Hi there,
I have a few e-mail templates in a file that should be parsed. A template can include also some "module codes" that should be replaced by a return value of a certain function. For example, if the template include a text "{ProductInfo:1032}", the value 1032 would be passed as an argument to a function mdlProductInfo() and the whole string would be replaced by the return value of the function.
One possible way is to loop the string like this:
while(eregi("{([a-z])(:[a-z0-9])+}", $template, $regs)) { list($whole, $function, $valuestring) = $regs; $values = explode(":", substr($valuestring, 1));
unset($retval); eval("$retval = mdl".$function."(".join(",", $values).");"); $template = str_replace($whole, $retval, $template); }
Any other ideas on this?
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