Hi all, This is drving me insane... I have a logout script, logout.php: <? $_SESSION['validlogin']=""; $_SESSION['username']=""; $_SESSION['password']=""; unset($_SESSION['validlogin']); unset($_SESSION['username']); unset($_SESSION['password']); session_unset(); print("username=".$_SESSION['username']); print("password=".$_SESSION['password']); if(session_id()){ session_destroy();} ?> that effectively cleans the session variables. However, when i try to set them again, they won't take the new values: <? session_start(); $_SESSION['validlogin']=true; $_SESSION['username']=$username; $_SESSION['password']=$password; print("username_session ".$_SESSION['username']); exit(); ?> will print: username_session blank... I know globals are on...what's a happening? why the variables are cleaned fine why there's no override? tia, lizet