Does anyone have a function stored away that can selectively let me trim out only the columns *by name* I need from a delimited text file? For Example: FName<tab>LName<tab>Phone John<tab>Smith<tab>3433335335 James<tab>Smith<tab>2345223533 Judy<tab>Smith<tab>5474574544 The first line wouldmake the associative array list names from the title row, and rows 2 onward are the data. So that I can: read row 1 into array print 'FName','LName' for each row print_r('FName')."\t".print_r('Phone').'\n'; next row This would allow me to ignore all the other colums I don't need and just save the ones I do need. Thanks, -Eric Wood -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: