To answer a prevuis message I am aware that using the decpc would not provide me with speech using software it was a test to see if the device it self would change it did. How ever when I change it to sftsyn the device does not change. So like I said this should mean that I do not have the driver installed as a module or in the kernel. Is this corect. Also what is the easyist way to remady this sitchuation before going on. Speech dispatcher is working fine with all synthasizers installed flite at the moment is the default I thought I would get it working with it before moving on to the dectalk the dectalk is working using dtk-generic as a output module. The devices have been maid as described in the speakup how to and the users guide. Both very nice documents. I think I will update the install file here for speechd-up to include the other packages I had to install to get it working. Thanks for all the help so far!