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- Re: Re: Pegasus and Users, (continued)
Re: Pegasus and Users, sebas22
Problems with Heroes IV, Калимуллин Артур
Windows Genuine Advantage,
packages on FC5 to build wine ??,
Dan Sawyer
What versions support MS Word?,
Windows vs Linux,
Molle Bestefich
Message not available
Re: Windows vs Linux, Josef Moellers
Upgrade 0.9.8 to 0.9.12 issues,
Bob Bob
unable to compile,
Installing IE6 and msnmsgr,
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: msreader, Segin
Required Fontforge versions, Segin
New winecfg: Libraries,
David Baron
Running MoneyCounts 8.0 for DOS,
Wine Mailing List
Re: running dBase app with wine,
Wine + serial port basically hangs system,
Dan Armbrust
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Wine + serial port basically hangs system, Daniel Skorka
Wine - which version am I really running?,
Claude Jones
SUSE 9.1 wine 0.9.12 problem,
Changing email in, Philippe A.
Problem with app that wants to start a new instance of it self,
lennart . petersson
0.9.12 iexplore.exe mozilla activex control,
Kent Friis
[Fwd: ERROR ChoosePixelFormat failed],
What version of Wine am I running?,
Agent 3.3 on Linux?,
Dan Epstein
wine could not load,
IE6 Broken in Dapper Ubuntu,
Will they ever fix the DirectSound buffer underrun error?,
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext message - what should I do?,
Rainer M Krug
Possible to rename .wine directory?,
Rainer M Krug
Some problems with wine 0.9.12,
Manfred Paul
Picture Window Pro 4.0, Lars Tore Gustavsen
IE install with Wine 0.9.12 under Debian Sarge,
David Dawson
Message not available
Re: IE install with Wine 0.9.12 under Debian Sarge, Philipp Ludwig
Message not available
Re: problem installing DesignCAD 3D Max 14.1 under wine,
R. Steven Rainwater
Which version,
Wine is very slow,
Message not available
Message not available
Re: Re: Wine is very slow, CWO4 Dave Mann
PlayOnline Viewer Update to Version 1.17.01 Won't Display Font., Andres Mejia
Wine and iTunes6: Gets quicktime version wrong?,
David Baron
Francesco Pietra
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: DCOM, Daniel Skorka
MIDI tools in latest wine, more., David Baron
Memory Use,
CWO4 Dave Mann
Re: Memory Use, Francesco Pietra
MIDI tools in latest wine, success and ...,
David Baron
Re: how can i view the windows help file.(*.chm), Harald Arnesen
Factory pressed dvd movies, ps2, psp & xbox backups for sale !!!, gizmo88
Re: how can i view the windows help file.(*.chm), truiken
Re: Problems when I run ie, Segin
Support section revamp,
Jeremy White
Re: Support section revamp, deedee
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Support section revamp, dank
IE with Xover?,
Re: Reconnecting wine-users and,
IE stopped working after update,
Wade Smart
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: IE stopped working after update, Daniel Skorka
Reconnecting wine-users and,
Jeremy White
Problem Getting Latest Version,
Thomas H. George
Editing in external application,
Dave R
Problem "wining" Ragnarok Online,
Hillo Gandra
Problem installing Activ'Studio by Promethean,
Re: help me with wine and checkpoint FWgui,
Kari Hurtta
DPI setting or "large fonts"?, Toby
Re: Sum-up: Re-proposal: web forums,
Re: Re: Sum-up: Re-proposal: web forums, Philippe A.
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: Sum-up: Re-proposal: web forums, deedee
About the web forums and why it's just a waste of time, Segin
Re: Re-proposal: web forums,
Molle Bestefich
Re: Re-proposal: web forums, Tom Spear (Dustin Booker, Dustin Navea)
Re: Re-proposal: web forums, Segin
Re: Re-proposal: web forums, Joseph Garvin
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re-proposal: web forums, KGJ
.NET problems,
David Shaw
Observations regarding recent versions of Wine, James E. Lang
Imaging für Windows 95, Andreas Zocher
Problem Installing software,
Mike Baranski
chemdraw, Francesco Pietra
Compililation / linking problems, Louis Bouchard
Real time DOS programs,
Søren Madsen
Wine 0.9.12: Fontprobleme,
Marcus Roeckrath
BriscCAD - Installation and problems, richard
running WinBUGS by using wine in linux or unix, Tianji Cai
VFP9 on CentOS4.3, Linda de Boer
Firefox IE Tab Extension,
John Doe
emulators/wine: starcraft fails on FreeBSD 6-stablee, [LoN]Kamikaze
quicken 98 deluxe (year 2000 solution) problem with backup, nigel
small letters, Detollenaere Patrick
Warcraft III on latest stable release of Fedora 5,
Kris van der Merwe
Some applications print, some don't,
Christian Piva Franzen
What's in a name? - Darwine,
Alex Eagar
Francesco Pietra
List of DirectPlay games, "Alexander N. Sørnes"
Various hitches in Starcraft.,
Bad EXE format for,
dosdevices directory, Rich Gilson
Desktop=XxY broken?,
sergey akifiev
How to apply .msp patch in wine?, Istvan Gabor
WC3 - please insert CD problem,
Prawira Wijaya
how to open a linux application in the windows program, yaoyansi
Wine release 0.9.12, Alexandre Julliard
A IE6 question....,
problem with "enter-key", Marc Krämer
Foxpro, ODBC , mysql and wine, Linda de Boer
Nikolas Dahn
Foxpro with MYSQL,
Linda de Boer 0.33 released! (final version),
Christian Lachner
ODBC and Mysql,
Linda de Boer
Wine] Re: IE6 on wine, Linda de Boer
Migrating corporate WinApps using Wine Question,
nikon coolscan V,
Francesco Pietra
Use of KDEs kprinter as printer device?,
Achim Spangler
running linux applications on wine?,
Marc Krämer
IE6 on wine,
Linda de Boer
Wine 0.9.11 and Visual Foxpro 9,
Linda de Boer
Wine Question, Wade Smart
How do I set the color scheme, Toby
Wine and AMD 64 in Suse 9.3,
Unhandled stack overflow in 32-bit code, Edward West
Printing: The letters are too big, Philipp Ludwig
CoffeeCup HTML editor not running - please help!,
David Shaw
Starcraft with, Mike Harris
Re: Keyboard Rewrite, Derek Fawcus 0.32 released!,
Christian Lachner
Molle Bestefich
New .deb APT repository for Ubuntu users that doesn't time out, Scott Ritchie
Direct Draw and Video Memory, Alair Dias Júnior
Wine release 0.9.11, Alexandre Julliard
new to wine, Guild Wars don't display correctly, BONNEL Christophe
Video Memory Problem, Alair Dias Júnior
GLX Problem,
Florian Engelhardt
yetisports doesn't work, Dirk Vornheder
Transparent socks proxy,
Disabling FreeType, Mike Harris
New to Wine, Install Problem,
Kevin Monceaux 0.31 released!,
Christian Lachner
Standard Font Size,
setting up lotus notes 7,
Bram Mertens
IE and Windows Media Player?,
Peter Åstrand
winecfg not creating ~/.wine/config file,
Florian Engelhardt
Running text app without X,
Steven Hein
Need help setting up EAC in Wine, Sebastian
~/.mime.types - format conflict with standard /etc/mime.types?, Peter Valdemar Mørch
Wine and cedega weird problem, Adrian Vraciu
EuroTalkInteractive - Talk Now! software crashes during install, Gregory Gulik
Access violation BPFTP Server, Matthew L Reed
wine and 2G/2G split,
Sven Köhler
RE: Wine doesn't load an application-provided DLL, David Baron
unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.InitializeSListHead / wine 0.10, Johannes Fortner
Access Violation running an application calling Borland libraries vcljpg60.bpl & vcl60.bpl, Frederic Lapeyre
Wine/Interix -- The pros and cons.,
Problem with resolution, Frederico Bertucci
build failure on Gentoo Linux, recommended fix included.,
wine and windows help,
Grant Lewis
Trying visioviewer in Wine, Kunjumuhammed, Afsiya (Cognizant)
Wine doesn't load an application-provided DLL,
errors on wine WINWORD.EXE,
Yuandan Zhang
Jump Raven,
installing Office 2000/ Office XP on Centos4.0, ankush grover
wine and Mankind (the one from - possible networking or file creation problem, Georg C.F. Wolff
Missing Winemaker,
Renoise + wine, Piotr Stolc
A day of trying to get something to work,
Problem running a VB6 app, Adam Gibson
Re: problem in installing Internet Explorer6 with SP1 onCentos4.0 through Winetools, Amit Mahajan
problem in installing Internet Explorer6 with SP1 on Centos4.0 through Winetools,
ankush grover
Tibia under wine,
Frederico Bertucci
WORD97:cannot save document file,
Jimmy Jazz
NetExpress, Daniel Benvenutti Schaab
Windows services,
Van Laere Benjamin
For developers and users,
Google Earth & wine_cvs-20060318, Sebastien Fievet
USB support,
Richard W. Knight
flashget.exe does not work with wine 0.9.9 and later but it does with 0.9.8, Gary Zhang
Accessing the parallel port,
Peeyush Prasad
Wine and RDPrint, Frederico Bertucci
Can wine run .com files?,
Larry Alkoff
NV-GLX error starting Q3Arena Demo under wine 0.9.10, Paul
Question about Active X Components, Wade Smart
Problem win16mutex, Adriano Frare 0.3 released!, Christian Lachner
Controling Excel using COM by Python, stefan.heukamp
Multiple MIDI devices, David Baron
IOPL not enabled,
Jose Borreguero
Block internet access, Andreas Barsch
Wine release 0.9.10, Alexandre Julliard
Wine and a simple text-mode program (Gimpel PC-Lint),
Eric Poole
How to setup bitmap fonts?, Petr Tomasek
Drive Designation,
James E. Lang
Chinese characters appearing in IE title bar, Claude Jones
soporte 16 bits,
diego 8a
Encoding, The Source
installshield problem, Alexander Zoernack
Wine & Vfat on SUSE 10 64 bit, RB
winecfg fails to open X window,
Ivan Kautter
Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun debugger issue?, Malcolm Mallardi
Copyright Protection,
Mappery breakthrough : Garmin topo, vista, rino, under linux & CXO,
Comment regarding this list,
James E. Lang
Cleaning out wine for bricscad afresh, SnapafunFrank
how to select audio device?,
Palo S.
Warcraft 3 + wine cvs-20060311,
Sebastien Fievet
Wine - execution,
Using wine,
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