Not quite what you are asking for but maybe of help in the situation
could be amidiauto by blokaslabs. It tries to make "sensible" ALSA MIDI
connections automagically.
On 27.08.19 12:50, soffioalcuore@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
dear list members,
I'm trying to have my computer automatically establish a connection
between qmidinet and qjackctl resp. reaper so that I could just start
the jack-server via qjackctl, then start reaper and have touchdaw
working (via qmidinet). the connections can be established very easily,
only I don't know how to establish that said flow. the issue is that
qmidinet needs to be started/reseted after jack is up. I thought I just
use the option in qjackctl to run a script after jack is set up but if
I put 'qmidinet' here it doesn't work, because of some conflicting
processes I don't understand so far.
does anybody of you know what I could do? I thought of a command to
reset qmidinet just like its gui offers, that would be the easiest and
a sane way. is there such command?
thank you very much!
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