Every time I start WineX 3.2 on my Debian Woody I get: Your system requires the use of pthreads but the maximum system allowed stack size of 2052 kB may be too small for some games. If you experience problems, try rerunning with "-use-pthreads no" which may help. What does that means? Is there a way to definitively fix it, except the use of "-use-pthreads no" switch? -- ___ _ | ICQ: 99644516 | _ (_)_ _ ___ | | _/ | ' \/ _ \ | PGP key fingerprint: |_| |_|_||_\___/ | 0B6D CA29 72A5 7F36 0343 72E2 ECDA B516 8747 C639 _______________________________________________ wine-users mailing list wine-users@xxxxxxxxxx http://www.winehq.org/mailman/listinfo/wine-users