Fedora Linux General Discussion
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Anyone successful build a homebrewed kernel on F32,
Internet tip,
New Laptop - Graphics Card choices - suggestions?,
LVM, list home -,
Bob Goodwin
VPN connection (XAUTH/IKEv1) does not work, Bogdan Vatulya
Re: [EXT] Linux USB monitor? Or an HDMI Splitter - looking for options for a second external monitor,
Taylor, Tim
Linux USB monitor? Or an HDMI Splitter - looking for options for a second external monitor,
bootable live system ??,
linux -- ide question,
Installing another DE.,
Christopher Marlow
problem setting the PATH variable.,
Angelo Moreschini
F31+dovecot issue,
marco stocchi
Swift IM client?,
Robert Moskowitz
domain/url -- sort of offtopic!,
HandleLidSwitch issue.,
Erik P. Olsen
OT: delaying postfix until/unless VPN is up/connected,
Ranjan Maitra
VM layout -- thoughts/comments?, bruce
/usr/ permissions ??,
Jabber client for Fedora30,
Robert Moskowitz
selinux/ssh -- basic question,
Login screen related,
Is an encrypted Fedora Live CD possible?,
Earl Terwilliger via users
What is package Fedora-release and Fedora-release common ?, David
F31: recommended best way to send postfix traffic through Cisco's AnyConnect VPN,
Ranjan Maitra
pushing local CA on several fedora machines, Frederic Muller
nvidia and zoom problem?,
George Avrunin
a personal "user" report - Xfce, David
System Cloning,
Robert McBroom via users
resize an lv,
François Patte
Re: Teo En Ming's Linux From Scratch (LFS) 20200302-systemd Bootable Live CD/DVD Kernel Panic,
Patrick O'Callaghan
Message not available
I need directions/help on how to use curl with gmail smtp and OAuth2,
ToddAndMargo via users
Xfce Rawhide related,
missing from sudoers file after update,
Ranjan Maitra
New blog on speeding up container image builds using Buildah and dnf., Daniel Walsh
Which repo an rpm is from,
Neal Becker
Microphone embedded on headphones not recognized,
Paul Smith
Dnf skipped -,
Bob Goodwin
OT?? : Xscreensaver: Is it me??,
rescue mode needs rescuing!,
home user
centos 8 mock built rpm was unexplained dep in /usr/bin/python,
Barry Scott
GRUB2 removing args "quiet" "rhgb" - grubby doesn't work,
Philip Rhoades
problem with gimp while attempting to upgrade from f30 to f31,
François Patte
Reasons for staying on a old version ( Re: Prepping for upgrade),
Christopher Marlow
Fedora Mate accessibility, Devin Prater via users
DNF Not Resolving Kernel Package,
Jamie Fargen
prep. for upgrade.,
home user
detect bluetooth mouse connecting?, Tom Horsley
Clone fedora 31 on new computer,
Robert McBroom via users
What is SLOF?,
ToddAndMargo via users
Mouse controls for Fedora,
Robert G (Doc) Savage via users
Where is browser to be executed on open URL configured,
Geoffrey Leach
f31 : wifi dev not present but driver is loaded,
Adrian Sevcenco
network went boom, fix found,
Tom Horsley
Patrick Dupre
I just want to say hi :),
Łukasz Piekarski
selinux.... again,
François Patte
No /dev/video,
Frank Elsner
Printing through a Wifi repeater on a LAN printer using CUPS,
Frederic Muller
sqlite3: error while loading shared libraries: /lib64/libc++.so: file too short,
Philip Rhoades
Primary and Secondary Display,
Michael J. Baars
any sysAdmins here??,
/tmp full and konsole not releasing the space,
Walter Cazzola
Looking for doc on kernel crash dump handling.,
George R Goffe via users
TPM control,
Whenow via users
gnome bluetooth?,
Tom Horsley
open double quote on top of next character,
home user
knotes, kaddressbook, korganizer,
Walter Cazzola
Shutdown not working on Fedora 31 with XFCE, Meikel
F31 in Virtual box no shared folders available,
Peter Boy
Weird dnf problem... Fixed, but weird., Michael H. Warfield
Last kernel update 5.5.5,
Mate panel: false error report, Beartooth
Password trouble,
f31,kde :: dolphin autostarting without being requested,
Adrian Sevcenco
rkhunter after dnf update, Dario Lesca
workspace switcher : minor feature request,
F30: dnf, yum, mock,
John Pilkington
nvidia and kernel 5.5,
Simon Colston
Using Steam with Fedora,
Patrick O'Callaghan
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