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- Re: Improve Colors in Wine, (continued)
- Steel Panthers - World at War,
Olli Nevalainen
- Relocation error, Dave Coventry
- Unvisible windows, Walter Neumann
- Wine and skype,
Jacobo García López de Araújo
- WIne - BlackBerry JDE, Alex Lau
- fixme:dialog:MSGBOX_OnInit,
- error opening MS Access .mbd,
Ken Schutte
- client,
- wine-20040309 build error,
Sebastien Fievet
- DesignCAD 3D Max, only in root,
- Developer's path to Windows/*NIX multi-platform?,
- sequencer (sound), Brian
- Compile error?,
Kai OM
- Wine, Games and Sound,
Brian L. Walter
- SetupComm,
mark spowage
- Too much tracing in ntdll/file.c, pvriens
- insatlling Internet Explorer under wine,
sting sting
- wordfast, word 2000, + wine,
Anze Slosar
- ??? instead of text in sacred Config Prog, the-fallen
- remote registry/active perl, Ryan Sweet
- failed to create the process heap, Tyler Daniel
- Re: Q: Linux environment for loading Windows drivers?, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
- Unvisible fonts,
Konrad Klimaszewski
- Re: [wine] Re: Getting DirectDraw to work,
Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
- Still busy with ZooTycoon (demo version),
Installing Windows apps from cd's,
Derek Croxton
Working around visible cursor problems, Mark Schreiber
Status of CryptoAPI and advapi32 in Wine?, R.U. Deranged
OK, i've found my problem (was: X11drv),
How to debug an app in windows,
Setup: Failed to get CommonFilesFolder, the-fallen
Bring up porblems on RH 9.0,
George Anzinger
DCOM + clean installation,
H. Jessen
MSVCRT.dll._longjumpex not found,
David . Goodenough
IE6 gives error when trying to save favorite,
Printing simply DOES NOT WORK; print dialog just stays open,
Windows version of Wine,
Julius Schwartzenberg
graphic format WMF, Walter Neumann
Selection of a path,
Walter Neumann
not correct buttons, Walter Neumann
ie6 and wine 20040309 - starts, loads page then stops responding,
Marius Andreiana
Re: Trying to get a VB-Application running on Suse 9.0 and Wine 09032004. But error 'undefined function 'CStr' in expression 308,
Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Windows Media Encoder and FreeBSD,
Jonathan S. Keim
Trying to get a VB-Application running on Suse 9.0 and Wine 09032004. But error 'undefined function 'CStr' in expression 3085' shows up., Samuel Herzog
lotus notes + attachments = crash,
Daniel . Krippner
ie6 doesn't work,
Marius Andreiana
how to stop screen depth being changed ?, Bruce Mellows
Skype sound problem with ALSA and arts,
Nagy Viktor
Wine font problem,
Juris Smits
Re: ALSA/Wine problems,
Sylvain Petreolle
how to stop the screen depth being changed ?,
Walter Neumann
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Winsock, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Syberia demo under Wine 20040309, Henk Poley
ALSA and an intel i8x0/SiS SI7012 sound card,
Michael Graham
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: ALSA and an intel i8x0/SiS SI7012 sound card, Michael Graham
re: ALSA and an intel i8x0/SiS SI7012 sound card, Алексей Бай
Cannot compile wine,
Igor Selivanov
IE 6 service pack 1,
Ralph Blach
Sound question, Mike Crowe
attaching to any thread with winedbg,
Saulius Krasuckas
error messages,
Maz Kamran
DLL - registry,
Walter Neumann
Installing Zoo Tycoon problem (another one),
Re: Installing Zoo Tycoon problem (another one), Fabian Cenedese
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Installing Zoo Tycoon problem (another one), Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Re: Installing Zoo Tycoon problem (another one), Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Installing "The big box of art" from Hemera failed,
Walter Neumann
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Installing "The big box of art" from Hemera failed, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Computer now functioning properly,
Kenneth Brown
The lattes version of AIM wine,
Ralph Blach
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: The lattes version of AIM wine, Frank Clements
lotus notes 6 not working,
Florian Koenig/Camberg/ISBAC
Getting DirectDraw to work,
David Lee Lambert
what is this? fixme:hook:NotifyWinEvent (32773,0x20025,-4,1)-stub!,
Dan Sawyer
first results from 2004-0309 release,
Dan Sawyer
Ralph Blach
lotus notes 6 again :),
Florian Koenig/Camberg/ISBAC
wine doesn't work at all,
Anton Martchukov
Wine-20040213 with K12ltsp Fedora 4.0.1, John P. Conlon
font is displayed in a diferant language.,
Philip Immoos
Latest and greatest, David Baron
Wine release 20040309, Alexandre Julliard
lotus note in a server env,
Jeremie . Laflamme
running WinBUGS by using wine in linux, Na Peng
automate gui, Brian Edwards
At least got one game running!!,
Some strange things with files,
wine & outlook express,
Nerry Sharian
Message not available
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: wine & outlook express, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Windows Media Player,
Guy Carmin
solaris x86 build fails,
Myst (win 3.11) and 256 pallete display,
Shachar Shemesh
Crossover works but wine crashes. Why?,
Jeff Melville
Passing "current dir" to linux program (or other ways to associate it),
Mikhail Ramendik
Finale+wine update, Mikhail Ramendik
X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout - layout not found,
Matthias Meyer
Finale+WIne problem solved (sort of), Mikhail Ramendik
Problem in using CHtmlView class, vishal wable
Sound and Soldier of Fortune, Brett I. Holcomb
Regressions in CVS??,
Brett I. Holcomb
wine registry,
Dwight Spence
WineX3.2 and pthreads,
Pino Pinto
Black icons in Finale 2002,
Mikhail Ramendik
Starcraft Hashy Sound,
Matthew Frederico
Lotus Notes: Error Reading Metafile from Clipboard,
Dan Urist
x11drv: cant open display,
Lim Wee Cheong
Systray-Integration, Daniel . Krippner
Counterstrike default color depth???, Matthias Güntert
cdrom permissions,
Bruce Scharlau
ie6 and outlook,
Joachim von Thadden
Sound and Graphics problem, ian
run authenticated over a NT domain aplications, Marco Rodriguez M.
x-server with 2screens blanks while starting wine,
Sound Problems with Wine and ALSA,
Rick Knight
Unhandled Exception with Excel, Jeff Melville
Running Delphi application.,
David Harel
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Running Delphi application., Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Re: Running Delphi application., Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Previous versions of wine,
Dave Coventry
program almost loads,
Robert Harpham
using wine from a cgi,
Brian White
Wine crashes when I use dead keys (grave and circumflex accents),
Dominic . Genest
sound under wine,
Ralph Blach
Burning VCDs with Nero, bernd_muc
Lotus Notes 6.5.3 Null Handle crash,
daniel . krippner
[RESEND] Mixer + Joystick problems with a game. Anybody willing to debug?, Christian Neumair
Re: Mixer + Joystick problems with a game. Anybody willing to debug?, Christian Neumair
Wine-X relation to Wine,
Re: problem with running some apps under wine, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
AutoCAD 2004,
wine hangs if nfs is running, Kyle Davenport
Wine and BusinessObjects, giovanni
Wine and Client Informix,
CrossOver is a fine product., Jerry Rains
installation of Microsoft ViSual Source Safe under Wine on Linux, sting sting
Problem running wine, Jancs
Help needed to get the application work for native linux editors, saravanan
installation question,
Na Peng
Wine Clipboard Problem, "Vadim Gritsenko"
Clicking on Quicken install.exe program causes "Open With" box to pop up., Jerry Rains
Hashy sound on sis 7012, Melvin Jenklowiecz
Serial port communication,
Vlad Britt
Using .fon files with wine's native font rendering, Stephen Mollett
Wine sound problems, Richard W. Knight
Previous versions of wine., Dave Coventry
wine-pthread defunct, Ravi Kumar
Guidance needed for FoxPro app,
Mark Burdick
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Guidance needed for FoxPro app, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
WINE 20040213 & Lotus Notes 5.0.11 clipboard error, Martin Rasp
map_image section .data too large, the-fallen
/sbin/ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link on fedora 1, Christoph Donges
Re: Outreach to local governments considering Linux, Olaf Leidinger
Quick Divide By Zero Exception,
Colin Thomsen
Wine and Mandrake 9.2 / 10?, Jeff Melville
Running cabarc.exe under Wine: FCICreate() failed,
Alexander Farber
Rhapsody Streaming Music Service with Wine on Fedora,
Jeramy Ashlock
Wine and .NET, mcrowe
Framemaker 7.0 Is Alive, Mike Kost
Does wine supports database applications,
Problem installing IE6,
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Problem installing IE6, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Re: Problem installing IE6, Joachim von Thadden
Website help for installing software, not running it,
Dominic Genest
Problems installing Office 2000 Pro,
Dominic Genest
Autorunning a CD,
Dominic Genest
How do you completely remove wine and start over?,
Wayne Dahl
Re: How do you completely remove wine and start over?, Jeramy Ashlock
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: How do you completely remove wine and start over?, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Re: How do you completely remove wine and start over?, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
Ending with Debug, Brett I. Holcomb
apparant wine and Fedora Core anomoly ??,
Dan Sawyer
MSWord, 20040213 wine, and Fedora Core 1 font problem,
Dan Sawyer
BBO doesnt work properly,
Jakub Żytka
regedit fails,
Dan Sawyer
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: regedit fails, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
regedit fails, Steve Nospam
Sound options,
Brett I. Holcomb
Half-life errors,
Brett I. Holcomb
Att. Admin: Mailing list subject prefix... please?,
Rufus Laggren
WinE & Windows,
"Rafał K."
Delphi 6 app with QReport,
Petre Mitrache
ie 6 with wine-20040121,
andreas . sumper
"wine.ini" ??, Dan Sawyer
winecheck error ??, Dan Sawyer
wine check error ??, Dan Sawyer
regedit-wine usage,
Brett I. Holcomb
strange errors about winsock o.O, the-fallen
wine 20040214, Fedora Core 1, and MS Office ??, Dan Sawyer
wine-20040213 does not compile,
Mark Hannessen
WriteProcessMemory and friends in Wine?, Ryan Underwood
Wine release 20040213, Alexandre Julliard
TCP/IP under GNU/Linux,
Sam Halliday
wine and arts-20040209 cvs dont mix., Shane Shields
windows application+Database,
Dreamweaver working except,
Dan Weisenstein
Does anyone uses MPLAB???,
Roberto Fernandes Tavares Neto
Warcraft III (and Diablo 2) Out of Memory error,
Anish Mistry
wine locks up when the program fails,
"Cristóvão B. B. Dalla Costa"
hosting warcraft 3 multiplayer games,
Philippe Anctil
Java Install problem with Wine, Greg Foulks
followup to earlier problem (turns out uxtheme is a prob),
Adam Ingerman
wine rpm installation problem,
Jan release hangs frequently on FC-1 and MS Word, Dan Sawyer
OLE32 function?,
Problems running NT executable wine,
Dwight Spence
wrong .exe loading with 2.6 kernels, the-fallen
Client informix problem, giovanni ??,
David Masterson
any app: wine: Unhandled exception (thread 0009), starting debugger..., Adam Ingerman
counterstrike 1.5 with wine-20040121,
Problems running MS Money 97, Keith Winston
win32 application error - Cannot open AVI - a FindFolder animation,
NetStorm text color problem, Mathew McBride
Icewind Dale,
Starcraft is fast without using DGA?, cedric
Update: starcraft runs faster from debugger!, cedric
Delphi 6 with wine-20031212, Joachim von Thadden
AP/OR Manager, João
how do i get rid of wine-kthread <defunct> ?,
starcraft runs faster from winedbg than from wine?, cedric
man page slimmed-down from 20031118 to 20040121,
Perfect running game: Alles onder controle game (commercial CD for lingens blond), cedric
Perfect running game: Atomic bomberman,
wine-20040121 & starcraft, a collection of dumps, cedric
OriginLab's Origin 7.0,
Pino Pinto
re: getting started with wine on debian and W2K,
Ivan Uemlianin
wine + starcraft oss dumps,
Problem with basic Installshield app,
Lane Myer
starcraft doesn't get the keyboard,
Do i even have DGA?,
NT Shutdown,
Andrew Higgs
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: NT Shutdown, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
PGP Desktop and Wine, Branden R. Williams
A program is trying to open a file && failing, Evil Kosh
Winsock Error with IP based client Software,
Andy Capps
wineserver control, Luca Zancan
Re: improve couterstrike perfomance, Ivan Leo Murray-Smith
starcraft problem,
Best BSD for Wine at the moment?,
Lane Myer
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