Loading speakup

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Debian based distros start speakup/espeakup at boot. So, you don't
need to edit boot scripts to make that happen. First put this line in


which will load speakup's software speech module. If you don't want to
reboot, you can simply load it by hand the first time by running the

modprobe speakup_soft

You won't need to do that after subsequent reboots since the
speakup_soft module will be loaded for you when the system boots.

Next, make sure you have the espeakup package installed, which it
sounds like you already do. Then run the command:

invoke-rc.d espeakup restart

which should give you speech. Again, you don't need to do this when
you reboot your computer, as it will be done for you.

The way to make speakup shut-up is to press the enter key on the
numeric keypad, but your numlock needs to be turned off first. If
pressing numpad-enter doesn't work when booting, press ctrl+alt+f1 to
switch to the first text console, and then press numpad-enter, which
should now silence speakup. The reason for that seems to be that the
graphical interface starts before speakup, so pressing numpad-enter
doesn't act on speakup until you switch back to a text console.

You may also want to install the speakup-doc and speakup-tools
packages if you haven't done so already. The speakup-doc package
contains the speakup user's guide in /usr/share/doc/speakup-doc which
I would suggest reading. The speakup-tools package contains
speakupconf to save/restore speakup settings, and couple other handy
utilities. The file /usr/share/doc/speakup-tools/README has all the
details. HTH.


On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 07:29:34PM +0000, donna.aitkens wrote:
> Hello.
> This may seem a little basic.  I'm running a virtual machine with a Debian based distro of Linux with the Orca screenreader for the desktop environment but some of the aplications for my course at University require access to the text console/CLI.  I am wondering how I would go about loading speakup once I have switched to the Text console.  I have checked and the packages are installed, includig the espeak synth which is the one I would like to use with speakup when loaded.  I did a little experimentation buy editing a file and adding the command to load speakup from the boot prompt but it just continiously kept reading the system log and I could not interupt the speech, is there a way to avoid this and only load speakup when its needed?  
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