On Oct 20, 2004, at 3:57 PM, Michael Sims wrote:
Jonel Rienton wrote:Hi guys, I just like to ask those using Macs here as to what editor and/or IDE they are using for writing PHP codes.
I don't personally use Mac OS X, but let me throw in a recommendation for jEdit
(www.jedit.org). It's Java based, hence cross-platform, and extremely powerful. I
use it on Windows and couldn't live without it. I have installed it on my friend's
iMac long enough to see that it works, but not long enough to know of any
platform-specific issues and/or gotchas.
I use Xcode to do all my coding.
Just a side-comment: in general, OS X users enjoy/use Cocoa-based applications over Java-based. Cocoa provides the "OS X Experience" with the native aqua interface and other cool features that Java cannot always supply. (Not intending to start a discussion... just informing those non-Mac users.)
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