SoundTracker 1.0.0-pre1 released

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Hi everybody,

We are glad to announce the release of SoundTracker 1.0.0-pre1 today.

You can download it here:

This is the first release since 2006, when GTK+1-based SoundTracker 0.6.8 had been released. The major update in this new version is the use of the GTK+ 2 toolkit.

By the way, a GTK+ 3 port of SoundTracker is also available, but not yet released. Find the Git branch on SourceForge.

Best regards,
SoundTracker developers.

What is new in soundtracker-1.0.0-pre1 (06-Jul-2019):

* Interface ported to Gtk+-2 (stephanek / mshatlev / yaliaev)

* Numerous fixes and improvements (mshatlev / binnocenti / yaliaev)

* Alsa 1.x playback and samling drivers, contemporary Jack driver (yaliaev)

* Configurable tracker colors (yaliaev)

* Polyphonic trying mode (yaliaev)

* Sampling drivers now works in a separate thread to be more robust (yaliaev)

* Updated for latest autoconf, automake and gettext

* Updated ru translation (yalaev)

* Note that some keybindings have changed:

  - default keybindings for the fast access of channels 16--31 now uses Alt + Shift modifiers instead of Ctrl
    + Shift

  - muting and unmuting channels is performed by pressing Ctrl + M when the cursor is at the selected channel

  - transposition is performed by pressing Alt + = (halftone up), Alt + - (halftone down), Alt + + (octave
    up), Alt + _ (octave down) instead of Alt + q / Alt + a / Alt + Shift + q / Alt + Shift + a
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