casper366@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I downloaded wine but when I try to invoke it I get this message ...
wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system\\program.exe": Module not
What does that mean? how can I fix it? and how can I get Wine to start
"program.exe" (which it is obvious you got that from the docs) is a
sample. Replace it with the name of your executable that you wish to
run, with or without .exe (and case insensitive, so you can type it in
ALLCAPS or allsmalls even if the filename is in MixedCase.)
So if your program is aim.exe, do two things:
Make sure you are in the directory that aim.exe is in (if the Windows
directory is "C:\Program Files\AOL Instant Messenger", your Wine/UNIX
directory is "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/AOL Instant Messenger",
please note that if the path has spaces in it, you need to put the whole
thing in quotes, or put a backslash '\' in front of EVERY space in the
path) and run wine like so (with the emulated shell prompt that you
don't type out:
segin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/AOL Instant
Messenger$ wine aim.exe
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