Linux Audio Users
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- Re: Re: sound recording application, (continued)
- xruns every 30 seconds,
Dominic Sacré
- FreeBob compiling problem,
Steven Walker
- Just a little question,
- Musix GNU/Linux 0.59 released,
Marcos Guglielmetti
- Intel Core 2 Duo users already?,
Drucer Ninetynine
- those funky drums,
juuso . alasuutari
- finally... my 1st themes made with Linux,
perlanegra proyect
- Success Report: FreeBob on Dynebolic (with HowTo),
Carlo Capocasa
- Linux Noobie,
Steven Cabrera
- Installing LADSPA on modern systems,
Drucer Ninetynine
- Rlimits-aware PAM on Debian etch,
Ismael Valladolid Torres
- FreeBob with Roland FA-101 on Ubuntu,
Carlo Capocasa
- Connecting a MIDI keyboard,
- Sample rates > 44100 with Edirol UA-25,
Cesare Marilungo
- Midi to OSC routing,
Stefano Barbi
- That Windows feeling...,
- ZynAddSubFX sound lags,
juuso . alasuutari
- M-Audio omnistudio USb jackd issues,
Chris Abbott
- Plugging an electric instrument,
- Audacity crackles, KRecord is just fine (SuSE 10.0 x86_64),
- Favorite way to browse the list,
- logomania redux,
Dave Phillips
- More ramblings :),
- Crispy hi-hats,
juuso . alasuutari
- New music online,
Julien Claassen
- Sound application feature idea,
Drucer Ninetynine
- M-Audio 1010LT and Pulsar mic (and jackd and SuSE 10.0),
- Midi keyboard problems with Ensoniq (ens1371) card,
Nigel Henry
- Wine introduces ASIO support,
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- Canorus 0.0.2 released,
- Linux Audio Notebooks for recording? Any recommendations?,
Michael Wagner
- Slackware SlackBuilds available,
paul wisehart
- /dev/sequencer,
- Some Random Thoughts,
- Ardour: trying to add a "bus" causes a crash?,
Sylvain Robitaille
- Preferred Alsa Linux setup,
Josh Henne
- RME Multiface II report,
Dmitry Baikov
- Very short composition,
Tim Howard
- pd and gem on gentoo,
luis jure
- New Music, website and video,
- Re: New Music, website and video,
Sebastian Gutsfeld
- Re: New Music, website and video,
- Re: New Music, website and video,
Johannes Mario Ringheim
- Re: New Music, website and video,
Alexander Hupfer
- Re: New Music, website and video,
- Linux Rock Star blog...,
- spdif output clicking noises,
Andrew Lyon
- Terratec SixPack 5.1,
Novensiles divi Flamen
- MIDI connections in MusE?,
- Triggering Hydrogen patterns with keys,
juuso . alasuutari
- [ANN] QLoud v.0.14,
Andrew Gaydenko
- Jokosher - new audio app,
Drucer Ninetynine
- In Synch,
- Audio quality,
- High sample rate cards,
- jackd acts weird,
- Live recording : Post production/ removing noise,
- ZynAddSubFX segfaults,
juuso . alasuutari
- Re: Audicle Source Released (was: all your face...),
Ge Wang
- Just look at what you have done!,
Drucer Ninetynine
- Beginner singing, music theory (guitar) and ear training, solfege?,
Loki Davison
- Re: Beginner singing, music theory (guitar) and ear training, solfege?,
Brad Fuller
- Re: Beginner singing, music theory (guitar) and ear training, solfege?,
Dave Phillips
- Re: Beginner singing, music theory (guitar) and ear training, solfege?,
Michal Seta
- Re: Beginner singing, music theory (guitar) and ear training, solfege?,
tim hall
- Centrino Duo and AD1981HD Sound Card: Good for Linux Audio?,
Spencer Russell
- Getting a Logitech Traveler bluetooth headset. Help?,
Bearcat M. Sandor
- M-Audio Delta 1010LT - Alsa 1.0.11 - only Output on ch1 and 2,
- Ardour and RAM,
Drucer Ninetynine
- Alsaplayer - maintainer wanted,
- Interesting Linux audio software (ReBirth clone?),
Drucer Ninetynine
- Recommended soundcard similar to ESI juli@,
Gerhard Gaußling
- Mplayerplugin. Can it use Alsa?,
Nigel Henry
- Commercial audio software on Linux,
Davy Wentzler
- [ANN] Csound beta1 ("alternative" version) release,
Istvan Varga
- kernel packages - Debian,
Josh Lawrence
- OT - O'Reilly article on Pandora Music Service,
Brad Fuller
- A little bit more,
- M-Audio Fast Track Pro setup,
Mathias Friman
- A lot of progrock/artrock online,
Julien Claassen
- Re: Audicle Source Released (was: all your face...),
Ge Wang
- RE: [linux-audio-announce] announces new members,
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [ANN] NoteEdit 2.8.1 released,
- Re: Music: Ringheims Auto - "Kanskje No"],
Johannes Mario Ringheim
- all your face are belong to audicle (source released!),
Ge Wang
- ALSA Driver for ESI Julia Pro SC, is there an ETA on these?,
- [OT]: Travel to Berlin!,
Julien Claassen
- performance with AMD64,
- stygmorgan-0.27 released.,
- auto-track splitting (gramofile replacement),
Bearcat M. Sandor
- music apps for handhelds?,
bernie arai
- oops,
- interrupts,
Atte André Jensen
- No sound on 64studio - Was: [a-users] Re: Giving DeMuDi & Ardour a shot,
- 64-bit AMD dual core mobo recommendations ?,
- xruns from ardour + softsynths,
Atte André Jensen
- [admin] spam handling on the linux-audio-* lists,
Joern Nettingsmeier
- [ANN] QLoud updated up v.0.6,
Andrew Gaydenko
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something,
- New version of extreme-time stretching (with real-time support),
- om in ubuntu dapper spitting errors with presets,
Hartmut Noack
- problem with LASH,
Atte André Jensen
- RME multiface gain, matrix and/or asoundrc and an array of confusion.,
we are
- jack-rack midi controlled problem,
- lash can't connect,
Atte André Jensen
- Plugins for bass,
- Setting loop range in Hydrogen,
Sebastian Gutsfeld
- specimen takes 98% cpu,
Atte André Jensen
- Tango Improvisation with some midi synths.,
Juan Marcelo Rodríguez
- so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Andrew Lewis
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
R Parker
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
R Parker
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
R Parker
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Greg Wilder
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Hartmut Noack
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Lars Luthman
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Hartmut Noack
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Hartmut Noack
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Hartmut Noack
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Ryan Heise
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Ryan Heise
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Josh Lawrence
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Ryan Heise
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Novensiles divi Flamen
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Ryan Heise
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Hartmut Noack
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Hartmut Noack
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Loki Davison
- Re: Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- flatwounds & JJ Cale, was Re: Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Dave Phillips
- Re: flatwounds & JJ Cale, was Re: Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Jan Depner
- Re: flatwounds & JJ Cale,
Dave Phillips
- Re: Re: flatwounds & JJ Cale,
Jan Depner
- Re: Re: flatwounds & JJ Cale,
Dave Phillips
- Re: Re: flatwounds & JJ Cale,
Jan Depner
- Re: Re: flatwounds & JJ Cale,
Dave Phillips
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Hartmut Noack
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Patrick Shirkey
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Hartmut Noack
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Lee Revell
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Lee Revell
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Lee Revell
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Lee Revell
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
tim hall
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
R Parker
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
luis jure
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
tim hall
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Jonty Needham
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Alberto Botti
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: so.... u wish to hear something completely horrible,
Andrew Lewis
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