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cant override session variables,
Lizet Peña de Sola
Php files with .html extension?,
- Re: Php files with .html extension?, M. Sokolewicz
- Re: Php files with .html extension?, Greg Donald
- Re: Php files with .html extension?, Brian V Bonini
- Re: Php files with .html extension?, Matt M.
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Php files with .html extension?, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Php files with .html extension?, Gryffyn, Trevor
- RE: Re[2]: Php files with .html extension?, Gryffyn, Trevor
- Re: Php files with .html extension?, The Snake from Hell!
Passing regexp substrings to a function,
Ville Mattila
Convert an array in an object instance,
Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso
[SOLUTION] Re: [PHP] Convert an array in an object instance, Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso
chm file for tutorial,
Sessions problem bug,
Reinhart Viane
Most efficient way of fetching 1,000 records from MySQL ?,
Steve McGill
transfer file,
A problem about urlencode,
Teng Wang
Re: Problem with file_exists() and clearstatcache()..., Louie Miranda
clearstatcache, how to use?,
Louie Miranda
Need function to process tab delimited file using associative array,
Eric Wood
Rotating image using imagerotate creates large black area on image,
Brent Clements
Is flock() necessary on a simple file append?,
Kevin Grigorenko
Classes and Interface tool,
Jonel Rienton
overiding functions (constructors mostly),
Walter Wojcik
MySQL Scalability, part 2,
Kevin Grigorenko
php_ftp.dll missing,
problem using error_reporting() PHP 5.0.2 (cli),
Yashesh Bhatia
File system management,
Help: Database search and results,
Stuart Felenstein
PHP5 CLI Custom Error Reporting Doesn't Work as Expected,
Daniel Talsky
Re: [PEAR-DEV] windows 98 support?,
Helgi Þormar
special request for windows 98 users to help develop PEAR's pear.bat, Greg Beaver
PHP Online Appointment Scheduler?,
Inconsistent file_exists(), Allen Watson
enterprise php application automated testing,
blackwater dev
Good PHP framewok, Igor
PHP framework,
PHP5 Tutorials...?,
Michael Lauzon
GD support on PHP 4.3.8, E SA
Best Functions for Checking Remote File "last modified"?,
Nick Wilson
Jerry Swanson
Cant use MYSQLi with Zend Performance Suit 4.0.2, Unreal HSHH
How to parse this?,
Jerry Swanson
allow set_time_limit on safe mode, Nenillo
Form madness maybe OT,
Stuart Felenstein
Question on mysql_fetch_object(),
Walter Wojcik
Re: Referring Page, Ben
MySQL scalability...,
Kevin Grigorenko
Customer is looking for packages as follows, The Doctor
$_FILES Not Populating On File Upload,
Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)
COPY with PostgreSQL,
Robert Fitzpatrick
Redirect then error message to user,
Stuart Felenstein
Serial Communication,
Ulrik Witschass
adding a new property to an object instance,
Question: Simpler loop,
Stuart Felenstein
Multiple permisions, different sessions.,
Pablo D Marotta
Serializing objects with protected members,
Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso
PHP CLI Forking Problem, John McKerrell
Apache2 + PHP problem,
Marco Stranieri
DOMXML html_dump_mem question,
franco bevilacqua
Thanks but problem Again! (MySQL & PHP database script PLEASE),
Re: Thanks but problem Again! (MySQL & PHP database script PLEASE), Dan McCullough
Re: Thanks but problem Again! (MySQL & PHP database script PLEASE), Ramil Sagum
Re: Thanks but problem Again! (MySQL & PHP database script PLEASE), Matthew Sims
Session management,
Herman Scheepers
MySQL & PHP database script PLEASE,
Re: ImageMagik, Brian V Bonini
compileproblem gd into php4.3.9 under gentoo,
Patrick Fehr
mysql and the PHP transition from 4 to 5.,
Nick Lane-Smith
PDFlib 6 and PHP 4.3.8/9,
Brendan P. Caulfield
Please Help! Call to undefined function mysql_connect(),
Scott McDonald
Question: Validation on select boxes and lists.,
Stuart Felenstein
I cannot move files,
Giacomo Cantilli
Trying to Integrate PHP 4.3.4 w/ JDK 1.5.0,
Andrew Hauger
Re-compiling PHP,
Mike R
RE: Best practices for php application,
Jay Blanchard
RE: Simple Time Question,
Daniel Purdy
Passing the Array as Parameter to either the function or object/class???,
Scott Fletcher
Strange Array Error,
URL variables, and the $_GET[xxx] function...,
Tristan . Pretty
Sessions question,
Reinhart Viane
Re: Sessions question, raditha dissanayake
Re: Sessions question, Curt Zirzow
<Possible follow-ups>
php sessions question,
Reinhart Viane
Re: File Upload Problem,
Robby Russell
Re: File Upload Problem, Bastien Koert
Re: File Upload Problem, Daniel Brown
Re: A better way to do this in php???,
Moving uploaded image tmp file problem, Dave Grant
Announce:ASPA 1.1, Anakreon
Mac OS X and Editor,
Jonel Rienton
Send variable in include(),
Re: Re: Best way to allow a user to indicate formatting to be displayed but stored.,
Problem with php 4/5, segmentation fault, robert mena
Re: Regexp help, John Holmes
heredoc syntax,
RE: fopen by URL is disabled, is there another way of readi ng a remote webpage?, Vail, Warren
Dan McCullough
PHP on Windows,
Jonathan Haddad
parsing a string,
Dan McCullough
RE: fputcsv() error message,
Pablo Gosse
fopen by URL is disabled, is there another way of reading a remote webpage?,
Chuck Barnett
remote file existance when protected by a .htaccess,
wrapper, Stanislav Kuhn
relative paths with "require",
Joey Morwick
Validation problem with array.,
Stuart Felenstein
change server unix->win,
Patrick Fehr
1st day of the Week,
Re: str_replace problem,
Silvio Porcellana
File Copy,
Re: File Copy, Dusty Bin
Re: File Copy, Dusty Bin
RE: Reverse (or backward?) Infinity Loop, trenton
Help! No output from PHP CLI,
Warren Guy
Automatic Form processor,
Lone Wolf
header problem for mobile browser,
RE: CPU usage @5% during 2 minutes,
Ed Lazor
Deleo Paulo Ribeiro Junior
- Re: Session, Matt M.
- Re: Session, Matthew Weier O'Phinney
- Re: Session, Chris Dowell
- <Possible follow-ups>
- SESSION, Thomas Bonham
- session, Roman Duriancik
- session, Roman Duriancik
- session, João Cândido de Souza Neto
- session, Sichta, Daniel
- Re: session, Richard Lynch
RE: session, Ford, Mike
session, João Cândido de Souza Neto
RE: new connection with pg_pconnect, Jonathan Villa
Square brackets tags,
Marco Bambini
Re: problem with array,
Minuk Choi
Re: sql & trim problem, Greg Donald
@session_start generates a new session_id,
PHP Configuration Error,
Mulley, Nikhil
Help: Suggestions for multi page form validation,
Stuart Felenstein
Optimized GIF animations created on the fly (patch included),
Jaakko Hyvätti
Oracle Connection,
Add to regex help,
people/projects looking for developers...,
Open or Save PHP page?,
File and line that called a function?,
Adrian Madrid
Re: setting index of array as 1,
'Intelligently' truncate string?,
Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
Site Search for website,
Rahul S. Johari
RE: constant tasks, Jay Blanchard
Mixing classes,
Tomi Kaistila
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