KDE General Discussion
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- Re: Help: have system bell as root, but not as user, (continued)
- kicker error messages about the io-slave, pol
- Icon changes,
Bob Stia
- kicker and the acpi,
- KDE locale problems, Per Eriksson
- Fwd: Kate search and replace in ALL OPEN files?,
- s2ram and kde-guidance-powermanager,
- Autostart question,
John Velman
- Control Center and InfoCenter are empty :-O,
Rashid N. Achilov
- Kubuntu. No access to superuser file manager on desktop,
Nigel Henry
- Knetwork Computer List Truncation, Merton Campbell Crockett
- programmatic addition of sub-menu hierarchy onto kicker panel?,
Stephen Dowdy
- Three questions,
Roberth Sjonøy
- boot up,
michael tucker
- 3.5.5-7 update: KDE crashes with old ~/.kde3.5, Sebastian Kemper
- Kwrite: whole route in the window's title?, David
- inserting table into konsole,
- konsole and taskbar grouping, Ron Gorodetzky
- KMix Sound Issues...,
Timothy Klaver
- closing applications on exit,
- konqueror default profile, pol
- What can I do with cda file ?, Manoel Couder
- panel,
Yakov Lerner
- system logging facility in kde4?, pol
- Suspend without asking for password,
Dotan Cohen
- New small user manual for gimp newbies made :-), Niels Larsen
- Kscreensaver animation freezes,
- Translate Gnome startup script to KDE, Dotan Cohen
- in su, get repeatedly messages: Launched ok, pid = 6867,
David Harel
- KDE, SVN, KDevelop and Quanta,
Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby
- Bad fonts in GTK applications in Kubuntu 6.10,
Basil Fowler
- more users in the same x-session,
- Floppy not recognized and CD wrongly identified by media:/, Joerg Stadermann
- slow script execution in konqueror,
- Right click and eject zip disk,
- extreme Lag when editing text box in Konqueror,
Florian Lindner
- Block functions keys, Dario Hernan
- How to tell konqueror to cache files locally before executing external programs?,
Ph. Marek
- irkick blocks keyboard,
Florian Lindner
- Extracting a passge from a long sound file,
Basil Fowler
- Konqueror crashs when using embedded audio, Florian Lindner
- jqwp kde-announce, Whitleyv Armandok
- kmail, multiple accounts...identity option useless?,
- opening linked files,
- Kmail - 'read' messages won't stay 'read',
- stage6, ajtiM
- Multiseat configuration,
Mike Diehl
- konqueror and $USER, Sebastian Reitenbach
- kpowersave suspend-to-ram does not work,
- Keyboard focus on window close,
Roy Mac
- kweatherservoce background,
Rick Miles
- three different power managers, pol
- knetwork & wireless network,
Luca Ferrari
- exportfs: filesystem has none-inet addr,
- Flash when windows in other desktops demand attention?,
- Mouse and Keyboard settings not loading, Hans van der Merwe
- funding konqueror improvements - the XMLHttpRequest issue, pol
- Outlook to csv to Kontact,
- Loosing config, Hans van der Merwe
- Kmail - Templates,
- kde-request@xxxxxxx unsubscribe massimiliano.bellomo@xxxxxxxxxx, Massimiliano Bellomo
- Kooka - Future Plans,
- knetworkmanager and wireless networks, fluca1978
- kmail slows when typing,
- "Unable to update alarm in KOrganizer", pol
- Issues opening some pages with Konqueror,
Robert Spangler
- Problem with amarok, kmix on startup,
John Pierce
- Turning off the blend on BII, Larry Colen
- Getting HiRISE to work; JavaWS app,
James Richard Tyrer
- How can I take screen shots of individual windows,
Nigel Henry
- interacting with Konqueror's dialogs, Tomasz Chmielewski
- Configuring window title bars,
Larry Colen
- Re: Build error: "/bin/sh: line 12: `..': not a valid identifier", Yang
- KDE 3.5.5 slows down my computer!,
Sorin Schwimmer
- Network sound problem,
Basil Fowler
- Kicker always in background? (on desktoplevel?), Daniel Mescheder
- taskbar in konq?, pol
- Build error: "/bin/sh: line 12: `..': not a valid identifier", Yang
- KIPI Plugins' HTML Gallery, Boyan Tabakov
- smb kio and Vista,
Hans van der Merwe
- k3b measuring dir size across nfs, pol
- KDE and GTK apps,
Firas Kraiem
- Multiple key bindings, is it possible?,
John Pierce
- Question about email threading,
Bob Stia
- kdesu: store password for ALL applications?,
- How to autostart applications on login?,
- Use and set beagle in KDE, David
- Using KAddressBook with Thunderbird,
Dotan Cohen
- DDC/CI applet for KDE, Wolfgang Frisch
- An intresting page for konqueror,
- Re: (again) Is it possible that Konqueror auto refreshes files and folders?, David
- Kwalletmanager Issues,
- Keep 0.4.0 still has the hourly backup bug, kitts
- kio_media issues, Chris Hoy Poy
- Problems with kdm login, Daniel Gassen
- NFS locks up the desktop,
- [KDE] FWD: [K3b-user] Issues Burning Data DVDs using K3b],
- What about the "Suspend" and "Hibernate" buttons?, David
- Is it possible to hide backup files (*~) in Konqueror?,
- How to deactivate previews in Konqueror?,
- Kword and openoffice.org-writer use differnt odf-files?,
- Is it possible that Konqueror auto refreshes files and folders?,
David García
- Fix the look of gtk applications run as root, David García
- How to send KHotKeys actions to Kwin?,
Chusslove Illich
- cannot select arts,
Jonathan Horne
- kio_man customization (css),
Wolfgang Frisch
- Set Path for Run Command,
Tim Johnson
- Can't setup shortcuts for applications in K Menu (FC6+kde-redhat),
Marcelo Magno T. Sales
- kftpgrabber progress bar?,
Tim Johnson
- Odd Language settings,
Bogus Zaba
- could not connect to sdp server, adrian790
- how to disable media notifier,
- Re: Install gtk2 fails, Malcolm Fitzgerald
- Disappearing WIN key,
David Corbin
- Bad looking fonts on Fedora 7 and latest KDE Branch 3.5,
Steven P. Ulrick
- KWin and tabbed windows - Revolution possible ?,
Alexey Eremenko
- Download a PDF 3 times,
Florian Lindner
- Problem with startkde ~/.kde/env/*.sh and environment sanitizing,
Stephen Dowdy
- konq icons and file names,
- Kmail not starting,
Dag Ringdal
- Unwanted Konqueror behaviour with file name extensions,
Never you mind
- digikam, Hans van der Merwe
- hot to sort to-do's by completion date ?,
Jose Borreguero
- disable kwallet for kmail,
- Sound problem,
Kev Gilbert
- Possible to bind KDE applications to a certain IP address?,
Peter Pfannenschmid
- QT programs (including whole KDE) with lines in several widgets,
Constantin Velásquez Guerino
- GTK apps in KDE,
Olivier Hallot
- smb://,
Hans van der Merwe
- Issue with kfmclient,
Olivier Hallot
- konqueror crash,
- Migrating my KMail to a new machine.,
Tim Johnson
- fingerprint reader,
- where is the applications list for kde playground?,
Liang Qi
- Browsing problem,
joseph sintim-amoah
- Kmail filter to remove off topic stuff from mailing list,
Nigel Henry
- Possible to reconfigure desktop so icons are on-screen?, Leonard Sitongia
- French as an option doesn't show in KDM,
Nigel Henry
- How to display keyboard layouts on screen, Nigel Henry
- Problems with KDE 3.5 (Kubuntu 6.10) with X terminals,
Basil Fowler
- Which packages are in each of the main KDE packages,
Nigel Henry
- network profiles, Andy Harrison
- Stopping an application from being started at KDE-login,
Johannes Kastl
- Screen resolution,
Dotan Cohen
- Problem with Kubuntu,
- KDE desktop - "Start Here"?,
Felix Karpfen
- Help What does this mean? Suse 9.1 problem with GRUB/, JACKIE AINSWORTH
- Office Problem, Anthony_Stubbs
- Re: [Kbabel] Why does mail.kde.org relays SPAM messages., Stephan Kulow
- Nessus Plugin Feed, Nessus Registration
- Spelling problem in KNode, Gordon
- invoke vimdiff from konqueror,
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
- Taskbar and system tray,
- desktop effects,
Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby
- konqueror: copying files in sequence,
- showing 'events' in calendar, pol
- Scripting for Kmail, Dotan Cohen
- Konqueror - MathML,
T E Schmitz
- Strange KNode scrollwheel behaviour, RW
- Adobe (Acrobat) Reader & clipboard graphics,
Ryo Furue
- Command line launch vs .desktop launch,
Sorin Schwimmer
- Root folder listings in Konqueror file manager in Kubuntu 6.10,
Basil Fowler
- konqueror and umask,
- Problems with KNetworkManager and Airport, Axel
- Mounting CD ROM,
Israel Goitom
- automounting IPOD,
David Corbin
- Accelerator Keys,
Robert Morrison
- Kopete: Disable "user is online" message,
Florian Lindner
- KDE thrashing again,
- several taskbars, pol
- KDE and multihead - how to move a window from one monitor to another?,
Tomasz Chmielewski
- KDE TFTP utility, John
- Using kxkb in combination with ~/.xmodmap, Erlend Hamberg
- Drag'n'Drop target, David Corbin
- Setting specific window behavior, Florian Lindner
- Help when,
- Konqueror: change to linked directory?, Robert Morrison
- Programming for KDE 4 in KDE 3,
Dotan Cohen
- Kaffeine and screensaver,
Florian Lindner
- emacs key bindings,
Larry Colen
- app to turn off wlan/wifi,
- Specify a font for konsole,
Derek Fountain
- dbus problem, selinux?,
Matthew Woehlke
- KMail with multiple identities,
Kevin B. O'Brien
- Using dcop from crontab,
- Where are the logs (Desktop(?) Problem),
Thierry de Coulon
- this annoys me no end,
Rick Miles
- kpovmodeler+textur, Marek Franke
- kicker menu and sticky windows,
Wu-Kung Sun
- klipper regexp,
- Login fails but afert ok it works, Ralf Prengel
- Default konqueror text color,
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