Hi Rein, > On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 19:23:14 +0100 (CET), you wrote: > > >> fixme:exec:ShellExecuteExW32 flags ignored: 0x00000440 >> trace:file:CreateFileW L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\instmsia.exe" GENERIC_READ >> FILE_SHARE_READ OPEN_EXISTING attributes 0x0 >> warn:file:CreateFileW Unable to get full filename from >> L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\instmsia.exe" (GLE 2) >> >> Why are we looking in C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM for the instmsia.exe. It's >> obviously not there but in V:\\ > > The ShellExecute family of functions are quite complicated where they > search for the executable. There may very well bugs affecting you here. > > Can you run with "--debugmsg +exec,+process", look in the output for the > quoted snippet and post it, now with the additional messages? > > Btw, is your current directory "V:\\"? Does it matter if you make it so? > > Rein. > -- > Rein Klazes > rklazes@xxxxxxxxx > These are the messages (CVS Mar-13-2004) when launched from V:\\ (/mnt/virtual_cdrom): fixme:imm:ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd (0x10030 - 0x10023 0x4022a6e0 ): semi-stub trace:exec:ShellExecuteExA 0x4195a13c trace:exec:ShellExecuteExW32 mask=0x00000440 hwnd=0x10021 verb=(null) file=L"instmsia.exe" parm=(null) dir=L"V:" show=0x00000001 class=not used fixme:exec:ShellExecuteExW32 flags ignored: 0x00000440 trace:exec:ShellExecuteExW32 execute:'L"instmsia.exe"','L""' trace:exec:SHELL_ExecuteW Execute L"instmsia.exe" from directory L"V:" trace:process:CreateProcessW app (null) cmdline L"instmsia.exe" trace:process:find_exe_file looking for L"instmsia.exe" trace:process:find_exe_file Trying built-in exe L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\instmsia.exe" trace:process:find_exe_file Trying native exe L"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\instmsia.exe" trace:exec:SHELL_ExecuteW returning 2 trace:exec:SHELL_FindExecutable L"instmsia.exe" warn:exec:SHELL_FindExecutable (lpFile=L"instmsia.exe",lpResult=(null),lpOperation=L""): NULL parameter trace:exec:ShellExecuteExW32 retval 2 fixme:imm:ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd (0x20026 - 0x10023 0x4022a6e0 ): semi-stub It's exactly the same when I start: (from C:\\) V:\\setup.exe or (from anywhere) /mnt/virtual_cdrom/setup.exe I then added V:\\ to the PATH and the installation starts. I guess there is something wrong with finding the executable. It looks like we don't take the current directory (or dirname of the executable) into account. I'm still having some problems with the install btw but that's another investigation. Cheers, Paul. _______________________________________________ wine-users mailing list wine-users@xxxxxxxxxx http://www.winehq.org/mailman/listinfo/wine-users