Hi Nando!
Finally, there was a thread from months ago talking about
beta-testing the
thing on linux, I wonder if people are still interested.
I'm interested... but did not get very far (this is on fc4)...
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): setting log level to: 5 (INFORM)...
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): audicle version: (quintesson)
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): (audicle) initializing...
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): (audicle) initializing graphics engine...
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | (audicle) cursor state: ON
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | (audicle) initializing opengl/glut...
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): (audicle) initializing windowing system...
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | (audicle) window size: 1024 x 768
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | (audicle) window position: 0, 0
audicle: freeglut_window.c:300: fgOpenWindow: Assertion
`window->Window.VisualInfo != ((void *)0)' failed.
Sorry for the delayed reply. Were you able to resolve this? The
problem appears to be in freeglut, the implementation of GLUT installed
on your system. You may need to update your display drivers or GLUT/GL
libraries. Here at the sound lab, we've been able to run things well
under our old RH9 boxes with PlanetCCRMA - though we did get and
installed the most recent NVIDIA drivers that goes along the graphics
card. Are you able to run other OpenGL/GLUT applications on your
system? I don't know if this helps, but I'd be happy to work with ya
to figure things out as always.