Ramil Sagum wrote:
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 16:13:07 +0900, Sugimoto <sugimoto@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you for two of you.
dou itashimashite.
This is your problem:
Bad query: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'and Tit like and Aut
like and Auty like ' at line 4
The SQL query you formed may have an invalid syntax. Dakara, $result
does not contain a valid MySQL resource. Mochiron, next operations
with $result will produce errors:
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result...
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result....
What you can do is to debug first your SQL statement:
$sql = "select * from gen_table where GO like ". $_GET["go"].
" and ym like ". $_GET["dt"] .
" and Tit like ".$_GET["ti"]." .
" and Aut like ".$_GET["au"].
" and Auty like ".$_GET["ay"];
print_r($sql); //show the SQL statement, (remove this when everything
is working)
$result = mysql_query($sql);
print_r to var_dump ha php de debug no ni yaku ni tachimasu!
and now in english...? I don't think I understood even half of what you
said... what does "ha php de debug no ni yaku ni tachimasu" mean? or
"dou itashimashite" not to mention "dakara" and "mochiron"
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