Re: New music: Chroming the dice

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Hey Jeanette: I finally got around to listening to this piece. It is
weird and very very cool! I can't even imagine how one would go about
putting something like this together.

Thank you very much for sharing it with us.

On Tue, 18 Jun 2019, Jeanette C. wrote:

Hey hey,
this is an ambient little piece, originally written to demonstrate Cubicon, a 3d wavetable oscillator written as a Csound UDO:

There is a youtube video with a self-made animation:
Sorry, about the quick changes in the walls, that wasn't intended. There were two difficulties involved: 1. each frame took ages to render and 2. I am as good as blind and thus anything but subtle with graphics. :)
If you'd prefer better audio, this piece is a 3D binaural work, so best to 
listen to on headphones anyway:

If you are really curious, there is the full Csound source code, ready to render yourself:

And for the incurably nosy, I could hand out the POV-Ray sources for the animation.
Other than that: I hope you can enjoy it and might let me know if you do so. 
Best wishes,


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