Fedora Websites
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- Update POTs for new website redesign,
Paul W. Frields
- Website redesign fixes,
Jef van Schendel
- Some changes in master,
Paul Frields
- Problems with the new website layout and Finnish translations, Ville-Pekka Vainio
- '100%' is causing problems with translation,
Ville-Pekka Vainio
- Idea for Fedora,
Angel Dimitrov
- FP Redesign,
Sijis Aviles
- [no subject], Satya Prasad Popuri
- Problems with the Hebrew translation of spins.fedoraproject.org,
- Cron <root@people01> /usr/share/clamav/freshclam-sleep,
Cron Daemon
- Countdown banners for www.fpo,
Máirín Duffy
- L10n issue: selecting some language (pl) just download the web page, shaiton
- [Fedora Infrastructure] #2415: Add mime type for EPUB for docs.fedoraproject.org,
Fedora Infrastructure
- Fedora Free Media Form: Source code and Universal Postal Union Standard Address links are broken,
- Live DVD is actually Live CD,
Jonathan Vasquez
- My password account haven`t come back yet,
octavio Duran
- need installation cd,
Andre Cobbs
- [fedora-websites] #29: fedora hosted new project rss feed, fedora-websites
- Re: Significant traffic increase from fedoraproject.org to redhat.com since 1 Sep 2010,
Keith Watkins
- how to block website,
sanjeev papneja
- [PATCH] Makefile updates (for adding all locales). Review needed, shaiton
- Discovered Fedorea Live CD has leak, Weber Luk
- Fedorea end-user feedback and recommendation, Weber Luk
- Fedora website redesign Help page,
Jef van Schendel
- l10n contributor? wanna help regarding not translatable strings,
- please update talk.fedoraproject.org (empathy config),
- Broken Link on your website,
Manoj K Mehra
- The web site is down.,
James Vaglia
- Microdata: HTML5’s Best-Kept Secret, Rahul Sundaram
- Problemas com instalação em máquina virtual, Guilherme Ferreira Bigate
- Acer Aspire ,
- R: Re: Community domain request: Italy (fwd), Mike McGrath
- log for Allegheny discussion 2010-09-09,
Karsten Wade
- Fraudulent Web Site Found on Server ( [BBV20100904(3)], Antiphishing
- fp.org website testing conversation,
Matthew Jadud
- Problem with git push,
Tajidin Abd
- Re: Fraudulent Web Site Found on Server ( ) [BBV20100904(1)], Tom "spot" Callaway
- Introduction and new, exploring contributors,
Matthew Jadud
- phishing / bot ?,
alpha chan
- mispelling on Greek fedoraproject.org webpage,
- Can u please add Guatemala on the Fedora Community website :),
Edna Rheiner
- Systematically crawling Fedoraproject.org repositories,
Pascal Minnerup
- Ksplice announces free Uptrack for Fedora,
Austin Rachlin
- Cron <root@people1> /usr/share/clamav/freshclam-sleep, Cron Daemon
- "Package update notifications fixed" global message,
Ian Weller
- 64 bit fedora 13 will not download !,
farzadr farzad
- [Fedora Infrastructure] #2366: Hotfix - fas /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fas/templates/user/view.htmlw,
Fedora Infrastructure
- invalid Fedora-13-x86_64-Live-Security.iso,
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Schedule Tasks,
John Poelstra
- Time to receive password,
Hervé Marcy
- Dutch translation suggestion for http://fedoraproject.org/nl/,
Martijn Vetketel
- Cannot reset my password.,
- language errors,
Angel Dimitrov
- need help about fedora 13,
- [Fedora Infrastructure] #2354: Wiki sidebar change request, Fedora Infrastructure
- fedoracommunity.org staging, Sijis Aviles
- Unable to download Fedora 13 ISO Image from website - www.fedoraproject.org,
Anand T
- Fedora installation media dowload (DVD ISO 32 bit),
Amit Gosai
- Who is in charge here?,
Cal Schuler
- Ner wiki category: Es,
daniel cabrera
- start page still says Fedora 12,
Mark M. Ito
- bad link on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM page,
- Joinig the fedora community for developement of websites,
- no SSL3 and TLS support for https://fedorahosted.org/, Remko van der Vossen
- F14 Alpha Banner from Fedora Design Team, Máirín Duffy
- What do you think? (was Re: [Ambassadors] fedoracommunity.org portal design),
Máirín Duffy
- planet doesn't publish my blog,
Ionuț Arțăriși
- lang in query string,
Miguel Sánchez de León Peque
- package introduction for new users,
Tajidin Abd
- any feedback on content review, Tajidin Abd
- Question about how Network Manager switches from 3G to 2G automatically,
- forgot username,
Quintino Augusto G. Souza
- Accessing old releases,
Bob McKay
- Report error message,
Daniel Lenz
- start.fedoraproject.org image still shows as Fedora 12 and not 13,
Mark Schlegel
- [Fedora Infrastructure] #2337: bodhi favicon is not reliably served,
Fedora Infrastructure
- Today's Meeting Summary, Sijis Aviles
- meeting today,
Máirín Duffy
- It says log out instead of log in.,
James Vaglia
- Web content permission requested,
- Transparent Proxy in Squid,
- https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/packages/bugs/preupgrade, David Timms
- new website,
marcos arcangeli
- Buen Dia,
Walter Daniel Soldado Guevara
- fedora wiki user account post-logout problem,
- Rebuilding proxy01.stg.fedoraproject.org 2010-08-06 23:30 UTC, Stephen John Smoogen
- Some little fixes,
Miguel Sánchez de León Peque
- Self-introduction email,
Miguel Sánchez de León Peque
- Question about the wiki,
Mark Johnson
- Some Ideas for the mockup,
Tajidin Abd
- Meeting Reminder - Today @ 19:00 UTC,
Sijis Aviles
- Re: Wiki page for country - web page markup and styling now available for review,
Al Thomas
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks,
John Poelstra
- Re: Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks, John Poelstra
- discount news : 2--u, Julio Belinchon
- [PATCH] fp.o: Include previous stable release on /verify,
Todd Zullinger
- Special Effects, Jimz
- Certain Wiki Pages are "Service Unavailable",
Andi Sugandi
- Introduction Email Fedora Websites Group, Tajidin Abd
- OTish wiki user page,
Frank Murphy
- *.fedoraproject.org SSL expired this morning,
troy engel
- www.fpo Redesign Mockup Thread,
Jef van Schendel
Update problem announcement,
Paul W. Frields
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2294: Update releases.txt for F14 and F15,
Fedora Infrastructure
Broken redirects,
Michael Price
I am interested in fedora web-development,
Re: websites Digest, Vol 57, Issue 24, vinu . khatate
KDE still an official spin?,
Michael Price
Fedora 14 Upcoming Tasks, John Poelstra
host, F B
HTML5 + CSS3 transitions in FF4,
Paul W. Frields
Re: Packaging page ... odd?,
Michal Nowak
Can't report bugs, Chris Drake
CSS problem on wiki,
Paul W. Frields
Broken Link on - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Usability,
mitch hamer
[PATCH] Add F14 key, obsolete F11 key,
Ian Weller
infra ticket 883,
Ian Weller
self intro, shaiton
Remove Spam Comments at blogs.fedoraproject.org,
Mustafa Qasim
[CSS] <tt> tag to tiny on the wiki,
Re: [Design-team] www.fpo content review,
Sijis Aviles
Re: [fedora-india] Fedora India Website,
Rahul Sundaram
Re: Strings not translatable under master-spins-fedoraproject,
Sijis Aviles
New Meeting Time!, Sijis Aviles
Testing needed for Google Calendar meeting,
Ian MacGregor
Importable ics file needed,
Ian MacGregor
Hi All,
srinivas saitala
wrong word,
Patrick Taylor
Introducing myself.,
Devin Ryan
Best Meeting Time?,
Sijis Aviles
user name and password for join.fedoraproject.org,
Jonathan Nadeau
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2269: Use [proxy] rather [R=301, L] for favicon.ico at fedorapeople.org for better browser support,
Fedora Infrastructure
i am new in open source,
[fedora-websites] #26: beautify fedoracommunity.org,
Hopefuly contributor self intro,
Mark Johnson
Meeting Reminder: Friday, July 9th @ 20:00 UTC,
Sijis Aviles
mirrors.fp.o subpages now in fedora-web, Matt Domsch
{www.,}fedoracommunity.org added to fedora-web module, Matt Domsch
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2265: Add FAS account name to planet users' entries, Fedora Infrastructure
How to became Fedora mirror,
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2261: AWStats not producing reports,
Fedora Infrastructure
[PATCH] Update get-help to reflect new default IRC client,
Todd Zullinger
Intro to myself,
Tajidin Abd
[fedora-websites] #25: Firefox font preferences for arabic are not respected on fedoraproject.org,
Pedro Blas Jiménez Fernández
change email address, Piscium
yvonne collins
requests fedora Free CD (or) DVD,
surender archis
Hadra Trance Festival 2010 / J-3, Hadra
Re: [Fedora Infrastructure] #1657: VCS links are hard to find,
Fedora Infrastructure
login/ logout,
Daniel VanStone
page update, tgronka
How to get *Collapsible tables* on wiki?,
He Rui
Fedora wiki style guide,
Aaron Faanes
Request To Join,
Hatem Al Teraifi
64 bit Fedora 13,
Mihovski, Hristo M.
Call for help,
Ian MacGregor
corrupted bind 9.7 source rpm,
Piet Barber
Problem in downloading, MrDevildragon
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2239: Translation Fedora Account System in French,
Fedora Infrastructure
Meeting Reminder: Friday, June 18th @ 20:00 UTC, Garland Binns
Re: Wiki page for country,
Paul W. Frields
File Checksum Failing consistently.,
Jawid Hassim
not all mirrors are created equal - 2 suggestions,
Nada O'Neal
Fedora Websites » master-spins-fedoraproject typo error,
Translation error on http://fedoraproject.org/,
Ostap Andrusiv
[Website] small bug in the Sponsor page,
Athmane Madjoudj
websites patch,
Ian MacGregor
[fedora-websites] #24: Documentation is hard to find, fedora-websites
Meeting Reminder: Friday, June 11th @ 20:00 UTC,
Garland Binns
about the http://fedoraproject.org/en/get-fedora site, Greg
Help on pdf docs,
Fedora Banner Graphic - Most Current Suggestion?,
Terry Wallwork
bugzilla.redhat.com error,
Frank Murphy
Fedora 14 schedule,
John Poelstra
slow download,
Kevin J Lyons
application for fedora website project, Manjunath Kalburgi
Package 'report' mislinked in package buglist,
Updated PT and STG.fedoraproject.org, Stephen John Smoogen
Content, more management less system, Al Thomas
Primary website fault,
Andy S.
Please make the torrent download link More Visible,
Mustafa Qasim
Ian MacGregor
Redirect needed?,
Ian MacGregor
Gone for the next week or so, Ricky Zhou
There isn't a sign up button under choose a account.,
James Vaglia
Right To Left wiki problem,
Ahmed M. Araby
Suggestion froo boot.fedoraproject.org site,
Oscar Torrente
[no subject],
"fedoraproject" Domains Dispute Registration Announcement,
Luke Luo
RSS for F13 updates,
Gordon Messmer
Re: websites Digest, Vol 55, Issue 41, Randolph Bentson
Websites Tasks - assistance,
Ian MacGregor
Wrong encoding on russian digest, kost BebiX
direct torrent links have disappeared from get-fedora page,
H. Guémar
http://start.fedoraproject.org/ still with Fedora12,
alin arsu
HTTP mirroring of Fedora images,
Mikael Lyngvig
Tabela Promocional - MAXXUS, Maxxus Acessórios
up the sod, The, Wearly Agliam
report, wrong link,
kevin bijsterbosch
Broken Link on Fedora Download page,
Gary Smith
link issue,
Brian Livermore
Missing strings in Fedora Websites » master-fedoraproject pot file again,
Thomas Canniot
Browser compatibility testing (in this case, for Spins pages),
Mel Chua
Re: [Fedora-spins] MIA spins,
Jesse Keating
Spins Vs Activities, Rahul Sundaram
Re: Regarding Get Fedora page, Rahul Sundaram
CORRECTION - Meeting Date: Friday, May 28th @ 20:00 UTC, Garland Binns
Meeting Reminder: Friday, May 27th @ 20:00 UTC, Garland Binns
[PATCH] CSS fixes for footer and sidebar size changes.,
Ricky Zhou
Re: [fedora-india] get-fedora-all link broken,
Rahul Sundaram
More proposed get.fpo adjustments, based on user feedback,
Máirín Duffy
A link to a "get-fedora-all" download page is missing at the fedora download page,
Fabian Kanngießer
New get Fedora page,
Domingo Becker
.torrent files (Impossible to find), Jake Kromer
Fwd: FC13 infofeed RSS coming?,
Rahul Sundaram
Regarding Get Fedora page - from fedora-list, Jud Craft
Wiki syntax change?,
Ian MacGregor
Error in web get-fedora,
Jaime M.G.
" Broken" documentation site,
Jeán van Wyk
download f13 page missing info, Tom Horsley
This *appears* to be a website issue, Darr
Fwd: f13 torrents?,
Rahul Sundaram
Release schedules and Timezones, Keith Duncan
[fwd] Re: Announcing Fedora 13,
Todd Zullinger
spins.fp.o release day changes, Sijis Aviles
Website string additions and docs hack, Ricky Zhou
last-minute patch for www.fpo,
Máirín Duffy
peter chan
Small sentence error in the Spin website,
websites Digest, Vol 55, Issue 29, shoeb ahmed
Meeting Minutes (2010-5-21), Garland Binns
Issue concerning f13 checksums,
Ian MacGregor
Meeting Reminder: Friday, May 21st @ 20:00 UTC, Garland Binns
Re: URLS to change on fedoraproject.org for new docs site,
Rahul Sundaram
Possible bug,
Ian MacGregor
To do list,
Ian MacGregor
If Welcome Wizard project is successfully completed, what will its impact,
Eranda Sooriyabandara
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