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- using wine, (continued)
- Visual Fox Pro 6 application,
Angel Rengifo Cancino
- Wine esound/esd sound output,
Herman Bos
- ntohl Problems,
David Vogt
- VB access application, Keith Kiedrowski
- VDQ : Have I made a wine's nest?,
- IE HTML rendering problem with wine 0.9.8,
Tom Williams
- IE Encoding menu empty (works with 0.9.5, does not with newer), Alon Bar-Lev
- Help! how to deal with relational databases,
K. de Vos
- error in running wine,
- Lost,
- wine under mactel, Panayotis Katsaloulis
- executing vbs using wine,
Vinodh Kumar
- Latest on Debian Sid Always Gives Error (resend),
David Baron
- Wine 0.9.9 appears to terminate without notification, James E. Lang
- Steam nearly nearly nearly works,
Phil Costin
- ./configure doesn't work,
Ludwig Stolberg
- Problem running applications - Newbie,
Matías Gutiérrez Reto
- fixme:mci:MCI_LoadMciDriver Couldn't load driver for type L"MPEGVIDEO", Peter Åstrand
- Wins Installation problem on solairs x86 version 5.10,
Vikas Gera
- font problem with wine 0.9.9,
Joris Huizer
- DirectX error, radu
- I need to make some comment on WineTools,
Philip V. Neves
- VB 4 runtime installation, Joe Baker
- IE6 and none latin pages does not work with win-0.9.8, worked with 0.9.7, Alon Bar-Lev
- "Browser Installed" apps under wine, Les Dunaway
- Mechwarrior 2 under wine,
Mark and Janice Juszczec
- Desktop Icons,
Agape' Fellowship Church
- Installing IE6 in wine-0.9.8,
Eugene Rogoza
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Installing IE6 in wine-0.9.8, Eugene Rogoza
Problem with UK financial program, John French
WSH, WMI scripts,
Sreenivas Tatti
Error while compiling code using wineg++ / winegcc,
Vikas Gera 0.21 released, Christian Lachner
Latest on Debian Sid Always Gives Error, David Baron
Wine release 0.9.9, Alexandre Julliard
Help needed on wine, Lalit Aggarwal
Some progress with solidworks...,
denis bonnenfant
Page fault in RevokeDragDrop in ole32 by running application, Andreas Romeyke
IE6 on Debian AMD64, Mark Firestone
msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll not working with wine?,
Adam Gibson
office xp on fedora 4,
Segura, John A.
VNS with wine, Luca Casagrande
Better fonts in wine?,
Anand Buddhdev
error on installation,
Suren Pillai
Probelms with configuring Wine, Samatha Kottha
error 3633, Martin Jorge Bayo
Tried to load a theme, didn't work. No error message.,
Sterling Christensen
Cursor speed in starcraft.,
Help getting The Longest Journey to run., Enno Rehling
Fonts too tiny in Forte Agent,
Larry Alkoff
Executing shortcut (.lnk) files?, Stealth Dave
syberia 2 regression, Vasily Levin
must I install wine as root?,
Problesm with an application,
Mario A. Cozzuol
Re: Server Requirements, Dan Kegel
Wine and MIDI applications, David Baron
Trouble running Worms Armageddon with wine 0.9.8, Diogo Franco
screensavers in general,
thomas . mern
Application PhoneTools, Nikolas Arend
IE6 encodings on wine,
Yonatan Oren
Cross-Machine COM-Calls under Wine...,
could not load mozactivex as Win32 binary ?,
Song Zhiwei
charset GBK was not recognized ?, Song Zhiwei
crashed would be solved by sudo ?, Willie Sun
wine and drawing functions, andreoli
aspi error ASPI_ExecScsiCmd in Wine, De Swaef Jeroen
[Old Games]:Colonization,
Charles-Alexandre Sabourdin
Winecfg / wineprefixcreate hangs ..., webmyster
winetools vs crossover office,
winelib + g++ standard template library, Matthew Fulmer
Wine killed,
Jacek Wolszczak
.NET Framework?,
Do the developers of wine get royalties or developement support from cross over office and transgaming companies,
Tomislav Bobic 0.2,
Christian Lachner
Windows Start in Folder?,
Dennis McLeod
Error '3633' en tiempo de ejecucion, Martin Jorge Bayo
Problems with Sanitarium, Alex Ferguson
install font without net work,
Yuandan Zhang
wine crashes when creating .wine, Damien Challet
OWA via IE stops working after upgrade, Jafar
Font problems with remote X11 displays,
Stealth Dave
Wine release 0.9.8, Alexandre Julliard
setup program doesn't find extracted dll, Alexander Zoernack
Wine Unicode Error,
Pablo Martinez-Legazpi Aguiló
Nero using Wine,
Jethro Borsje
Newbie wants to run Forte Agent,
Larry Alkoff
James E. Lang
Debugging an application crash,
James E. Lang
Windows version,
James E. Lang
Wine 0.9.7 failure report: hungarian tax software,
Zoltan Boszormenyi
install win apps for all users?, leon
"misteriosus" output message,
controlling the clipboard, Paul Streitman
Program bug or feature?,
Michael Edwards
wine on Intel Xeon processor, Ananth M
OLE error,
Roger Mason
How to set the default font set from the fonts of system.reg?, Song Zhiwei
How to set the default font set ?,
Song Zhiwei
Print to file?,
Brian Litzinger
Sims help,
D. Rodin
MSOFFICE macros on Fedora using Wine-tools, sailaja.mulakaluri
Wine & Putty & telnet,
Zvone Zagar
Re: Wine & Putty & telnet, Mr Duck
Re: Wine & Putty & telnet, jm
psexec from sysinternals - did anyone run it under wine?, Tomasz Chmielewski
Installing visio 2003 with wine,
Breno Macedo
office xp pro,
Michael Edwards
Problem when run MSN 7.5, Guttdude Jenius
Newest Version?,
Don Bedsole
Problema with keys.,
Angelo Braga
Wine 0.97 problem with print., Angelo Braga
Unimplemented function in rpcrt4.dll, Kevin DeKorte
Notes 7.1 and wine 0.97, Kevin DeKorte
James E. Lang
wine 0.9.7 + football manager 2006, Piotr Gęga
Problems on Ultima online keyboard input.., blink
Program worked in 20050930, not in 0.9.7, Lee Parsons
Bob Russell is out of the office., bob . russell
commend line output,
Yuandan Zhang
errors on uo client..,
Re: [AppDB] modify installs and runs fields,
Tony Lambregts
Persistant prelinking/exec-shield issue - please help. =/, Joey Robinson
WinRAR.exe errors,
Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Data-Base under Wine 0.9.7?,
Daniel Spannbauer
Why does wine always use the worst font it can find?, Philipp Klaus Krause
MS Office XP Chinese,
Doug Wu
Sibelius, Marius Schrecker
BIDI (Hebrew) Support,
Alon Bar-Lev
Problems with NX ?,
Warcraft III won't run,
Philipp Klaus Krause
[helpdesk@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: Army Builder 3 and linux], Mads Laursen
Beginner needs help !,
Fabien PERDU
run programs .exe from cdrom/dvd, "Jörg Kühne"
Borland Database Engine related installer issue (Portal GT-D),
Michael Edwards
winecfg doews not start - X_CreateWindow error,
Christian Friedrich
wine, one question, Scott Ritchie
ERROR ChoosePixelFormat failed, manuel
Sliding screen in games [again], GuruLounge - MailLists
Wine release 0.9.7, Alexandre Julliard
Could not load 'SOUND.DLL' required by 'sierrawh', error=2,
Mike Leahy
- Re: Could not load 'SOUND.DLL' required by 'sierrawh', error=2, GuruLounge - MailLists
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Could not load 'SOUND.DLL' required by 'sierrawh', error=2, penna
- Re: Could not load 'SOUND.DLL' required by 'sierrawh', error=2, penna
- Re: Could not load 'SOUND.DLL' required by 'sierrawh', error=2, Mike Leahy
- Re: Could not load 'SOUND.DLL' required by 'sierrawh', error=2, GuruLounge - MailLists
ePrompter help (wine 0.9.5-r1 on Gentoo), Akuma Daimao
wine install failure after reqression tests,
Paul Romanyszyn
win program needs links to windows shares, how to config,
Mr Duck
No Network error, Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Brockhaus 2004 multimedial dvd, "Jörg Kühne"
Sliding game screen, GuruLounge - MailLists
Connect to a server for autentication, Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Gurus - Crystal Reports XI install?, Philip Rhoades
Failure to install ComfyWare,
cdrom dvd access,
"Jörg Kühne"
TI83 plus Texas Instrument Calculator, Serial cable and USB cable,
install palmon to wine, Yuandan Zhang
Display quirks, GuruLounge - MailLists
Problem registering to the AppDB, benjamin wegner
photoshop 7 and wine 0.9.2 in freebsd 6.0,
David Guchua
wcmd - CALL doesn't honor PATH,
Jesse Guardiani
Re: Help with wine install,
Dan Kegel
Wine-wiki broken by design,
Molle Bestefich
wine-0.9.6 and Microsoft HTML Help,
Wine language problems,
kristopher phillips
Merge 2 or more files to one,
Matthew Engel
EaseReader gives fixme:amstream:IAMMultiMediaStreamImpl_Initialize, Peter Åstrand
Problems with graphics, Curro Amores
128-bit encryption message since update to 0.9.6,
overrides with crossoffice, Curro Amores
install IE6,
Yuandan Zhang
Error installing TeleChart, GuruLounge - MailLists
Only one app keeps me on Windows - Can WINE free me?,
Ewan Grantham
help for Diablo II under Wine,
AppDB web site has a DB Error,
Joe Baker
hi, problem with executing game!, Balabanov Dmitry
how to install internet explorer,
Yuandan Zhang
live cd with wine, charles arnould
Running Palm Desktop 4.14, Les Dunaway
What is Wine?,
Sumit Kumar
DCOM98 install regression in wine-0.9.6!,
Pedro Maia
Threading performance,
Returned mail: Data format error, MAILER-DAEMON
running a VB6 application without display, Adrien Laurent
error on compiling wine 0.9.6 on fedora core 4 - wine 0.9.5 works!,
Bernardelli Paolo
Wine and Kaleidagraph,
Pablo Martinez-Legazpi Aguiló
MS Macros Compatabilty with WineTools,
joystick in il2 sturmovik and pacific fighters, popux
winefile shows drives as NTFS - is this correct?,
Dan Sawyer
Wine release 0.9.6, Alexandre Julliard
Latin characters (accentuation) appear with problem within Notes - Solution, penna
two test systems, same config, one write enabled, one write protected ??, Dan Sawyer
Fluke Linkware Software, Matthew Cross
live CD with wine,
charles arnould
FC4 - wine 0.9.5 - excel hangs on 'splach screen',
Dan Sawyer
Re: wine-users Digest, Vol 6, Issue 29, Charles Bruno
wine 0.9.5 - segmentation fault with ARS Remedy V4.5.1, penna
adobe photoshop album 4, Anders Rønningen
how to get wine error trace,
Dan Sawyer
Clicksaver for Anarchy Online, Peter Fakan
Alo Friends from Brazil (Amigos do Brasil), Bruno
Re: Delphi Application,
standard wine build environment, Dan Sawyer
iTunes 6.0 anyone?, Mark Knecht
Delphi Application.,
Angelo Braga
Wine and java problem revisited,
Anders Rønningen
problem with wise installation,
Curro Amores
Wine based "Windows desktop",
Hans Christian Studt
Wine based "Windows desktop", Hans Christian Studt
Re: Wine based "Windows desktop", James E. LaBarre
RE: Wine based "Windows desktop", Richard Elswick
Repost: Mavis Beacon crashes with page fault, Angela Burrell
Translate old settings to registry?, Pete Shinners
USB ports in Wine,
No keyboard input., GuruLounge - MailLists
Wine config file??,
GuruLounge - MailLists
HtmlHelp in Wine,
Igor Gorbounov
debugger detected, Xavier Bestel
Tracking DLLs,
GuruLounge - MailLists
Wise installations and wine, Curro Amores
wine and jack => segfault?,
Joachim Förster
parallel port in new wine, Marco Timpano
wine and jboss, Curro Amores
strange behavior of directory window in this EditPlus, Willie Sun
LTSpice crashes on new sheet,
Arp, Ronald
InstallShield Setup.exe hang,
Mitsuho Iizuka
Wine and the WMF exploit, ap2003@xxxxxxxxx
Moving wine from one computer to another,
Rainer M Krug
problems with dcom,
Curro Amores
article on wine in Linux Journal,
nicholas . g . lawrence
Problem with WineTools - unexpected identifier,
Rainer M Krug
Wine WMF vulnerability?,
Zoltan Boszormenyi
Microsoft Office on FreeBSD, Tom Wickline
could not load ... as Win32 binary,
Sabine Sagner-Weigl
Mandriva problems,
Krister Hallergard
too small fonts under wine, Császár Péter
Can not install my bible program,
unreadable small fonts, Császár Péter
Leisure Suit Larry's Greatest Hits and Misses,
Phil Reynolds
VB on Linux with Wine,
Joystick with 2 axis switched, Mathieu SCHROETER
Flashing Window in Quicken,
StreetSmart Pro - hang during install,
Mark Knecht
Regression in Wine 0.9.5 : Dragon Naturally Speaking no longer runs, Emmanuel Charpentier
Help Last windows program,
Troy Thomas
Google Earth - displays nothing, moans about graphics card,
Phil Reynolds
Wine release 0.9.5, Alexandre Julliard
what i should use?wine or winelib,
Dmitriy Kazimirow
wine 0.94: mouse trouble again (dinput.dll), Wolfgang Klein
wine and need for speed 5, Samium Gromoff
wine and opengl,
Michal Seliga
Kiwi Cattools under Wine,
Michael Thrift
wine and NFS 9,
Yuan Jue
run jboss with a mde file as source, Curro Amores
Wine and Counter-Strike, PIQUEREAU Patrice - DAC-O/RENNES/DR
FAQ Arturo from Mexico,
Arturo Huerta
winecfg drives, ALSA and crash problem,
winecfg hangs forever, Ben Collver
Wine error "sysi86: Invalid Argument"?, Bob Doolittle
Access to CD ROM drive when running program in Wine,
Andy Allen
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