Re: Parsing

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On 23-2-2015 7:18, Jigar Dhulla wrote:

(.*?) - Any character

(\s*?) - Multiline spaces and tabs

First (Ron, Jigar), PLEASE don't top-post. The mailinglist rules state 
that you should BOTTOM POST instead. Try to keep to the rules on the php 
mailinglists; always.
Secondly, the above two regexp rules are slightly bloated. What they 
actually mean is:
( = start new catchable pattern
. = any character
* = 0 or more of the previous pattern
? = 0 or 1 of the previous pattern
) = end catchable pattern
\s = any whitespace character

So, what does (.*?) mean? Well, simply said "any character, occuring 0 or more times" occuring 0 or 1 times. But since the any character pattern already occurs 0 or more times, the pattern as a whole will either be matched (1 time) or not (0 times). Making the ? metacharacter useless. Now if it were (.+?) then it would state "one or more of any character, with the entire pattern optional. So in practice, the following patterns are equal in what they represent: (.*?), (.*), (.+?)
The same thing goes for \s*?

You can read up on Regular Expressions on
- Tul

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