           ansi_cptable->info.codepage, oem_cptable->info.codepage, unix_cp );
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/ntdll39/Makefile.in dlls/ntdll/Makefile.in
--- dlls/ntdll39/Makefile.in	2004-01-01 09:53:17.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/ntdll/Makefile.in	2004-01-01 09:53:19.000000000 +0100
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 	large_int.c \
 	loader.c \
 	loadorder.c \
+	locale.c \
 	misc.c \
 	nt.c \
 	om.c \
@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@
 	virtual.c \
+RC_SRCS = locale_rc.rc
 ASM_SRCS = relay32.s
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/ntdll39/ntdll_misc.h dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h
--- dlls/ntdll39/ntdll_misc.h	2004-01-01 09:53:17.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/ntdll/ntdll_misc.h	2004-01-02 20:44:51.000000000 +0100
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "winternl.h"
 #include "thread.h"
 #include "wine/server.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
 /* The per-thread signal stack size */
 #ifdef __i386__
@@ -46,6 +47,8 @@
                                                  const LARGE_INTEGER *timeout );
 /* init routines */
+extern BOOL build_initial_environment(void);
+extern void LOCALE_Init(void);
 extern BOOL SIGNAL_Init(void);
 extern void thread_init(void);
@@ -100,4 +103,16 @@
 extern BOOL VIRTUAL_SetFaultHandler(LPCVOID addr, HANDLERPROC proc, LPVOID arg);
 extern DWORD VIRTUAL_HandleFault(LPCVOID addr);
+/* locale */
+extern const union cptable *ansi_cptable;
+extern const union cptable *oem_cptable;
+extern const union cptable *unix_cptable;  /* NULL if UTF8 */
+static inline int ntdll_mbs2wcs(DWORD flags, const char* src, int srclen, WCHAR* dst, int dstlen)
+    return (unix_cptable) ?
+        wine_cp_mbstowcs( unix_cptable, flags, src, srclen, dst, dstlen ) :
+        wine_utf8_mbstowcs( flags, src, srclen, dst, dstlen );
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/ntdll39/ntdll.spec dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec
--- dlls/ntdll39/ntdll.spec	2004-01-01 09:53:18.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/ntdll/ntdll.spec	2004-01-01 09:53:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -1075,9 +1075,6 @@
 @ cdecl wine_server_release_fd(long long)
 @ cdecl wine_server_send_fd(long)
-# Codepages
-@ cdecl __wine_init_codepages(ptr ptr)
 # signal handling
 @ cdecl __wine_set_signal_handler(long ptr)
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS dlls/ntdll39/rtlstr.c dlls/ntdll/rtlstr.c
--- dlls/ntdll39/rtlstr.c	2004-01-01 09:53:17.000000000 +0100
+++ dlls/ntdll/rtlstr.c	2004-01-01 09:53:19.000000000 +0100
@@ -38,25 +38,6 @@
-UINT NlsAnsiCodePage = 0;
-BYTE NlsMbCodePageTag = 0;
-BYTE NlsMbOemCodePageTag = 0;
-static const union cptable *ansi_table;
-static const union cptable *oem_table;
- *	__wine_init_codepages   (NTDLL.@)
- *
- * Set the code page once kernel32 is loaded. Should be done differently.
- */
-void __wine_init_codepages( const union cptable *ansi, const union cptable *oem )
-    ansi_table = ansi;
-    oem_table = oem;
-    NlsAnsiCodePage = ansi->info.codepage;
  *      RtlInitAnsiString   (NTDLL.@)
@@ -706,7 +690,7 @@
                                         LPCSTR src, DWORD srclen )
-    int ret = wine_cp_mbstowcs( ansi_table, 0, src, srclen, dst, dstlen/sizeof(WCHAR) );
+    int ret = wine_cp_mbstowcs( ansi_cptable, 0, src, srclen, dst, dstlen/sizeof(WCHAR) );
     if (reslen)
         *reslen = (ret >= 0) ? ret*sizeof(WCHAR) : dstlen; /* overflow -> we filled up to dstlen */
     return STATUS_SUCCESS;
@@ -719,7 +703,7 @@
 NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlOemToUnicodeN( LPWSTR dst, DWORD dstlen, LPDWORD reslen,
                                   LPCSTR src, DWORD srclen )
-    int ret = wine_cp_mbstowcs( oem_table, 0, src, srclen, dst, dstlen/sizeof(WCHAR) );
+    int ret = wine_cp_mbstowcs( oem_cptable, 0, src, srclen, dst, dstlen/sizeof(WCHAR) );
     if (reslen)
         *reslen = (ret >= 0) ? ret*sizeof(WCHAR) : dstlen; /* overflow -> we filled up to dstlen */
     return STATUS_SUCCESS;
@@ -732,7 +716,7 @@
 NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN( LPSTR dst, DWORD dstlen, LPDWORD reslen,
                                         LPCWSTR src, DWORD srclen )
-    int ret = wine_cp_wcstombs( ansi_table, 0, src, srclen / sizeof(WCHAR),
+    int ret = wine_cp_wcstombs( ansi_cptable, 0, src, srclen / sizeof(WCHAR),
                                 dst, dstlen, NULL, NULL );
     if (reslen)
         *reslen = (ret >= 0) ? ret : dstlen; /* overflow -> we filled up to dstlen */
@@ -746,7 +730,7 @@
 NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlUnicodeToOemN( LPSTR dst, DWORD dstlen, LPDWORD reslen,
                                   LPCWSTR src, DWORD srclen )
-    int ret = wine_cp_wcstombs( oem_table, 0, src, srclen / sizeof(WCHAR),
+    int ret = wine_cp_wcstombs( oem_cptable, 0, src, srclen / sizeof(WCHAR),
                                 dst, dstlen, NULL, NULL );
     if (reslen)
         *reslen = (ret >= 0) ? ret : dstlen; /* overflow -> we filled up to dstlen */
@@ -1070,7 +1054,7 @@
 UINT WINAPI RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize( const STRING *str )
-    int ret = wine_cp_mbstowcs( oem_table, 0, str->Buffer, str->Length, NULL, 0 );
+    int ret = wine_cp_mbstowcs( oem_cptable, 0, str->Buffer, str->Length, NULL, 0 );
     return (ret + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
@@ -1112,7 +1096,7 @@
 NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize( DWORD *size, LPCSTR str, UINT len )
-    *size = wine_cp_mbstowcs( ansi_table, 0, str, len, NULL, 0 ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
+    *size = wine_cp_mbstowcs( ansi_cptable, 0, str, len, NULL, 0 ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
     return STATUS_SUCCESS;
@@ -1133,7 +1117,7 @@
 NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize( PULONG size, LPCWSTR str, ULONG len )
-    *size = wine_cp_wcstombs( ansi_table, 0, str, len / sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
+    *size = wine_cp_wcstombs( ansi_cptable, 0, str, len / sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
     return STATUS_SUCCESS;
@@ -1174,7 +1158,7 @@
 DWORD WINAPI RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize( const UNICODE_STRING *str )
-    return wine_cp_wcstombs( oem_table, 0, str->Buffer, str->Length / sizeof(WCHAR),
+    return wine_cp_wcstombs( oem_cptable, 0, str->Buffer, str->Length / sizeof(WCHAR),
                              NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ) + 1;
diff -u -N -r -x '*~' -x '.#*' -x CVS include39/winternl.h include/winternl.h
--- include39/winternl.h	2004-01-01 09:54:11.000000000 +0100
+++ include/winternl.h	2004-01-01 09:54:14.000000000 +0100
@@ -158,7 +158,8 @@
     PRTL_BITMAP                  TlsBitmap;          /*  40 */
     ULONG                        TlsBitmapBits[2];   /*  44 */
     BYTE                         __pad_4c[156];      /*  4c */
-    PVOID                        Reserved3[59];      /*  e8 */
+    PVOID                        Reserved3[58];      /*  e8 */
+    unsigned int                 unix_code_page;     /* 1d0 wine only */
     ULONG                        SessionId;          /* 1d4 */
 } PEB, *PPEB;

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