Re: Command-line render a MIDI file with a VST instrument?

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Thanks, all who replied!

I'm still undecided as to which way I'm going yet. I should elaborate a
bit: I'm producing a SoundFont. Each SoundFont instrument is produced
by recording eight notes (C0, C1, C2, ...) into a single FLAC file
which is then sliced up programatically. Right now, I'm using Ardour
to export the notes, but this is painful and requires a lot of manual

I can make the following simplifying assumptions:

* The MIDI file used is always the same
* The VST plugin used is always the same (Dexed [0])
* The VST plugin program selection is always the same (program 0), but
  the loaded bank will differ.

I think the "loaded bank will differ" part is probably the awkward bit:
I think loading a bank into Dexed is likely entirely plugin-specific.
I'm not sure if this step can be automated, and if it can't, that
pretty much kills the whole thing.


Mark Raynsford |

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