Linux Initramfs
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- [ANNOUNCEMENT] dracut-0.9, Harald Hoyer
- mdadm after disk detection / hook customization?, Marcos Dione
- [PATCH] Fix full pathname condition in find_library,
Sergey Fionov
- [PATCH] Implement extended iscsi: rfc4173 syntax which allows specifying credentials,
Hans de Goede
- Broken substitution,
Warren Togami
- Re: The (unnecessary) overhead of initramfs,
Andy Whitcroft
- initramfs-tools stable release 0.93.4, maximilian attems
- [patch] support for unusual terminfo location, Thilo Bangert
- Race condition? /tmp/net.ifaces and pre-pivot,
Warren Togami
- Adding ramdisk/initramfs data to kernel post build,
Subodh Nijsure
- Activating dmraid array for isw format in initrd, Jacek Danecki
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] dracut-0.5,
Harald Hoyer
- installing modules from outside of /, Daniel Drake
- RFC Bridging plan,
Warren Togami
- luks.rules?,
Warren Togami
- dracut testing for / on usb via pcmcia adapter,
Jon Fairbairn
- [PATCH 00/14] For review,
Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 01/14] dracut-lib add getargs(), Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 02/14] 10redhat-i18n: Fix handling of kbd maps which are a symlink, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 03/14] Make Intel BIOS raid use mdraid instead of dmraid when mdadm 3.0 is available, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 04/14] dmraid.rules changed comment in header, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 05/14] change the way init arguments are stripped from the command line, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 06/14] limit the devices for which lvm vgscan will scan, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 07/14] remove partitions from raid devices before they are used for something else, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 08/14] add info() and vinfo() to dracut-lib, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 09/14] Fix lvm on top of dmraid, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 10/14] add command line parameters to specify exact actions for root assembly, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 11/14] extend TEST-12-RAID-DEG to check for UUID command line parameters, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 12/14] Makefile: add debug module to the testimage target, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 13/14] install all /lib/kbd to initramfs, if not host only, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 14/14] dracut-lib: if "quiet" is specified, do not print info() to console, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 1/3] Fix lvm on top of dmraid,
Hans de Goede
- RFC: mdadm and bringing up raid sets from initrd (dracut),
Hans de Goede
- lvm, dmraid, mdadm scans, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH] switch_root: add subroot support,
Daniel Drake
- PATCH: Fix / on lvm,
Hans de Goede
- Warn if defaulting to ip=dhcp,
Warren Togami
- [RFC ONLY 0/5] Move argument validation to root handlers,
David Dillow
- [PATCH 00/10] *** SUBJECT HERE ***,
Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 01/10] add binutiles requirement to specfile (because of nm), Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 02/10] output everything to /dev/kmesg and add dmesg for the emergency_shell, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 03/10] Defer mount to the real mount loop, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 04/10] remove 50plymouth-pre0.7 module, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 05/10] add firmware packages to be required by the dracut-generic package, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 06/10] add rm to be installed for initqueue, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 07/10] fail iscsiroot, if iscsistart fails, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 08/10] put back the nfs mount in the udev event, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 09/10] initqueue now loops until /dev/root exists or root is mounted, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 10/10] add "rdshell" command line argument, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH] Add firmware loading support,
Daniel Drake
- [PATCH] Don't use absolute paths for utilities,
Seewer Philippe
- firmware loading,
Daniel Drake
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] dracut-0.3, Harald Hoyer
- initqueue,
Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH] Remove modules dependency,
Daniel Drake
- netroot= IRC, Warren Togami
- RFC: writing kernel cmdline options to grub.conf for dracut,
Hans de Goede
- NFS cleaned up, one TODO,
Warren Togami
- create empty directory,
Daniel Drake
- kernel modules scanning,
Warren Togami
- TODO: Legacy NFS should be root= only,
Warren Togami
- [PATCH 0/5] Netroot updates and multinic test-suite,
Philippe Seewer
- mdmon request,
Warren Togami
- Old style <server-ip>:/<path> not handled,
Warren Togami
- Netboot test suite: PXE instead of qemu -kernel?,
Warren Togami
- Please revert commit fa0115c3c06176bd0fdfcd8966021979ec84f3d7,
Seewer Philippe
- Re: Bug#533903: initramfs-tools: support different compression tools in mkinitramfs,
maximilian attems
- NFS why root=nfs and root=nfs4?,
Warren Togami
- OOM panics in the test suite,
David Dillow
- [PATCH] Move kill-dhclient to netroot, Seewer Philippe
- [RFT PATCH] Delay netroot mounting by 1 second,
Seewer Philippe
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] dracut-0.1, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 0/4] 2009-06-19 patchset 2,
Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 00/13] Changes 2009-06-19,
Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 01/13] moved test-init to TEST-10-RAID, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 02/13] uncomment hard-off for TEST-30-ISCSI, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 03/13] do not poweroff in TEST-30-ISCSI, if rdinitdebug is set, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 04/13] do not poweroff in TEST-10-RAID if rdinitdebug is set, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 05/13] prepare udev rules for udev >= 143, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 06/13] install rules to ignore some devices, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 07/13] make iSCSI boot with root=dhcp and mount partitions labeled with "ROOT" or "/", Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 08/13] manpage iSCSI update, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 09/13] add rdblacklist command line parameter, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 10/13] updated switch_root.c, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 11/13] dracut.spec without switch_root, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 12/13] renamed dracut-lib to, Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 13/13] removed shebang from .sh and changed mode to 0644, Harald Hoyer
- Files copied from generating system,
Warren Togami
- qemu -hda /dev/null,
Warren Togami
- How to find the root partition with root=dhcp root-path=iscsi:::...,
Harald Hoyer
- [PATCH 0/7] my changes for today,
Harald Hoyer
- udevadm settle timeout semantics,
Seewer Philippe
- [RFC PATCH] Resume from any suspend partion,
Harald Hoyer
- 13 NFS syntax variations,
Warren Togami
- rdblacklist intent?,
Warren Togami
- Reminder: /tmp/net.$netif.* files,
Warren Togami
- root=dhcp broke,
Warren Togami
- Hibernate broke?,
Warren Togami
- including python in the initramfs,
Daniel Drake
- [PATCH] Don't start mdmon if it isn't installed,
Seewer Philippe
- Some netboot doc cleanups,
Warren Togami
- Redundant nfsroot cmdline options,
Warren Togami
- 50plymouth-pre0.7,
Warren Togami
- /etc/passwd thoughts,
Warren Togami
[RFC PATCH 5/5] iscsiroot, Seewer Philippe
[RFC PATCH 4/5] nbdroot, Seewer Philippe
[RFC PATCH 3/5] nfsroot, Seewer Philippe
[RFC PATCH 2/5] network/netroot,
Seewer Philippe
[RFC PATCH 1/5] Add "die" and some minor changes in base,
Seewer Philippe
[RFC PATCH 0/5] Multiple interfaces support and lots of cmdline parsing,
Seewer Philippe
base module dependency on kernel-modules, Daniel Drake
[PATCH 0/3] Add netroot= and LUKS/LVM support for NBD,
David Dillow
ifup async race problem,
Warren Togami
module deps / location, Alan Jenkins
initramfs-tools stable release 0.93.3,
maximilian attems
dhclient.* files become net.* only after successful netboot,
Warren Togami
Netroot cmdline arguments,
Seewer Philippe
/dev/.initramfs copy state before switch_root,
Warren Togami
[PATCH] Install debian renamed udev rules as well,
Seewer Philippe
[PATCH 00/11] More test suite stuff (and bug fixes),
David Dillow
- [PATCH 01/11] NFS test: verify that we used the right IP to get to the server, David Dillow
- [PATCH 08/11] dracut init: add rdnetdebug to exclude list, David Dillow
- [PATCH 02/11] NFS test: add support for checking mount options used, David Dillow
- [PATCH 10/11] NBD: fix parsing of Debian-style nbdroot config, David Dillow
- [PATCH 07/11] NFS root: add support for default root path and %s substitution, David Dillow
- [PATCH 04/11] NFS root: add missing DHCP root-path/nfsroot=[IP:]/path[,options] format, David Dillow
- [PATCH 11/11] NBD: add test suite, David Dillow
- [PATCH 03/11] NFS test: renumber MAC addresses to ease adding new test cases, David Dillow
- [PATCH 09/11] NFS test: add test for nfs[4]:srv:/path syntax, David Dillow
- [PATCH 06/11] NFS test: separate NFSv3 and NFSv4 tests into their own functions, David Dillow
- [PATCH 05/11] NFS test: add test cases for DHCP/nfsroot=[IP:]/path[,options], David Dillow
- Re: [PATCH 00/11] More test suite stuff (and bug fixes), David Dillow
[PATCH 0/9] Enhance NFS test suite (plus one other bug),
David Dillow
[PATCH] Use dhclient.conf instead of -R,
Seewer Philippe
[PATCH] Don't use absolute path for ip, does not always work,
Seewer Philippe
[PATCH] Get rid of cat and grep,
Seewer Philippe
[PATCH] Make more readable,
Seewer Philippe
test suite work,
David Dillow
ChangeLog 2009-06-04, Harald Hoyer
plymouth fixed and new pre-trigger hook, Harald Hoyer
iSCSI and root,
Harald Hoyer
[PATCH] fixed fstype mount options, Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 1/2] install cat for network module,
Harald Hoyer
Harald Hoyer
crypt lvm broke?,
Warren Togami
Include only wired ethernet drivers, explicitly exclude wireless., Warren Togami
Passing dhclient leases through switch_root,
Warren Togami
[RFC PATCH 0/9] netroot: modular support for network root devices,
David Dillow
- [RFC PATCH 4/9] cmdline: cleanup handling and block: handler, David Dillow
- [RFC PATCH 1/9] nfsroot: move to same sort order as block methods, David Dillow
- [RFC PATCH 3/9] dracut: add cmdline hook, David Dillow
- [RFC PATCH 2/9] block root: split out resume parsing and udev rules, David Dillow
- [RFC PATCH 7/9] netroot: add common handler for network root devices, David Dillow
- [RFC PATCH 9/9] Add NBD support, David Dillow
- [RFC PATCH 8/9] nfsroot: move to netroot framework, David Dillow
- [RFC PATCH 5/9] resume: add support for labeled resume devices, David Dillow
- [RFC PATCH 6/9] dracut-lib: add source_all to library, David Dillow
- Re: [RFC PATCH 0/9] netroot: modular support for network root devices, Seewer Philippe
dracut broken on Fedora 10 (udevd),
David Dillow
plymouth working for anybody with F-11?,
Warren Togami
Irrelevant kernel modules,
Warren Togami
TODO: instmods() firmware is broken,
Warren Togami
Dracut generation modes,
Warren Togami
90kernel-modules-loaded must be --hostonly,
Warren Togami
Move logs and other runtime created files into /tmp,
Warren Togami
modules.d/40nfsroot/install questions,
Warren Togami
[PATCH 1/1] Final fixups to make the full testsuite work.,
Victor Lowther
dracut listmerge, Harald Hoyer
[PATCH] Add nbd root support to dracut, Andreas Thienemann
[PATCH 1/2] Add infrastructure for dracut module dependency checking.,
Victor Lowther
How do we want to handle configuring network boot devices?,
David Dillow
[RFC PATCH 0/5] WIP: NFS root mount from udev rules,
David Dillow
No stdout when using dash,
Andreas Thienemann
[PATCH 1/4] Style cleanups in main dracut script.,
Victor Lowther
[PATCH] Make generation of testroot images succeed,
Andreas Thienemann
[PATCH] run-qemu Enhancements,
Andreas Thienemann
[PATCH 1/5] Make running qemu a little more generic,
Victor Lowther
[PATCH] LIBDIR detection without /proc,
Warren Togami
90kernel-modules/install should not detect from current system, Warren Togami
[PATCH] module-init-tools only recognizes files ending in *.conf, so only copy files of that pattern., Warren Togami
--include functionality?,
Andreas Thienemann
Netboot fails with multiple interfaces, wireless,
Warren Togami
Copy dhclient.leases before switchroot?, Warren Togami
[PATCH] nfsv3 nolock does not require any daemons, Warren Togami
[PATCH] Both --drivers and --debug cannot be -d. Make --debug into -b., Warren Togami
dracut network, Harald Hoyer
devtmpfs: kernel maintained /dev and initramfs, Kay Sievers
[PATCH 11/11] removed kernel variable from test/test-initramfs, Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 10/11] cleanup make-test-root,
Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 09/11] add APPEND and DRACUTOPTS to make target "test", Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 08/11] fall back to filesystem type "auto", Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 07/11] dash echo does not support -e option,
Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 06/11] change file descriptor for flock locking, Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 05/11] add debug and changed verbose parameter, Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 04/11] add derror(), dinfo() and dwarning(), Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 03/11] add target "check", Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 02/11] fixed plymouth installation for plymouth-0.7.0-0.2009.05.08.1.fc11, Harald Hoyer
[PATCH 01/11] do not run dhclient, if no net device found, Harald Hoyer
wiki, README and TODO update,
Harald Hoyer
initramfs-tools stable release 0.93.2, maximilian attems
Dracut now on Sourceforge, Harald Hoyer
initramfs-tools stable release 0.93.1,
maximilian attems
Thoughts on mounting the rootfs from a udev rule,
Victor Lowther
Improved test harness, Victor Lowther
[PATCH 2/2] Add nfsroot option handler, Seewer Philippe
[PATCH 1/2] network configuration, Seewer Philippe
[PATCH 0/2] dracut, udev and complicated netboot cases,
Seewer Philippe
[RFC] Dracut and complicated netboot cases, Seewer Philippe
generic vs. host-only,
Harald Hoyer
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