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Part of the problem with being good at windows is you only know what
they want you to know, no more. 
I do not wish to get in to a windows verses linux conversation.  I think
we all have are own reasons for using what ever operating system we
choose.  For example I wish to build linux based computers and I am sick
of always having to pay for minor updates just to be able to use my
software.   Others are switching to linux because they do not like the
gui other switch because they like to work with source code.  What ever
the reason linux should have a package right for you.  I recommend that
you try a few as I have done and see witch is right for you.  I my self
am leaning towards sarge but others have there likes and dislikes. 
Linux also has a gui interface and for many users it works wonderful.
So I see no need to bash the gui interface. 
 Many things, like registry editing not covered by help
This is not true there are many help files on the Microsoft web sight
concerning registry editing.  There are also documentation on api vb
script many other thing.  So as in linux you can find out what you wish
to know very easily if you are willing to read the documentation.  It is
true that windows assumes the average user would not wish to edit the
registry so you have to download these help files but to say they are
not available is not true. 
 neither is the registry.  This is why linux is better.  When the
program is complex, you just have a blank screen which forces you to
read docs.  When you have buttons and dialogs, you only think you can do
a few things because only those options are put infront of you so you
never rtfm.
No what makes linux better is the choices it offers.  In windows yes you
have a command line you can use but the number of programs it works with
are very limited these days.  And while it is true that there are a
number of shells for windows that would change the look and feel of your
desktop once you start using these shell many windows programs will not
work.  Linux you have no  such problem you can switch from using gnome
to kde programs easily you have many desktop choices both in the text
mode and the graphical mode.  So to say the gui in windows is a bad
thing is not really a fair statement to say that the lack of choices in
windows is a fair statement.  Windows for some things is a good
operating systems.  Linux for most things is a wonderful operating
system and it is becoming much easier for an average non power user to
use.  Lindows for one has brought linux to the average sighted user in a
wonderful way using kde all hardware is plug and play the cnr warehouse
they use can get source code and build is for you with a singual click.
There again linux is better because of the choices.  Many of us on this
list would not like such a system.  But I can already tell you that when
and if such a system becomes accessible for the blind user I am going to
have a hi demand for such a system.  The fact is that once this happens
blind people are going to move away from windows and to linux in a big
way.  Two things are going to cause this.  One the high price of screen
readers for windows.  To the fact that the blind user can not install
his or her own operating system with out using a script and if some
thing goes wrong he has no idea what the problem is.  Once gnome or kde
has a browser that will provide the same functionality that internet
explorer provides threw the screen reader or other wise lets not wake up
that debate again  you are going to see a mass migration towards linux.
I know there are a lot of browsers for linux but from what I have been
reading freedom box still is providing the most access as a linux
browser.  I for one see no reason to pay to be on a network just to be
able to use the browser.  And that was the requirements the last time I
tested this browser out.  Maybe things have change.  
Well I am off my soap box. 

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