Linux Speakup
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- Podcasting, (continued)
- moving drives,
Joseph C. Lininger
- help with speech dispatcher,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- anxious to get FC3,
jaffar at
- setting security bits on UNIX,
- ot, MBROLA,
Gregory Nowak
- Configuring X with monitor off,
Charles Hallenbeck
- installing a debian package,
Jude DaShiell
- files /packages needed,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- playing DVD's with Linux,
Jude DaShiell
- speakup 2.0 behavior,
Gregory Nowak
- graphical install,
Eric Kosten
- speechd-up compile error,
Charles Hallenbeck
- redhat fedora core 3 question and possible problem or bug,
Nick Gawronski
- linux 2.6 questions,
Gregory Nowak
- I got into Knoppix,
Glenn at home
- booting up with Knoppix,
Glenn at home
- clipper?,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 1 9 5 3 4 6)
- pdftotext error??,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 1 9 5 3 4 6)
- Design the NLS Digital Talking Book Machine,
Janina Sajka
- installing rpms on FC3,
Raul A. Gallegos
- mail problems continued,
Raul A. Gallegos
- mail getting lost question,
Raul A. Gallegos
- [debian] speakup install and making a 2.6 kernel deb,
Sean McMahon
- help with a speakup installation,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- cvs works again with 2.4.28 and above,
Kirk Reiser
- Daily email reports from my Exim,
Charles Hallenbeck
- Speakup 2.0 release announcement,
Gene Collins
- Just installed Debian,
Andrew Hodgson
- apache2 & php,
Kyrath. (AKA Rob)
- flite alternatives ?,
lists.speakup at
- Codecs for MPlayer,
Charles Hallenbeck
- asx file,
Lorenzo Taylor
- playing asx files,
Eric Kosten
- in response to the 2.6 speakup kernel deb,
Sean McMahon
- which 2.6 kernel should I use with speakup cvs?,
Sean McMahon
- Stream fails with MPlayer 1.0-pre7,
Charles Hallenbeck
- Speakup debian package for kernel 2.6 or later,
jim grimsby
- installing a deb package,
Charles Hallenbeck
- parallel port not working,
Gregory Nowak
- Question about gnopernicus.,
Murthy T S N
- re-loading SpeakUp,
Glenn at home
- audio players,
Eric Kosten
- audio players,
Lorenzo Taylor
- audio players,
Charles Hallenbeck
- audio players,
Lorenzo Taylor
- audio players,
Kenny Hitt
- audio players,
Charles Hallenbeck
- audio players,
Kenny Hitt
- audio players,
Charles Hallenbeck
- audio players,
Kenny Hitt
- audio players,
Kenny Hitt
- audio players,
Charles Hallenbeck
- audio players,
jim grimsby
- audio players,
Charles Hallenbeck
- audio players,
Kenny Hitt
- audio players,
jim grimsby
- audio players,
jim grimsby
- audio players,
Sean McMahon
- audio players,
Charles Hallenbeck
- audio players,
Kenny Hitt
- Knoppix question,
Glenn at home
- linux windows dividing line,
Jude DaShiell
- Vim help,
Glenn at home
- modified cdburn script,
Jude DaShiell
- Testing #3 -- please ignore,
Charles Hallenbeck
- testing #2 -- please ignore,
Charles Hallenbeck
- testing -- please delete,
Charles Hallenbeck
- Downloading Knoppix,
Glenn at home
- Feedback supplication,
Jan Buchal
- Knoppix download,
Glenn at home
- speech server for the keynote gold sa.,
Shaun Everiss
- kernel 2.6.11,
Juan Hernandez
- how to create a new subdirectoory,
- sound install with problem,
Eric Kosten
- More on broken Linux,
Glenn at home
- My Linux is broken!,
Glenn at home
- command question,
Eric Kosten
- Capturing ALSA Devices with amixer,
Steve Holmes
- listen-up status?,
Willem van der Walt
- sources.list file,
Glenn at home
- No cd audio??,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 1 9 5 3 4 6)
- excel files?,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 1 9 5 3 4 6)
- permissions & ownership,
Kyrath. (AKA Rob)
- apple tiger mail list,
Juan Hernandez
- hello listers,
Eric Kosten
- alsa and kernel 2.6,
Charles Hallenbeck
- trplayer in Debian,
Charles Hallenbeck
- hello testing 1, 2, 3,
Charles Hallenbeck
- Problem With apt-get update,
Rejean Proulx
- not exactly gone,
Daniel Crone
- was wondering how to get to the audio site,
Jane Lee
- dvorak as linux physical security enhancement,
Jude DaShiell
- Message body too big: can I retrieve it?,
Lorenzo Taylor
- putty question,
Glenn at home
- DecTalk PC,
Sherman Troy Peterson
- testing -- please ignore,
Charles Hallenbeck
- Accessing an e2fs partition in Windows XP ?,
Mike Keithley
- secure rsync question,
Jude DaShiell
- where can the latest speakup-modified fc3 kernel rpm be downloaded?,
Willem van der Walt
- dvorak keyboard information,
Daniel Crone
- IRC,
nick G
- IRC,
Luke Yelavich
- <Possible follow-ups>
- irc,
Tony Baechler
- irc,
Samuel Thibault
- irc,
Tyler Littlefield
- irc,
Trevor Astrope
- irc,
Tony Baechler
- irc,
Trevor Astrope
- irc,
- irc,
Samuel Thibault
- sarge-i386.iso,
jim grimsby
- mapdata.h missing from speakup,
Kenny Hitt
- Potato and Woody files have been removed,
Gene Collins
- Speakup User's Guide is now in cvs,
Gene Collins
- checking vfat file system with mtools,
Gregory Nowak
- speakers and shutdown that used to work and now don't work as well,
Sean McMahon
- problem with Alsa and surround sound,
Monty Lilburn
- test - ignore,
Lorenzo Taylor
- FreedomBox,
Lorenzo Taylor
- FreedomBox,
Kenny Hitt
- <Possible follow-ups>
- FreedomBox,
Matt Campbell
- FreedomBox,
jim grimsby
- FreedomBox,
Kenny Hitt
- FreedomBox,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox,
Kenny Hitt
- FreedomBox,
- FreedomBox,
Keith Watson
- FreedomBox,
Joseph C. Lininger
- FreedomBox,
Steve Dawes
- FreedomBox,
Matt Campbell
- FreedomBox,
Keith Watson
- FreedomBox,
Matt Campbell
- FreedomBox,
david poehlman
- FreedomBox,
Sean McMahon
- FreedomBox,
Ann K. Parsons
- FreedomBox,
Michael Whapples
- FreedomBox,
Chris Gray
- FreedomBox,
Michael Whapples
- FreedomBox,
Ann K. Parsons
- FreedomBox,
Richard Wells
- FreedomBox,
hank smith
- FreedomBox,
Richard Wells
- FreedomBox,
Lorenzo Taylor
- FreedomBox,
jim grimsby
- FreedomBox,
Gregory Nowak
- FreedomBox,
Steve Dawes
- FreedomBox,
seth creature
- FreedomBox,
Steve Dawes
- FreedomBox,
Ann K. Parsons
- FreedomBox,
Kenny Hitt
- FreedomBox,
Cheryl Homiak
- FreedomBox,
Keith Watson
- FreedomBox,
Michael Whapples
- FreedomBox,
jim grimsby
- FreedomBox,
Raul A. Gallegos
- FreedomBox,
seth creature
- FreedomBox,
nick G
- FreedomBox,
Dawes, Stephen
- dvorak,
Igor Gueths
- dynamic dns clients,
Raul A. Gallegos
- configuring elinks how do I?,
Sean McMahon
- Blind Specific Programs or Not,
Chris Hofstader
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
jim grimsby
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Janina Sajka
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Steve Holmes
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
jim grimsby
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Steve Holmes
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Gregory Nowak
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Sean McMahon
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
W. Nick Dotson
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Janina Sajka
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Kenny Hitt
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Janina Sajka
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Steve Holmes
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Janina Sajka
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Sergei V. Fleytin
- misc linux questions -- was: Re: A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Laura Eaves
- misc linux questions -- was: Re: A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Luke Yelavich
- misc linux questions -- was: Re: A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Steve Holmes
- misc linux questions -- was: Re: A easier way to create cd'susing easy cd creator,
Sean McMahon
- misc linux questions -- was: Re: A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Kenny Hitt
- misc linux questions -- was: Re: A easier way to create cd'susing easy cd creator,
hank smith
- misc linux questions -- was: Re: A easier way to create cd's usingeasy cd creator,
Sean McMahon
- misc linux questions -- was: Re: A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Janina Sajka
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Sean McMahon
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Sean McMahon
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Sean McMahon
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator,
Janina Sajka
- Boot prompt,
jim grimsby
- Torrents,
jim grimsby
- kernel 2.6.11 compile problems,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- strange behavor,
Dawes, Stephen
- Slackware upgrade woes,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- Having accessibility built in to a program!,
jim grimsby
- A weird one:,
Dawes, Stephen
- what is orca,
Danny Crone
- bash regular expressions,
- linux and freedom box,
Danny Crone
- Fudge Australia,
Ambrosial Fudge
- upgrading slackware with swaret,
Gregory Nowak
- Mutt ignore unignore problem,
Janina Sajka
- question for mods,
Christy Schulte
- sound editing from the console?,
seth creature
- Mutt or pine and best configuration to use?,
jim grimsby
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Adam Myrow
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Gregory Nowak
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Adam Myrow
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Joseph C. Lininger
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Kenny Hitt
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Chris Hofstader
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Adam Myrow
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Kenny Hitt
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Gregory Nowak
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Janina Sajka
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Kenny Hitt
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Steve Holmes
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Kenny Hitt
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Trevor Astrope
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Steve Holmes
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Kenny Hitt
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Steve Holmes
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Igor Gueths
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Sean McMahon
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Kenny Hitt
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Lorenzo Taylor
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Justin Ekis
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Lorenzo Taylor
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
jim grimsby
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Lorenzo Taylor
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Lorenzo Taylor
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome,
jim grimsby
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Gregory Nowak
- Slackware is dropping Gnome,
Laura Eaves
Looking for current icecast?,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 1 9 5 3 4 6)
script fixes in the Speakup User's Guide,
Gene Collins
mail seems to be working now,
Raul A. Gallegos
festival slackware package?,
seth creature
mail on Fedora Core 3,
Raul A. Gallegos
Using sftsyn,
jim grimsby
Doubts about speakup.,
Murthy T S N
Permissions On Mailman,
Rejean Proulx
Building speechd-up,
jim grimsby
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