CWO4 Dave Mann wrote:
Daniel Skorka wrote:
CWO4 Dave Mann <misterfixit@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've noticed since d/l and installing latest WINE that when I fire up an
application requiring WINE, the "wine-preloader" jumps to 1.7 Gigs in
VmSize. I have a 2.0 GB RAM system but this action by the pre-loader
slows everything down to a low crawl.
You mean that after starting up eg winecfg, you have 1.7 gigabytes of
free memory (RAM and swap combined) less?
In the list of processes Vm Size shows as 1,755,045; Perhaps I am mistaking
that reading for actual memory use? The empirical result is that the
system slows down quite obviously.
The virtual memory is not real memory. Wine "reserves" a very large
block of virtual memory for reasons that have something to do with
guaranteeing that certain memory addresses that some Windows programs
expect are available. But most of it will never actually be used, and it
will never get pulled into real memory.
The system should not slow down when using Wine, especially if you have
2GB of real memory, unless you already have the memory almost full with
other programs. Running Wine on a system with only 500MB, Wine is still
consuming 1.6GB of virtual memory. Both everything else still runs fine.
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