Re: Training

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On Tue, 2010-06-08 at 18:28 -0500, Sijis Aviles wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Ian MacGregor <ardchoille42@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > As I am new to this team, there are some things that I would like to
> > learn and I'm sure I wouldn't have any trouble finding some to teach me.
> > However, I feel that, rather than just teach me, it would benefit
> > everyone for someone to hold a class on this subject in
> > . This would have the benefit
> > of the creation of classroom minutes/logs so that anyone joining the
> > Websites team later can refer to the class logs as a sort of tutorial.
> >
> > I would like it if someone could prepare a lesson plan and then teach a
> > class on how to use git to do a pull, make a patch and then submit that
> > patch to this mailing list.. as well as anything that would be related
> > to this work.
> >
> > I did a git pull once, was greeted with tons of files and didn't know
> > which files I needed to edit.
> >
> > What do you folks think about this?
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Rev. Dr. Ian MacGregor
> >
> >
> I think generally its a good idea. It'll be sort of like a "intro to
> git" with some patch stuff included.
> How long are the classes suggested to run for? Is there any special
> criteria besides time and a lesson plan required?
> On the devil's advocate side... how would it be different than
> pointing someone to an well written wiki page?
> Sijis

>From the page:

If you would like to teach a class on any Fedora related topic, please
mail an introduction of yourself and outline of your proposed class to
the classroom mailing list. Some things to keep in mind:

    * We recommend sessions be approximately 90 minutes This allows for
an hour long session and enough time for questions and answers.
    * Make sure you know your subject and know where to point students
who wish more detailed information.
    * Note at the beginning of your class if you would like students to
ask questions as you go, or would prefer them to wait until the end.
    * Remember that typing is slower than talking in front of a class or
speaking on a phone call, so keep in mind you will not cover as much on

After a class is completed, the bot creates minutes and full logs so
anyone may refer to these logs later.

Example of minutes:

Example of full logs:

Having a wiki page is a good idea, but I feel that a class would be
better in that folks can ask questions during a class (see above
examples) and those questions are added to the logs along with
everything else which takes place during the class.

I know there are some folks here who could give an excellent class, but
there is also the time required to prepare and give the class. One of
the main reasons I joined the Websites team was to help distribute the
work load so others aren't so swamped. And learning more about git and
patch puts me in a better position to do that. I feel there is no such
thing as "too much training".
Rev. Dr. Ian MacGregor

websites mailing list

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