Re: different soundcards for in/out in alsa vs. jack

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On Tue, 4 Jun 2019, Max wrote:

$ zita-a2j -d tickle

Won't work

$ zita-a2j -d hw:tickle
Can't open ALSA capture device 'hw:tickle'.

I am surprised that won't work

zita-a2j -d hw:tickle -c 1 -r 44100
Starting synchronisation.

It is possible you have a 44k1 only device that won't work ay 48k (the default) but that would be surprising too as 48k is the standard in so many places (broadcast and video). The -c parameter can be higher than the number of available channels, at least I have used -c 100 where I didn't know in advance. So the default -c2 should not have been a problem.

All that aside, I personally prefer to assign as many parameters as possible if for no other reason than self documentation. I normally start zita-ajbridge in a script and by putting in all parameters I don't have to remember the defaults but can just read my settings straight from my commandline two years down the road. The man page does list the the default values and the only one that should need to be set is -d (default none). There is a recomendation that -p be less than jack is using to keep latency as close to jack as possible. Half of jack's period seems to work well, down to the device's limit. (that is for HDMI it may actually be higher)

Len Ovens
Linux-audio-user mailing list

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