Hans Christian Studt wrote:
I would like set up a Linux desktop icon and menu item that will launch
a wine based "Windows desktop".
Ideally the "Windows desktop" should look excactlly like a *default*
windows 2K/XP desktop.
Is this possible ?
Has anybody already done so ?
Is that already docemented somewhere ?
I think this would allow more users to try out wine using the familar
windows gui interface.
Next step would be to install simple windows applications all within the
familar windows environmet.
In case you really want an environment feeling just like the windows XP
desktop, you could either make a special window manager that responds as
much like that windows desktop as possible (that'd be loads of work) --
or just use one of the window managers for which there are themes to
make desktop similar to the XP one (for instance, KDE comes pretty close
I thought, when configured to use windows-like looks and behaviours)
It's up to the user to choose to use that window manager and/or theme,
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