We can't really predict the behavior of or support initrd's that end up
with whatever customized config files are copied from the system, but
options for dealing with this problem are not clear. Any ideas?
These could possibly be edited and cause NFS to behave unexpectedly in
the initrd.
(Harald and I agree we should write the needed user to /etc/passwd
during dracut generation instead of copying the /etc/passwd. I'm
working on this.)
[ -f /etc/modprobe.conf ] && dracut_install /etc/modprobe.conf
dracut_install $(find /etc/modprobe.d/ -type f -name '*.conf')
Some of these are shipped by the distribution and important, but others
can be edited and cause the initrd to behave differently.
dracut_install mdadm
inst /etc/passwd
inst /etc/group
With agreement from Harald we're writing these during dracut generation
instead of copying.
instmods =drivers/md
inst_rules "$moddir/61-mdadm.rules"
[ -f /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ] && inst /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf /etc/mdadm.conf
[ -f /etc/mdadm.conf ] && inst /etc/mdadm.conf
if [ -x /sbin/mdmon ] ; then
dracut_install mdmon
inst_hook pre-pivot 30 "$moddir/mdmon-pre-pivot.sh"
mdadm.conf is another file that can influence the behavior of a system.
Shouldn't this be --hostonly?
Is dracut mdraid module usable at all without mdadm.conf? I've used
many RAID systems without mdadm.conf, although I don't understand why
some systems seemingly need it while others don't.
# FIXME: would be nice if we didn't have to know which rules to grab....
# ultimately, /lib/initramfs/rules.d or somesuch which includes links/copies
# of the rules we want so that we just copy those in would be best
dracut_install udevd udevadm /lib*/udev/*_id /etc/udev/udev.conf /etc/group
dracut_install basename
inst_rules 50-udev-default.rules 60-persistent-storage.rules \
61-persistent-storage-edd.rules 80-drivers.rules 95-udev-late.rules
#Some debian udev rules are named differently
inst_rules 50-udev.rules 95-late.rules
if ldd $(find_binary udevd) |grep -q /lib64/libc; then
dracut_install /lib64/libnss_files*
dracut_install /lib/libnss_files*
udev.conf could be another source of unexpected behavior?
Warren Togami
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