Included is my reproduce code. I'm trying to write a custom error logger for my PHP CLI script. The main problem is that when I try something like a failed require() statement, my custom error reporting function tells me it got an E_WARNING, but it stops program execution, which is not what the docs say it should do. When I try some other fatal error like trying to call an undefined function foobar(), then it doesn't run my custom error loggin function at all, just stops program execution. I tried to report this as a bug, and it was closed with no explanation...this is driving me to the brink of sanity. Can anyone help? #!/usr/local/bin/php -c /usr/local/etc/php.ini <?php function pv_shell_error_logger( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline){ switch ($errno){ case E_ERROR: print('E_ERROR'."\n"); break; case E_WARNING: print('E_WARNING'."\n"); break; default: print('OTHER:'.$errno."\n"); break; } return true; } error_reporting(0); // set to the user defined error handler set_error_handler("pv_shell_error_logger", (E_ALL)); // FIRST TEST, PRINTS 'E_WARNING' // But also stops program execution even though I'm not doing anything. //require ('foo'); // FIRST TEST, PRINTS NOTHING // And also stops program execution even though I'm not doing anything. //foobar(); ?> -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: