Fedora Websites
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- website language support,
Mustafa Gökay
- Fwd: fedorapeople.org is down,
Erin Dutton
- Link out in site,
Ribamar FS
- Re: [Fedora Infrastructure] #2770: Meeting Agenda Item - Wiki Cleanup,
Fedora Infrastructure
- Bug on site, a.beloborodov@xxxxxxxxxx
- I am stuck Fire fox is only going to fedora, KEVIN OLSON
- I deserve a simple answer please, Kevin Olson
- Czech translation of the home page,
Jozef Chocholáček
- Fwd: [translate.fedoraproject.org/tx/] Translation Source File (POT) has a Problem: master (ABRT),
Dimitris Glezos
- Out of date?,
Dave Pawson
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F15_one_page_release_notes#What.27s_New_in_Fedora_15.3F typo, Bagwill, Robert H.
- an ugly webpage, Radek Liboska
- gpg command on verify page,
Steve Tyler
- Broken Quick Start Guide link, Ian Channing
- Check http://start.fedoraproject.org ASAP, michael
- FW: lame delegation of fedoraproject.org,
Godoy, George
- DNSSEC DS record missing from org zone,
Jason Roysdon
- Some questions about websites,
Valentin Laskov
- Re: Some questions about websites, Valentin Laskov
4 foundations wrap start.fp.o,
Misha Shnurapet
Junk on build scripts,
Please test: patch that makes the build script work in parallel, improves build time,
Add Vietnamese language to Fedora 15 Release Counter,
Duy Hùng Trần
F15 | Tutorials,
Kevin Kelley
search engine, Kévin Raymond
Greetings | Helping out!,
Kevin Kelley
Broken HTML tags in cheese tutorial,
Danishka Navin
About Me, Brendon
Re: websites Digest, Vol 60, Issue 24, sre
Reminder: Website Meeting - Tomorrow at 15:00 UTC,
Sijis Aviles
RE:, Matt_Domsch
Website showing fedora test page,
Olli Koivula
start.fedoraproject.org is ugly., susmit shannigrahi
[fedora-websites] #44: "Go to Spins Directory" button leads to splash screen.,
group photo from a recent event?,
Máirín Duffy
Join Websites Team - Vineeth, Vineeth Penugonda
RFC: My suggested improvements to start.fpo,
Love the new web page,
Kristen R
A follow up email for Fedora Project, Zoe Davis
Fedora Package Database -- Invalid PackageBuild Name,
Georg Glock
http://start.fedoraproject.org/ is "(C) 11",
Richard W.M. Jones
Usability of 'Reset Password' form., Ameya Sathe
Missing link "report a problem" on main page, Ales Marecek
Noel Feria MACM
Spins site seems down,
Charles Bedon
spins.fedoraproject.org Failure,
Prentice, Dale E SFC RET
On HTTPS access to start.fedoraproject.org, link to HTTPS, Osama Khalid
search from main page?,
mark preston
The webpage for Fedora 15 alpha doesn't list the checksum,
Horst H. von Brand
Non-fast-forward commit on fedora-web.git,
Nick Bebout
Fedoraproject.org Grammar,
Will Abele
[FES Ticket] - Better access to user support channels, Jose Mathew Manimala
Cluttered fedora web surf page..., DonaldJ
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2627: Investigate "noobox" account,
Fedora Infrastructure
Donation for Fedora Project,
Shawn (CLA)
Fedora Community,
Harpreet Singh
Adding Kosovo,
Ardian Haxha
Security of fedoraproject.org website,
[no subject], Harpreet Singh
Removing rhold docs and docs.old, Stephen John Smoogen
Broken Documentation link,
Bibhas Chandra Debnath
new fedora key, Dennis Gilmore
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2607: Fedora 15 Alpha new website,
Fedora Infrastructure
join fedora project,
abhishek` choudhary
[fedora-websites] #43: https://fedorahosted.org/web/new : update ticket Type info,
Repacking the fedora-web git repo for better cloning performance,
Todd Zullinger
Weekly Meeting - whenisgood,
Sijis Aviles
Error!,,The following error(s) have occured with your request:,, * captcha: Incorrect value.,
Paul Taylor
Impossible to Read The Captcha to Register as New User in The Page,
Gonzalo San Gil
A wiki entry seems to be broken, or incpmplete,
Alexander Dietz
Minor issues on the czech version of the fedoraproject.org pages,
Petyovský Petr
Elephants, vaibhavkaushal123
Introduction and more,
Bibhas Chandra Debnath
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2587: title tags have no page-specific information on all of fp.o, Fedora Infrastructure
Methods for reducing spam, Mike McGrath
Website team goals for 2011?,
Sijis Aviles
order of package links on: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/applications/Zenmap,
David Timms
RSS feed for http://fedoraproject.org/,
Mladen Buratovic
Request: Incorrect email address,
mpsmith . usa
Fwd: Request to do an internship., MOHAK R
Please add public gpg for F-14 s390x to http://fedoraproject.org/keys,
Karsten Hopp
archives down,
Warren Harding
Fwd: Nice shout out in a review, Paul W. Frields
Recent Change to SoaS Spins Page (Intros), Sebastian Dziallas
convert wiki pages to xml,
He Rui
Fedora Torrent,
Jason Strange
Info on fedoracommunity.org L10n,
Mario Santagiuliana
Typos in fedoraproject website,
Valentin Laskov
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2550: [HOTFIX] Patch fas to fix traceback with TG-1.1.x,
Fedora Infrastructure
get-fedora.html l10n markup issue,
Kévin Raymond
Compliment, Daniel VanStone
fedor linux 11,
About wiki eeepc page,
Re: websites Digest, Vol 62, Issue 22, gladcactus
A Wish...,
James peter gdanski
A worldwide community of friends,
Rajesh Ranjan
Re: Wrong ISO size for Fedora Games Spin,
Kévin Raymond
removal of text,
Dheeraj Gupta
Delete me from your web site,
Pamela Androvic
Invalid Link report,
Hongqing Yang
Hey guys, bharat ravichandran
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2527: Outage - blogs.fedoraproject.org,
Fedora Infrastructure
Interested In Helping Out!, Jacob Haug
Impressora SAMSUNG SCX-4600, perez
PackageDB translation?,
Юрий Хабаров
Removing Fedora from my computer,
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2509: Apache rewrite rule issues with Fedora Blogs,
Fedora Infrastructure
problems with establishing of account to Fedora,
Error, nharward
[no subject],
Erick Recher
Sarkozy, vaibhavkaushal123
Unable to update Fedora 12 System,
Lorne Preston Bailey
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2498: Would like shared blog for Design Team members, Fedora Infrastructure
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2497: Need blog for Fedora Board members, Fedora Infrastructure
Comunidad Fedora Ecuador,
Diego Paul Tamayo Barriga
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2496: Hosting request for traq, Fedora Infrastructure
Third Picture, Arnoldas S
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2490: yubikey auth failure on admin.fp.o displays a tick icon,
Fedora Infrastructure
Can not apply po file to fpo.,
Hajime Taira
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Can not apply po file to fpo., Hajime Taira
problems signing up,
Wolfgang Rohdewald
YouTorrent.com Partnership, Stuart Logan
Websites detecting Linux as mobile, Nathaniel
Chopped "a",
Ed Greshko
Fedora Test Page,
Mahendra Rawat
Was sent to this link to find fedora Subversion binaries,
Ubell, Chaz
Missing BitTorrent download links at fedoraproject.org?,
"KNTRO en Live [AR] (Darktech/4.4a Daytona α kompliant)"
FAS System,
Randy Schuster
No Fedora 14 screenshots?,
Netbook Spin,
Furus Calix
Sito download non funzionante,
Daniele Priore
Re: Resetting pt4 Drupal theme, Sijis Aviles
Getting ISE while trying to login,
Lukas Zapletal
[patch] fedoraproject.org,
Bert Desmet
Bad position of the last item of bar,
[fedora-websites] #41: Inaccurate rendering in "Join fedora" page under "Latest Announcements" section.,
Start page problem,
figured out the image color issue (FF 3.5 and higher),
Ian Weller
Correction suggestion to features page,
Turner, Rick
Cómo puedo ayudar??,
Jose Rubio
[PATCH] Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop rebranding, Jaroslav Reznik
www and git of fedoraproject.org do not respond,
Miroslav Suchý
Inverted image in header,
Oscar Carballal
Jan Rybář
fpo allowed programming\coding?,
Frank Murphy
Redhat+Fedora, a small sponsorship request, Ayan Debnath
wiki authentification "failure": wrong encoding character in page name,
Kévin Raymond
Patch adding native names in language selector,
Piotr Drąg
Desktops page: XFCE vs. Xfce,
Joe H
Error when trying to change password,
John Devereaux
John Devereaux
64 bit machine,
Larry Nicholson
64 bit machines,
Larry Nicholson
Fedora Releases webpage,
Paulo Nogueira
http://fedoraproject.org/es/ error de escritura,
[fedora-websites] #38: No release splash or obvious sign of F14?,
new mediawiki skin -- any takers?, Ian Weller
[PATCH] Show main nav for NL (and other languages),
Sijis Aviles
Fwd: Re: Fedora 14 AMIs,
John Poelstra
Turkish Language Support,
Aydın Demirel
Bug in the web site,
Juan Francisco Estrada García
Izhar Firdaus
suggested changes for BFO to make it less ISO centric,
Patrick C. F. Ernzer
MediaWiki Tip,
Dean Kev Mayor
Fedora Project.org,
Phil Parsons
F14 Counter on Web Site,
Baudilio Glez Qenk - Control de la Red
typo on dutch frontpage,
Release counters,
Re: Release count-down on fedoraproject.org wrong?,
Robyn Bergeron
Looking to help, Josh Farrar
Fedora Project web site redesign has some serious problems, Paul Waterman
How to get fedora source code,
Pranav Nerkar
W3C validation,
Roel Janssen
Instructions on upgrading,
Rahul Sundaram
Fixed patch for missing alt attribute in new fp.o,
Re: Spanish Website translation, Jesús Franco
Websites Frozen,
Sijis Aviles
Changing the gray background of the slides,
new look,
Tom Horsley
Re: Your feedback on new fedoraproject.org design,
Response to users-ml about new design,
John-Patrik (mindbug)
Popup to download ISOs,
Siddhesh Poyarekar
Registering Fedora Kenya community,
Charles W. Waweru
Bug: menu load,
Installation misspelled as "insatallation",
Change "Contributors" to "Wiki"?,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora New Website,
Mattia Valzelli
Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera
Website Redesign,
Font problem on new look website,
Stuart Green
Hallo, my name is Alexjan Carraturo and I would like to join,
Alexjan Carraturo
[PATCH] Fix slide images for older browsers,
Ian Weller
Re: Bugs in new design, Nicolas Doye
Go back to the old site, at least for now,
Nadim Kobeissi
Results of website testing,
Matthew Jadud
[patch] POT update is very close :). Please, check it,
Kevin Raymond
[fedora-websites] #33: Wrong opening question mark is rendered on Vista for Spanish,
new site fonts,
Allegretti, Robert [Global Bay]
Website fonts ugly and difficult to read in Chrome on Windows 7,
Re: Transifex Website translation info are wrong, keep translating !,
Piotr Drąg
horrible language mix in new fedoraproject.org/download,
Joachim Backes
New website fonts experience,
Misha Shnurapet
Website bug rundown day 1,
Máirín Duffy
Introduce myself,
Vincenzo Errico
Error en los signos de puntuacion,
Carlos Cesar Martinez
absolutely LOVE the new layout!, Mateusz Mikołajczyk
Nice new website, but please fix the css style for the fonts...,
Bernardino Lopez
Small bag in countdown graphics.,
Alexander Smirnov
Bugs in new desing,
Nicolas Doye
[fedora-websites] #30: New website has layout problems when javascript is disabled,
erro no site,
Thiago Lima
Attempting to use BFO.usb, Paul Reeves
Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks--GA is 1 week away, John Poelstra
Should we update the POT ASAP? => What to change,
Introduction My Self, PRABIN DATTA
FC14 Bea - Verify your ISO checksums, Mario Moran-Garay
[Fedora Infrastructure] #2433: Git repo hosting: Freeway Font, Fedora Infrastructure
spins.fp.o POT update, shaiton
[no subject],
oneiel Valdez Alejo
es translator for the website?,
Máirín Duffy
Patch to fix some RTL and Hebrew related problems,
Creating a new ticket is impossible because registering a new user is impossible, Geoffrey
web page dl link error, ColdFlex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WEB DEVELOPER, Vijayaraghavan Rajendran
Patch for minimal fixes,
regarding fedora 3 download link,
dhananjaya murthy
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