PHP Users
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- Re: Intentionally generate an "Internal Server Error", (continued)
- Unanticipated characters returned from multidimensional array,
David Green
- using pg_query in a function not working,
Marc Fromm
- Sending a message,
wil prim
- You can play with PHP 5.4.0 alpha3 on Windows, EasyPHP 5.4 alpha3 is out!,
- control structure,
Chris Stinemetz
- saving sessions,
wil prim
- memory overflow :/, Tontonq Tontonq
- Complex (or not so) array data form submission?,
Jamie Krasnoo
- NuSOAP, Kanishka
- When is gettimeofday() or microtime() unavailable?, Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema
- Form Already Filled Out,
wil prim
Daevid Vincent
- Studying mcrypt,
Andre Polykanine
- Best editor?,
Matty Sarro
- $_POST value disappearing?,
Donovan Brooke
- put code into a function then the code dead,very strange.,
New version : EasyPHP 5.3.7 RC4 with PHP 5.3.7 RC4, EasyPHP
Keyword Constructor,
3.1.9 build of APC win 64,
Dan Baughman
What is valid for a named parameter in a prepared query using PDO_SQLSRV., Richard Quadling
Understanding deprecated features from 5.2 -> 5.3, robert mena
Phone numbers....,
Jason Pruim
Problem with header("Location:" )...,
Jason Pruim
Session treating,
Andre Polykanine
PHP runs but apache says its a faulting module every so often,
Dan Baughman
PHP 5.3.7RC4 Released for Testing, Ilia Alshanetsky
I can't execute pf commands,
Bulent Malik
Path question.,
Paul Halliday
PayPal IPN,
Jason Pruim
Membership site,
wil prim
pathinfo function,
Tim Streater
Tree menu list in php,
SimpleXMLElement, adding nodes that are SimpleXMLElement.,
Richard Quadling
Use of preg_replace,
Tim Streater
Three new versions of EasyPHP (WAMP package) with PHP 5.3.6, 5.3.7 RC3 and 5.4.0 alpha2,
Closing PHP tag best practice?,
Geoff Lane
Members area Login with permissions!,
RE: Members area Login with permissions!, Dajka Tamas
Escaping ',
Floyd Resler
File concurrent file access,
Florian Lemaitre
SOAP client and SSL version 3, Pawel Furtak
dependency check,
Andreas Moroder
PHP/Cairo-0.2.0 Build Bug, Thomas Dineen
How to install pecl_http into a web hosting service,
gato chalar
? simple solution for error resulting from upgrade to php5,
Dr Michael Daly
Re: ? simple solution for error resulting from upgrade to php5, Daniel Brown
default option,
Chris Stinemetz
How to sum monetary variables,
Martín Marqués
chained select with ajax,
Chris Stinemetz
A perfect example of tmesis. Was: Re: [PHP-DEV] deprecating ext/mysql, Richard Quadling
RE: is_null() and is_string() reversed when using in switch case statements... [SOLVED],
Daevid Vincent
is_null() and is_string() reversed when using in switch case statements...,
Daevid Vincent
problem with session_write_close,
Tamara Temple
Variable scope,
Karl DeSaulniers
PHP 5.3.7RC3 Released for Testing, Ilia Alshanetsky
IF stream lining,
Ron Piggott
Report generation as pdf and csv in php application for huge record set,
Midhun Girish
Your language sucks because...,
Daevid Vincent
Most popular word sorting,
Ron Piggott
What is a label?,
Tim Streater
str_replace around a character??,
Karl DeSaulniers
PHP control structure,
Chris Stinemetz
Mangling URLs for RewriteRule parsing, Daevid Vincent
Pear windows installation paths., Plamen Ivanov
A Question On Web Graphics,
Thomas Dineen
Serveside Printing w/ PHP,
Marc Guay
Re: Serveside Printing w/ PHP, Richard Quadling
Linking A C Program Example to PHP,
Thomas Dineen
using wget in shell for download(snort),
Negin Nickparsa
PEAR Mail $obj->send(),
Brian Smither
What type of PHP5 shall I install to learn PHP5 together with Apache, Please specify the Apache type too Since There are Two Apache types also,
Varuna Seneviratna
Re: Self-whitelisting (WAS: Top Posting),
Jim Giner
Constants in strings,
Dave Wilson
static variables inside static methods,
Дмитрий Степанов
XML array,
Installing PHP,
Jim Giner
VS.Php?, Murray By Moonlight
Kirk Bailey
Re: vend-bot?, Robert Cummings
Karl DeSaulniers
[ANNOUNCE] PHP 5.4.0 alpha 1 released, David Soria Parra
PHP 5.3.7RC2 Released for Testing, Ilia Alshanetsky
Reporting Tools, sudarshana sampath
I want to use POST when redirect via PHP Header function.,
Md Ashickur Rahman Noor
PDO_INFOMIX connection problem...,
Steve Staples
Time zones are spinning my brain,
Brian Dunning
ApiGen - a tool for generating source code documentation,
Ondřej Nešpor
Connection usign SSL with a JAVA Server, Mariano Cano
PHP 5.4.0alpha1 released,
David Soria Parra
best ways to recruit volunteers for a PHP framework,
jean-baptiste verrey
caching problem,
Fatih P.
header function odd behavior,
H Rao
help for memcached Segmentation fault,
PHP as CGI-CLI on FreeBSD/Apache22,
Grant Peel
Benchmark two functions against each other?,
Scott Baker
How to implement Authentication of UNIX users?,
With No Name
asynchronous launch of a script,
Tamara Temple
Php filter validate url,
Adam Tong
dropdown with two Sql query,
asp kiddy
Upgrade or Die?,
How PHP handles memory on exit, Brad Lorge
Re: [PHP-DB] Re: radio form submission,
Tamara Temple
Manipulate Request Headers after Redirect,
Louis Huppenbauer
Get all the keys from a hierarchical hash,
Scott Baker
php session_start dead lock,
Zaccone, Warren
Memory limit Problem,
Graham Drabble
help with an array if its possible!,
Adam Preece
Create a hierarchical hash from flat source,
Scott Baker
URL Rewriting,
Silvio Siefke
jQuery to PHP,
Ethan Rosenberg
this newsgroup and OE,
Jim Giner
newbie date time question,
David Nicholls
Re: newbie date time question, Shawn McKenzie
odbc_connect() without user and password, Marten Lehmann
Parent Limits?,
Brian Smither
【N級、 S級、AAA級 財布、バッグ!】【ブランド館】,
php 5.3.6,
Fatih P.
mysqlnd and LOAD DATA INFILE,
Marten Lehmann
Submit Using An Image Form Processing,
Ron Piggott
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