The sample code (in seperate, this piece of code runs with normal speed, but it is this part which runs slowly when executed as a whole, everything else is fast): $sqlquery = "SELECT sh_Number, sh_Status FROM service_sheet ORDER BY sh_Number DESC"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die (mysql_error()."<br><br>"._ERROR_QUERY.": ".$sqlquery); echo " <SELECT onchange=\"this.form.service_sheet_worknum.value = this.value;\" class=\"service_sheet_list\" name=\"service_sheet\">"; while (list($shID, $shStatus, $shWNum, $custName) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { switch ($shStatus) { case 1: $option_class = "status_1"; break; case 2: $option_class = "status_2"; break; case 3: $option_class = "status_3"; break; case 4: $option_class = "status_4"; break; case 5: $option_class = "status_5"; break; } echo "<OPTION class=\"$option_class\" value=\"$shID\">$shID</OPTION>"; } echo "</SELECT> "._OR;?> -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: