split() uses the POSIX regular expressions engine, and thus also uses
regular expressions. The loading of this engine is a massive overhead
when dealing with simple splitting of a string. To do basic things like
this it's a lot faster to use explode().
- Tul
Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso wrote:
You can also use split function if you do not know about regular
expressions and do not want to learn:
$string = "pid_1_date_2004_10_25";
$regs = split ("_", $string );
print_r ($regs);
I think its autoexplicative.
Shaun wrote:
I have a string as follows: pid_1_date_2004_10_25
pid tells me the Project_ID and date tells me the date(!). I need to
extract this information from the string so to get the date I need
everything after 'date_' as follows:
substr(strstr($key, 'date_'), 4)
However, to get the Project ID I need to extract everything after
'pid_' and everything before 'date_'. Can someone help me with this
please as PHP doesn't seem to provide a function for extracting
information from a string that occurs before the 'needle'?
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