On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 1:46 PM, fejesg <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hello Everybody! :D :D :D > > I changed from Windows to Ubuntu a short time ago. Under Win I programmed microcontrollers with Microchip PicKit2 programmer, which has USB connection. > > After I installed Ms .NET Framework 2.0 with winetricks, the Wine enablet do install PicKit2 program; it runs, but can not wiev / handle programmer, which I plug in to an USB port. > > Please help me. Have any USB support for Wine ? (I use W 1.1.6). > > ThanX forwardly: fejesg HU fejesg@xxxxx > Just some background information on the PICKit 2 before the "drivers are not supported" reply flood starts: * Under Windows it is detected as a USB HID: http://www.voti.nl/pickit2faq/index.html so it should not be that hard get working... * The pk2 program is available for programming it under Linux: http://mcuee.blogspot.com/2007/06/pickit-2-under-linux-mini-howto.html and http://home.pacbell.net/theposts/picmicro/ Pk2 really needs some updating though... * Recent MPLAB versions also support the PicKit 2 Gert