That is, expected results, *apart* from the infinite loop you'll have
due to not incrementing $i
Chris Dowell wrote:
The problem is that you've assigned $test_array[] = array();
This means that the first element ($test_array[0]) is an array.
You're then trying to add $i to it, as in $test_array[$i] =
$test_array[$i] + 1;
in terms of types what you're doing is array = array + integer
Which doesn't make any sense.
If you change the first line to $test_array = array();
Then the individual elements will all be NULL, which evaluates to 0 in
an integer context, and you will get the result you expect.
Hope this helps
Shaun wrote:
I have been trying for the past two hours to understand why I get an
error with the following code:
$test_array[] = array();
$i = 0;
while($i < 7){
$test_array[$i] += $i;
echo '$day_total[$i] = '.$day_total[$i].'<br>';
Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in
/usr/home/expensesystem/public_html/test.php on line 5
I am trying to create a loop where $i is added to array element $i,
and can't find any information relating to this on google or
Thanks for your advice.
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