Linux Audio Users
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- Re: It's been a while, (continued)
- Re: Subject: Re: Using a memory file system?,
Jostein Chr. Andersen
- Using a memory file system?,
Jostein Chr. Andersen
- Re: Linux-audio-user Digest, Vol 151, Issue 18,
- Trying to get 8 channel sound from Linux Mint and an Intel NUC,
- Speakers and Schedule,
Sonoj Convention
- Analysing (debugging) USB port performance,
Lorenzo Sutton
- Status of a2jmidid,
Guido Aulisi
- Re: Status of a2jmidid,
Robin Gareus
OT: Amazon Lab 126 and Linux,
Peter P.
[ANN] Open Source Music Nexus Challenge starts September 19th, 2019,
Christopher Arndt
Immersive Audio, ADM and MPEG-H,
Christoph Kuhr maintenance window 2019-09-10,
Jeremy Jongepier
Spatial Audio / Vinyl Study in Berlin,
Henrik von Coler
Berlin Linux Audio meeting @ c-base 2019-09-10,
Daniel Swärd
Adjusting velocity curve for individual MIDI keys?,
A bit of 2013 nostalgia!,
Louigi Verona
Playing MIDI files on setBfree,
Gerhard Zintel
Help with multichannel output,
user blocked,
Will Godfrey
[music] 50s/60s parody: at Gringo's cantina,
Jeanette C.
Louigi Verona
Yoshimi 1.6.0 released,
Will Godfrey
Re: Linux-audio-user Digest, Vol 150, Issue 25,
Scott Cazan
Nocturnal Creatures,
Louigi Verona
qjackctl, qmidinet, touchdaw, reaper,
- Re: qjackctl, qmidinet, touchdaw, reaper,
Rui Nuno Capela
- Re: qjackctl, qmidinet, touchdaw, reaper,
Banibrata Dutta
- Re: qjackctl, qmidinet, touchdaw, reaper,
[new music] a premature birthday greeting to Yoshimi,
Jeanette C.
LAC-19 Videos,
Mtrack-8 oddity,
Will Godfrey
Filtering out everything but the centre position in stereo,
Jeanette C.
Record / playback MIDI through MIDI <--> USB cable?,
Kevin Cole
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi HD occasionally drops out of ALSA.,
A cardboard audio control panel,
Linux MIDI resources,
Brian Hagen
[Music] A short orchestral piece,
Jeanette C.
jack2 help?,
Matt Zagrabelny
A step-by-step tutorial for live audio streaming with Roc,
Victor Gaydov
Re: [off-list ] rtirq configuration with external USB DAC?,
al3xu5 / dotcommon
"A complete guide of and debunking of audio on Linux, ALSA and Pulse",
[Music] Prophetess on holiday,
Jeanette C.
What does period_size mean in dmix parameters?,
Goa Trance track made in Ardour,
Miroslav Conkic
Audio performance in guest VM (MS-Win) on Linux host,
Berlin Linux Audio meeting @ c-base 2019-08-13,
Daniel Swärd
Re: [off-list] Re: jconvolver does not find a running Jack2 server,
Moshe Werner
jconvolver does not find a running Jack2 server,
Moshe Werner
rtirq configuration with external USB DAC?,
al3xu5 / dotcommon
MMA 19.08 is LIVE!,
Bob van der Poel
Copyleft Music Made With Linux : Sebkha-Chott last album (oriental avantgarde rock),
[Music]: A jazz, chanson, musique de meublement album,
Jeanette C.
[MUSIC] Synth Prelude n. 2,
Lorenzo Sutton
manual ALSA device rescan,
Brent Busby
lib lilv issue loading LV2 plugins,
Jeanette C.
[Music] instrumental: The lonely wanderer,
Jeanette C.
[ANN] Qtractor 0.9.9 - Summer'19 Release batch #3,
Rui Nuno Capela
Stefan Westerfeld
New small SFZ drumkit (created for the song Chronophysis),
Jeanette C.
[ANN] Vee One Suite 0.9.9 - Summer'19 Release batch #2,
Rui Nuno Capela
[Music] New EP: Congroovent,
Jeanette C.
DrumGizmo 0.9.17 released,
Bent Bisballe Nyeng
Dominique Michel
[ANN] The QStuff* Summer'19 Release batch #1,
Rui Nuno Capela
SoundTracker 1.0.0-pre1 released,
Юрий Аляев
Berlin Linux Audio meeting @ c-base 2019-07-09,
Daniel Swärd
Variable time-stretching/pitch shifting for the commandline,
Jeanette C.
Matching Equalizer,
Hermann Meyer
[OT] Instrument identification,
Jeanette C.
Muse 3.1,
Brent Busby
New music: Chroming the dice,
Jeanette C.
Using JACK without an audio card,
Erik Schoster
Checking after bounce notice,
Berlin Linux Audio meeting @ c-base 2019-06-11,
Daniel Swärd
[LAA] v1.3 released,
Hermann Meyer
External Class Compliant Sound Cards,
Kamil Adiloglu
[ANN] Vee One Suite 0.9.8 - The Last of Spring'19 Release,
Rui Nuno Capela
Some Linux related music stuff,
Jostein Chr. Andersen
[ANN] Qtractor 0.9.8 - Yet Another Spring'19 Release,
Rui Nuno Capela
[LAD] [LAA] GxPlugins.lv2 release v0.7,
Hermann Meyer
[ANN] Roc 0.1.0 released,
Victor Gaydov
different soundcards for in/out in alsa vs. jack,
Re: QjackCtl 0.5.8 - A Spring'19 Release,
Susanne Schneider
[ANN] QjackCtl 0.5.8 - A Spring'19 Release,
Rui Nuno Capela
[New music] Enantiomorphic, also new album,
Jeanette C.
Why doesn't Jack work in duplex mode?,
François-Xavier Thomas
Soundcraft notepad 12fx,
Two M-Audio Delta 1010s available,
Joe Hartley
Someone posted this question on Linux Questions,
David W. Jones
Will Godfrey
A Small Thing,
Erik Schoster
Berlin Linux Audio meeting @ c-base 2019-05-14,
Daniel Swärd
Behringer UMC1820 suddenly stopped working with JACK2 (after re-install),
Re: Request to mailing list Linux-audio-user rejected,
JACK, Qjackctl, and ffado,
[ANN] Qtractor 0.9.7 - Spring-Break'19 Release batch #3,
Rui Nuno Capela
[ANN] Vee One Suite 0.9.7 - Spring-Break'19 Release batch #2,
Rui Nuno Capela
[ANN] The QStuff* Spring Break'19 release batch #1,
Rui Nuno Capela
[LAA] [LAD] Guitarix 0.38.1 Bug Fix release,
Hermann Meyer
Berlin Linux Audio meeting @ c-base 2019-04-09,
Daniel Swärd
[LAA] [LAD] Guitarix 0.38.0 released,
Hermann Meyer
Automated Music Mix Enhancement?,
Muse Receptor 1.0 Rev C,
Josh Lawrence
Does anyone write a customized JACK patchbay in python?,
Firewire modules,
Len Ovens
Full-featured mixers,
[MUSIC] Synth Pertinax n. 1,
Lorenzo Sutton
LAC2019@CCRMA-Stanford photos...,
Rui Nuno Capela
MOTU AVB discussion from LAC,
A shout out to instrument patch makers,
Will Godfrey
How can I detect whether JACK or ALSA clients are using an audio gear?,
Can netjack1/2 over a direct ethernet connection substitute for local ALSA audio?,
How to get a persistent midi instrument source port? ( lightweight ),
LAC steaming to c-base, Berlin,
Robin Gareus
[ANN] Qtractor 0.9.6 - The Pre-LAC2019 Release Frenzy wrap-up!,
Rui Nuno Capela
LAC Video Streaming and IRC Channel,
[ANN] Vee One Suite 0.9.6 - The Pre-LAC2019 Release Frenzy continues...,
Rui Nuno Capela
[Music] Fair Enough aka The AFAICT Song,
Dave Phillips
Re: [Rosegarden-user] MIDI CC -- how to add ruler for ones list?,
Sonoj Convention 2019 - Announcement #1 - Looking for Speakers (no papers required),
Sonoj Convention
sound devices usb pre 2. usb 2 with 96k,
Command-line render a MIDI file with a VST instrument?,
Mark Raynsford
[ANN] The QStuff* Pre-LAC2019 Release Frenzy,
Rui Nuno Capela
Modular - Ambisonics Concert (Berlin),
Henrik von Coler
New 'acoustic metamaterial' cancels sound,
David W. Jones
Berlin Linux Audio meeting @ c-base 2019-03-12,
Daniel Swärd
new GxUltraCab.lv2,
Hermann Meyer
Purr Data participation in GSoC 2019,
Jonathan Wilkes
Amp / speaker combo for Piano,
Gerhard Zintel
[ANN] Vee One Suite 0.9.5 - The End of Winter'19 Release,
Rui Nuno Capela
Will Godfrey
LAC-19 Program,
RME Babyface Pro questions,
Joe Hartley
"native dancer" - modular performance recorded with linux (reaper + kdenlive),
[OT] ornothological ear?,
Jeanette C.
Released samples,
Jeanette C.
[New electro-acoustic composition]: hatched from an empty shell,
Jeanette C.
ambix LV2 vs ardour?,
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
Re: First Continent LP (tribal/ambient),
Lair Of The Dragon King,
Will Godfrey
List on emergency moderation,
David Runge
dkbuilder: from circuit to LV2 plugin,
Hermann Meyer
Re: dkbuilder: from circuit to LV2 plugin,
Dominique Michel
Maudio M-track eight,
Will Godfrey
Save configurations query,
Jonty Needham
Linux mint for audio?,
Alf Haakon Pietruszka Lund
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Message not available
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Message not available
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Message not available
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Hermann Meyer
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
David Runge
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Hermann Meyer
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Neil C Smith
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Len Ovens
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
David Kastrup
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
David Kastrup
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
David Kastrup
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
David Kastrup
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Len Ovens
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Will Godfrey
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
David W. Jones
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Message not available
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Message not available
- Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Dominique Michel
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Linux mint for audio?,
Edward Diehl
[ANN] Qtractor 0.9.5 - A Valentines'19 Hotfix Release,
Rui Nuno Capela
Re: Sonoj 2019,
Louigi Verona
Berlin Linux Audio meeting @ c-base 2019-02-12,
Daniel Swärd
how to match tempos,
[ANN] Qtractor 0.9.4 - The Winter'19 Release,
Rui Nuno Capela
DGEdit (DrumGizmo's kit creator) 0.10 Release,
Bent Bisballe Nyeng
Output port for Jack audio over bluetooth,
Ace Path
Plugin recommendation: chorus for voice,
Jeanette C.
LAC 2019,
Will Godfrey
- <Possible follow-ups>
- LAC 2019,
Will Godfrey
new GxFenderizer.lv2 plugin,
Hermann Meyer
xjadeo compatible format from kdenlive,
Adrienne Teicher
The new GUI of QjackCtl renders QjackCtl unusable,
Ralf Mardorf
Selling RME Digi 96/8 PAD,
zita-n2j waits 10 seconds?,
Peter P.
jack persistent connections FAQ link,
Peter P.
systemd woes with jackd and its permissions (raspbian),
Peter P.
mod-host (or lilv) issues: failed to map segment from shared object,
Jeanette C.
[OT] 8-port USB hub,
Jeanette C.
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