Loki Davison wrote: > G'day all, > I'm keen on learning to sing in my now extensive spare time. Anyone > now of any good books or sites aimed at beginner singers? > > I'm also wondering if doing some ear training stuff would be good. I'm > mostly interested in improving my guitar playing but i'm guessing this > would really help over all. Should i use GNU solfege for ear training? > Is there a good intro for beginners somewhere? guitarnoise.com is the > most useful stuff i've found so far. Anyone know a good book on any of > these topics? If possible focused towards guitar, music theory, ear > training, etc and not one of those horrible school music style method > books. I have no interest in sing mary has a little lamb. ;) > > Loki > berklee press search yields: http://berkleepress.com/catalog/product-search?original_url=%2fdomains%2fberkleepress%2fproduct%2dsearch&url_hash=765%201156387751%204BAEA2F3AA182540015DD6F4C775067E09432C07&search_text=ear%20training (if the URL is too long, go to berkleepress.com and search on ear training) -- brad fuller sonaural: www.sonaural.com personal: www.bradfuller.com www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/2184